RA - History of the God of the Sun, appearance, in the image of the cat


Character History

RA - the leader of the nine of the main Heliopol deities settled in ancient Egypt. The God of Heavenly Luminous (the meaning of the word in the literal sense - the "sun") was distinguished by a good character, albeit angry. The rulers of the Egyptian lands assured that they are in relationship with him, so the right of power of the kings was considered irrefutable.

History of appearance

By the rule of the pharaohs of the Third Dynasty of the RA successfully replaced the position of the main on the sun and the whole living on the land of his predecessor - the god of the premandment of Atuma. Later, Egyptian rulers of the fifth dynasty (2504-2347 BC) turned faith in RA to state religion and even seemed by his sons.

God of the Sun Ra - Art

In other religious centers of Egypt, this God wore the second name - Amon. The old city of Iun (heliopol) became the heart of the cult of the deity. That the ancient Egyptians worshiped the god of the Sun of the Republic of Armenia, they testify the ritual papyrus, which are stored in the Berlin Museum. For their study at the end of the 19th century, Oscar background Lemma took. The deity also appears in religious collections, hymns, inscriptions on tombs.

Father RA - primitive chaos nun. The son turned out to be more powerful and ancient, so managed to get out of chaos. So significant event happened in the place where the city of Hermopol was formed. After the birth of Ra overwhelming the power of the darkness and lit a light from the lotus flower. However, other options for the origin of the solar deity compete with a beautiful legend, so the beginning of his biography is foggy. In one part of the myths, God hatched from a goose egg, and somewhere it says that Ra came from the east side in the guise of the beetle-scarab, who rolled up ahead of himself. Some legends say that God is worth a thanks for the land, which arose on Earth, he created it, appearing in the form of falcon.

Image of god Ra.

And the appearance of the RA is different. In the "fine" heritage, the deity appears the "fine" heritage of the Heritage, then in the image of a cat of incredible sizes, the same falcon, then a person with a bird or a ram, which is crowned with a sunny disk.

Egyptian RA heads the Heliopol Ennea of ​​the Deities. And all nine gods from this Pantheon are relatives. The son of Shu, personifying air, and the daughter of Teftun, who is responsible for moisture and heat. From this couple were born GEB (Earth) and Nut (Sky), who became the parents of Osiris (the ruler of the afterlife), Isides (Goddess of fertility), Seth (Lord of the Natural Elements) and the Nettide (the Goddess of the World of the Dead).

Daughter Ra - Teftun

The name of the RA is also the Sun God in Slavic mythology. The son of the Creator of the Universe Dozens of Millennium exported a roast shine on the chariot. Loving deity produced on the light of the Veles and Volyn, Horsa, Rada, Film and Doma.

RA in myths

The characteristic of this character in the ancient Egyptian myths causes sympathy. God is shown fair and kind; Even if it is angry, it quickly moves and tries to correct errors.

RA, creating peace, ruled by mankind as Pharaoh under the mysterious name. People enjoyed grace in those glorious times until the deity was aged. The bones became gold, and the mind apparently removed. Grandfather was able to deceive the History of Isis, having learned his second name. Since then, mankind has fought off his hands, having ceased to obey the Divine Will.

Goddess Isida

RA warmed up for people and decided to destroy the human race. With the help of other deities, the curse focused on them - sinking in their own blood. People devoured the goddess of the war Sekhmet in the appearance of the lioness. In the "Book of Heavenly Cow" found in one of the tombs, it was described that the God of the Sun would come to the night: he saved the surviving people, drinking red as blood with a barley beer. And himself on the back of the granddaughter of the Nut, which turned into a cow, left ungrateful two-legs in the flesh and blood on the sky.

In the heavens of Ra did not want to sit idle, and people became sorry. Therefore, the sunny God began to leave in the morning in Barka on the sky. By evening, I changed transport and went to the afterlife kingdom. There, every night of RA in the image of a yellow cat opposed the snake - a terrible mound, the breeding of chaos and the evil of the apota (in another version - Apophis). Demon Darkness was not thrown in the desire to permanently deprive people of the warm sun, but at the dawn of Ra invariably won the opponent.

Snake Apophis

After the triumph over the kite, the hour devoted to communication with the gods and souls of dead people living in the afterlife world. Good God handed them the right to land in return for obedience. Also, Ra chose several lucky people who have honored the honor in his company to ride across the sky in the daytime.

In the myths of Slavs with the god of the sun RA, he decided to compete in the beauty and grandeur of the daughter of Rada. The competition ended with the victory of the Father - he was the best in heaven. And the glad has become a recognized beautiful woman on earth.


In 1994, a film was released on the screens with elements of fiction "Stargate", director - Roland Emmerich. Here the ancient God, whose role to performed by Jay Davidson, appears as an alien creature, who captured the Earth. The enslaved people tolerated the oppression of the ruined Millennium, but once rebelled. Ra was departed on the deserted planet Abidos, however, in the 20th century, in the new abode, earthlings pressed with the scientific expedition. Ra died from a nuclear explosion, however, in the "star gates SG-1" (1997) rose and lit up in one of the series.

Jeffrey Rush in the image of God

The adventure picture on the topic of the mythology of ancient Egypt presented to the court to the audience Alex Pouas. In the film "The Gods of Egypt" (2016), the image of RA tried Jeffrey Rush.

Interesting Facts

  • The ancient Egyptians left 75 "magnificities" in honor of RA. These relics were found in the tombs of Rammins - the pharaohs of the 20th dynasty. The pyramids of small sizes on each side are decorated with a sunny boat and prayers to God over a bouncing man. Such little things ended with force to alleviate the dead man in the world.
  • In honor of the Divine of the Republic of Armenia, the current volcano on Io is the satellite of the planet Jupiter.
  • The Egyptian Sun God became the hero of two popular computer and role-playing games - Age of Mythology and Dungeons & Dragons. In the latter, a fictional world was created, where RA is led by a Mulhoranda Pantheon.
Traveler Tour Heyerdal
  • Archaeologist and traveler from Norway Tour Heyerdal gave "Divine" names to two boats - "RA" and "RA II". The first vessel was built from papyrus according to the drawings of ancient Egypt, but during the swim it was broken. "RA II" refined, and the researcher with a successful journey from Morocco to Barbados proved that the ancient navigators made transatlantic transitions - that is, the Egyptians could well travel to the new light. In the marine experiment, which happened in 1970, the Soviet doctor Yuri Senkevich participated.

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