Yuri Berg - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Yuri Berg is a politician who since 2010 has been held by the post of governor of the Orenburg region, consists of the Party "United Russia". The political career of the man began with work in the administration of the city of Orsk, and today it serves the second term as the head of the region and is not going to change the direction of its activities.

Childhood and youth

Berg's childhood took place in the village of Scirring of the Perm Region, where he was born in 1953, in the family of civil servants. Mother Yuri - Zinaida Egorovna, in the Maiden Babakov. The woman married the Miscellaneous German and took his surname Berg. As the politician himself admitted in adulthood, despite the surname, he considers Russia to be Russia. And his father, dying, said: "Motherland here." By nationality, he is Russian with German roots.

In the Orenburg region, Yuri's parents moved in 1961. Orsk was chosen by chance, he today has an important industrial importance for the region and ranks second in the population in the region.

In 1969, Yuri graduated from a secondary school. Passing exams after 9 years of study, the young man has a better decision to enroll in the Astrakhan Sea School. Having received a diploma in the specialty "Maritime Appointment", the young man did not embody his dreams about the profession of a long-range sailor and until 1982 he studied at the Pedagogical university of the city of Orenburg.

Yuri Berg in youth

His third education in the specialty "economist-manager" Berg received in the Orenburg State University. Simultaneously with studying in his youth, a man managed to work, and until he graduated from the third professional educational institution, six jobs changed.

Career and politics

Yuri Aleksandrovich, whose biography today is inextricably linked with political activities, began his career with a position of a simple handyman in one of the trusts. There he worked from 21 years to release from the pedagogical university, after which he replaced the profession at the teacher in the secondary school of Orsk. For 9 years of work, a man showed good results, so in 1985 he joined the director of high school, where she worked for another 7 years.

Director of School Yuri Berg

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the salaries of Russians have greatly decreased, which forced most to forget their professions and plunge into business. Berg in this sense was no exception, so in 1997 he headed Orsk-Asko CJSC, and the next 2 years worked as the Director General of the TCOO "ORSK-SERVIS LTD".

In 1999, a man changes the place of work and leads the Novotroitsky Cement Plant until 2005. In the summer of 2005, Yuri Aleksandrovich came to OAO OJSC O Oskintersvyaz for the post of Deputy General Director for Regional Development.

Politician Yuri Berg.

The political career of Yuri Aleksandrovich begins with admission to the service in the Orsk administration, as Deputy Head. From 1992 to 1996, he is engaged in social issues, and after 3 years, a man is included in the reserve of personnel of federal executive authorities.

In 1997, Berg dedicated himself to work in the Fund for the Assistance Body of Orsk Tax Police. On this he decided not to stop and in 2005 he put forward his candidacy for the post of head of Orsk. Residents of the city supported a novice policy and helped to gain the largest percentage of votes.

Governor of the Orenburg region Yuri Berg

The Governor of the Orenburg region Yuri Berg was appointed President Vladimir Putin in 2010. In 2014, to run for the second service life, Berg filed to early resignation. This is the usual procedure without which the politician could not take part in the elections.

In addition to him, another 4 candidates were represented in the election, none of whom was a representative of the parliamentary party. Berg voted more than 80%, which in the numerical equivalent is about half a million people. Officially, a man joined the position of September 26, 2014.

Vladimir Putin and Yuri Berg

Throughout the Time of Manual, the area of ​​Berg showed good results, but without discontent, the citizens did not cost. The case that occurred in September 2017 caused a lot of hype. Then the Orenburg authorities planned to reduce the working day in kindergartens, which in the future should have entail a reduction in the number of employees.

Parents of preschoolers did not appreciate this forced measure, and in order to attract the attention of the authorities staged a rally and wrote a petition. Berg personally met with the protestering parents, or rather, with their initiative group. The conversation turned out to be tough, but the way out of the current situation was found in the abolition of optimization and introducing innovations into the work of kindergartens.

Personal life

As for personal life, the governor has long been married and dwells in a happy marriage with Love Fedorovna. The wife is involved in different fields: it leads the female movement of the city of Orsk, it takes a high position in the association of public organizations in East Orenburgia and participates in other social activities.

Yuri Berg and his wife love

There are two children in the bark family. Both have long matured and build their own careers. Senior Son of the Governor - Sergey Yuryevich, today its field of activity has several directions. The man holds the post of Director General of CJSC Silicate Plant, Deputy Director in the Construction Corporation, and also owns shares in several companies operating in the region.

Yuri Berg with family

Alexander Yuryevich, Junior Son Berg, is the owner and general director of the plant for the manufacture of roofing materials "Techisol". In addition to two sons, Yuri Alexandrovich has three grandchildren who do not forget to pay attention to.

Yuri Berg now

Like other Russian officials, Yuri Berg declares incomes every year. If, according to the results of 2016, the declarations indicated the amount of 3.7 million rubles, at the end of 2017 this figure decreased almost one and a half times - the governor earned a little more than 2.5 million rubles. Also owned by Yuri Aleksandrovich and now there are 2 residential buildings and an apartment with a total area of ​​770 sq.m.

Yuri Berg in 2018

Yuri Berg can not be called an active user of social networks. For example, in "Instagram" he has no personal account, a little photo from meetings and events is posted on the page in Vkontakte. As politician confused in interviews, photographs and other personal pictures, he does not want to demonstrate the public. And the latest news about the participation of the governor in official and festive events is published in his official blog that is regularly updated.

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