Robin Taylor - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Robin Taylor is a talented American actor who became famous for bright roles in the pictures and TV shows "The Walking Dead", "Gotham", "Other Earth". In these projects, he really managed to hit the audience and critics an emotional plausible game. However, in the professional biography of the Liestchi there is still a lot of no less worthy work.

Childhood and youth

Robin Lord Taylor was born on June 4, 1978 in the town of Shuivill (which is in Iowa). Boy's parents - Mary Susan and Robert Harmon Taylor - brought up Son in Presbyterian traditions. Already in the school years, Robin was distinguished by artistry and was happy to participate in student performances. Soon the dream of the theater scene and the light of Sofita captured young Taylor. It is not surprising that immediately after school, the young man went to enter theatrical.

Actor Robin Taylor in youth

The choice of Robin Taylor fell on the North-West University, which was located near Chicago. After a long time, the young man became a bachelor of science in the theater sphere. It is noteworthy that Robin's university dormitory neighbor with another recognized talent - actor Billy Aikner.


For the first time, Taylor appeared on the screens in 2005 - the novice actor was invited to a popular detective "law and order." True, Robin's role was episodic, however, this work was important: she gave him the first experience of the game in front of the camera. In the same year, the guideries played in the short film "God's children of America".

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The young actor was noticed, and gradually the piggy bank of the Taylor filmmaker began to be replenished. In 2008, Robin appeared in the episode of the series "Life on Mars", and also played in a criminal comedy "Murder of the school president". Here he was lucky to cooperate with Bruce Willis, Misha Barton, Michael Ripport.

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Two years later, he was again invited to play in the episode of the "Law and Order". Also 2010 brought Robin Taylor role in the music melodrame of the director John Chu "step forward 3D." In this film, the music and dancing, romance and the story of the real friendship, as well as the brilliant acting game, were intertwined. Taylor's colleagues on the set of steel Rick Malambri, Alison Stone, Chairno Wisonus.

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In 2011, another noticeable work appeared in Robin filmography: the actor played in the fantastic drama "Other Earth". Spectators have to find out what secrets keep a new planet, open by astronomers. The picture received Forest responses of critics, and was also nominated for the "Saturn" and "Independent Spirit" premium. Here, together with Taylor, Brita Marling, William Mapoter, Kumar Pallanna played.

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2013 brought Robin role in the cult series Frank Darabontta "The Walking Dead". This fantastic drama transfers the inhabitants to the world faced with a zombie apocalypse. The group of people managed to survive, but, as it turned out, to survive in the changed conditions is not so easy. Robin Taylor played only in two episodes of the project, the main roles went to Andrew Lincoln, John Berntalu, Sarah Wayne Callis.

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A year later, the popularity of the actor came to a new level: Taylor was invited to the role of penguin (Oswald Chesterfield Koblpota) in the series Bruno Heller "Gotham". The storyline is based on the life of the characters of the misstant Comic DC Comics. According to the director, the series although it is a certain fantasy on the start of the start of Batman's path and his opponents, but is not associated with the DC Universe. In addition to Robin Taylor, Benjamin McKenzie became the stars of this project, Donal Log, Erin Richards, Corey Michael Smith.

Personal life

Details of the personal life of Robin Taylor prefers not to advertise, but does not hide what is gay.

Robin Taylor and his husband Richard Dibella

In one of the interview, the actor admitted that in his youth he met with a future husband - the director Richard (Dicks) by Diebell. Also, the celebrity shared that in the future does not exclude the possibility of adopting the child.

Robin Taylor now

Now the fans of Robin Taylor are waiting for the premiere of the "Long House" picture, which is scheduled for 2018. In this drama directed by James, Franco also played Josh Hutcherson, Zoe Levin, Tim Blake Nelson. It is known that the film's action returns viewers for several decades ago - into the atmosphere of the 1940s.

Robin Taylor in 2018

In addition, lovers of fictional universes are looking forward to new episodes of "Gotam" - the next season of the series is declared as final. In an interview, the actor admitted that he was pleased with his game and had already been cringe with the penguin, which was played for several years. At the same time, Taylor stressed that if he had a choice, it would embody another character of the Universe - Robin.

About the latest events of life and career Robin Taylor Fans can learn from the "Instagram" an actor, where he shares new photos and some details of the filming.


  • 2005 - "God's children of America"
  • 2008 - "Life on Mars"
  • 2008 - "Murder of the school president"
  • 2010 - "3D step forward"
  • 2011 - "Other Earth"
  • 2012 - "What would you do ..."
  • 2012 - "In sight"
  • 2013-2014 - "The Walking Dead"
  • 2014-2018 - "Gotham"
  • 2017 - "Long House"

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