Amidala Padme - character biography, appearance and character, quotes


Character History

Karaglasaya Beauty, whose share of the control of a whole planet, pays a huge will in himself. During a gentle lotus (the name of the heroine is translated), the Amidal Padme hides the calculating mind and cold smelting. Queen of the Planet Nabu, Skywalker's beloved, the mother of twins-oppositionists - the heroine has lived a bright and emotional life worthy of a real ruler.

History of creation

Since the release of the first part of Sagi George Lucas, the author of "Star Wars", tried to introduce whole female images into the plot. Feminists and director himself did not suit that almost all major roles in the film belongs to men. Pilots, maid and other secondary characters - women's images did not cause interest in the viewers.

Director George Lucas

The situation has changed in 1999, when a young queen of Amidal Poderri appeared in the plot. Fragile, but a decisive girl is a suitable type for saga, not losing the brightness even the princess more. The role of Queen Nabu got a young actress Natalie Portman:

"I was a little older Padme, and our views did not coincide. And then I almost got out: she was twenty-two, and I - nineteen. A rare chance - see and survive the development of your heroine, and along with it to grow up and yourself. "
Actress Natalie Portman

The biography of Young Padme Amidala George Lucas stretched over three films: "Episode I: Hidden Threat" (1999), "Episode II: Clone Attack" (2002) and "Episode III: Sitchov Revenge" (2005).

According to the plot, the queen Nabu periodically replaces the maid. The role of Double Padme performed actress Kira Knightley. Sophisticated makeup, the inspiration for which served as the makeup of the actors of Kabuki, made a similar appearance actress almost twins.

Image and nature

Padme was born in a mountain village, located in the distance from the central city of Planet Nabu. The girl's family did not differ in richness or special position in society. Padme spent most of the time with Soloi's sister.

Hairstyles Padme Amidala

At the age of 12, the girl first left his native village to visit the grandmother living in Tideo - the capital of the planet. City life captured the child, so Padme decided to move to the city. Already at such a young age, the girl was distinguished from peers perseverance and purposefulness.

Political career Padme began quickly and dizzy. Not yet reached 13 years old, the girl occupies the post of the Government of Tiy, and at 14 heroin receives the title of Queen Nabu and as a throne name adds to his own word "Amidala".

Costumes Padme Amidala

The responsibilities of the crowned person went on the shoulders of the young girl with heavy load. Padme not only takes important solutions for the planet, but also takes time at the receptions for which it goes into heavy and uncomfortable costumes. To hide your own appearance, the amidal makes a complex makeup. A similar measure is not at all tribute to fashion, but the way to secure the queen. So no one knows how it really looks like Padme. In addition, the girl is accompanied by a twin - the maid named Sabe.

The calm reign of Amidala continues not long. Soon the conflict arises, in which the Queen of Nabu is opposed by the trading federation. The tense situation develops into a war, and, having enjoyed the help of the Jedi, Padme leaves the native planet.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

During escape to the queen's ship attack. Padme, Obi-Van Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jin landed on the planet Tatooin. Helps wanderers with the fact of the vessel, the boy named Anakin Skywalker. Padme produces an indelible impression on the young mechanics.

The queen still manages to get to the Senate, on which the girl says, quotes from which do not like local politicians. Amidala leaves the Council and without achieving help for Nabu. But the character of the queen does not allow to surrender. Padme enters into a profitable agreement with the race of Gunganov and the assault frees the native planet.

After 10 years, Padme Amidala continues to move along a career ladder. The Queen of Nabu receives a new appointment - now a purposeful girl takes the place of the senator in the Council, decisive by the fate of the Galaxy.

Senator Palpatine

High position and bold statements make Padme dangerous for Senator Palpatine. Hunting again begins on the heroine. A bold girl appeals for help to the Jedi, and in the bodyguards to the heroine prescribe old acquaintances - Obi-Van Kenobi and matured Anakin.

Young people spend a lot of time alone. A small difference between the age and similar views on life bring the padme and Skywalker. Dangerous situations are promoted by the development of the novel: an attempt is committed to Amidal, Anakin teachers are held in captivity.

During the battle for freedom of Obi-Van, young people are captured. Waiting for death, the girl is solved for the next risky step: Padme is recognized as a young Jedi in love. The beginning of the clone war is departed for a young senator to the background, all overshadow feelings.

Frame from the film

Fortunately, the battle with the count of Duku ends with the victory of Skywalker and Amidala. Soon, young people secretly bind the life of marriage life. Girl happy. Now, next to the heroine, a favorite man who will protect her from enemies. Even the appearance of the senator is changing: strict official dresses are replaced by light romantic outfits, and a complex hairstyle is inferior to delicate curls.

Lovers continue to hide the marriage from others, so spend a lot of time. Padme performs the responsibilities of the Senator at the Council, and Anakin comprehends the Jedi science and travels with a teacher in the Galaxy. The news of pregnancy has become a happy and disturbing news for Amidala. The girl is glad to replenish in the family, but is afraid that he will lose a political career.

Padme Amidala and Anakin Skywalker

Hiding his own position, Padme continues to maintain opposition activities against Senator Palpatine. The girl feels guilty, because Amidale is known that the spouse is located to Tirana. Realizing that the republic is not to save that the era of tyranny is coming, the heroine returns to his relative planet in order to become a mother in a relaxed setting.

The news about the transition of her husband on the dark side found the padme by surprise. The girl noticed changes in her husband, but did not think that Anakin was able to create evil. Without having believes Obi-Vana, the heroine goes to Skywoke, to personally make sure that heard. But the long-awaited meeting turns out to be a shocking event for Padme. Favorite no longer like himself, now Darth Vader is worth the girl.

Death of Padme Amidala

With difficulty avoiding death, Amidala goes to the hospital. The late term of pregnancy and stress that heroine experienced from sad news, brought birth. In the hospital, Padme gives birth to twins, but the joyful news is not interested in the girl. Queen Nabu, Council Senator and Jedi's wife no longer sees the meaning of life. In 27 years, a young and purposeful heroine no longer wants to fight for the future. Padme Amidala prefers a quiet death to further existence without a loved one.

Interesting Facts

  • Padme older Anakina for 4 years. The girl was born in 46 to the battle of Javin, and the Jedi in 42 years (the presentation in the Galaxy is in reverse order). At the time of dating Queen turned 14 years old, the future Darth Vaderu - 10.
  • Inaction of the hairstyles of Padme is the interpretation of traditional styling, which made married women of Mongolia and Tibet. In ancient times, such hair structures symbolized cow horns.
Padme Amidala
  • Queen costumes are equipped with a special symbol - a kind of print, denoting the status of a person. Attentive viewers will notice a symbol on all dresses of the padme that the girl puts on in three parts of the film.


"Freedom is so dying - under the thunder of the applause." "I am not afraid of death. I died every day before meeting with you. "Mentors always indicate our shortcomings. It is necessary for our growth. "" This war is characteristic of the reluctance to hear. "" I was not chosen to observe how my people suffer and die, whereas you talk about the Committee on the invasion of endless meetings! "

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