Heather Lockless - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Heather Lockliere is a popular American actress, shot in the TV series "Ti Jay Hucker", "Dynasty", 6 times nominated for the Golden Globe. Received the unofficial title of sex symbol and the "Hollywood's main bitch of the 90s".

Childhood and youth

Heather Dean biography began on September 25, 1961. The girl was born in Westwood, California. Her parents of William Robert and Diana Locklir were already three children by the time.

Heather Lockliere and her mother Diana Lockliere

The father of the future television star was led by an office on a device for the work of graduates of the Los Angeles University. Mother's work was Disney's studio - a woman worked as an administrative assistant. Heather's primary education received in Newbury Park School.

Parents of the future star were religious people, and therefore adhered to the houses of strict discipline and talked to children to work. Therefore, the career actress was not and speech. Moreover, the little girl was going to become a pilot.

Heather Lockliere in youth

The child Heather was far from ideal - uneven teeth, problem skin and excessive thinness became the causes of ridicule from classmates.

After school, the girl entered the University of California. Possessing a bright appearance, she worked in parallel with the model in advertising. But since Lokliere dreamed of the scene, he went to castings and at the age of 18 began a career actress, playing in several episodes.


The audience sympathies of Heather got along with the role in the soap opera "Dynasty". 1981 became successful for a beginner actress. Assessing the game Localr in this series, Producer Aaron Spelling decided to continue cooperation and suggested a girl to play in his next multiserry film "Ti Jay Huccher".

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The career of the artist began very successfully, but in 1989, the film "The Return of Bolotnaya Creature" was released - for the role of Abigail in this film, she received the Anti-Prame "Golden Raspberry" for the worst female role.

In 1993, Heather rehabilitated in the eyes of cinema lovers, while playing Amanda Woodward in the mile opera "Melroz Place", the producer of which was also Aaron Spelling. This role was so successful, and the film itself liked the audience so much that shooting was lasting for another 6 seasons.

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For the embodiment on the screen, Amanda Locklir 4 years in a row were nominated for the Golden Globe. She never received a prize for this role, but the Non-Profit Organization "The First Americans in Art" awarded her victory in the nomination "Best Actress TV Serial". The role of the next steroid lady Keitlin Moore in the comedy Sitkom "Spin-City" was also played brilliantly - the actress received 2 more nominations for the Golden Globe.

In filmography Loklair, there are not only telepostects, but also full-length films, for example, "the money decide everything." Shooting in this picture was walking in parallel with the work in the series, but an attempt to reach the big screen was not crowned with success. In the early 2000s, the next breakthrough in the career did not happen. After the release of the "dynasty" and "Melroz Place" for Heather, the title of "the main branches of Hollywood 90s" was entrenched, and she turned out to be the hostage of this image.

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Interestingly, it was this actress that was to play the role of Susan Dolphino in an incredibly popular TV series "Desperate Housewives". Participation in it could be the second birth of the actress, which was considered the queen of the series. But she refused to producers. The reason for this failure is not known. In any case, it is from this that the Black Stripe began in the Lockless career.

In 2004, a woman decided to change the role of activities and tried his strength in the produce. The attempt was unsuccessful - the Teedram "Los Angeles International Airport" closed on the 13th series. After that, the stars' career fails finally faded. Now Lokliere occasionally removed in separate series of TV shows as a guest star.

Personal life

Heather Lockliere was not just a star of the series "Dynasty" - she was considered a sex symbol of the 90s. With an increase in 165 cm its weight was 56 kg. Numerous fans followed her personal life - Tom Cruise, Scott Bayo, was listed among the boyfriends. The actress came married several times. The first spouse Localur was the drummer of the Mötley Crüe group Tommy Lee - the love story lasted 8 years. Married in May 1986 a couple divorced in August 1993.

Heather Lockliere and Tommy Lee

The woman was not long for the same time on December 17, 1994 registered a marriage with Richie Samberatov, a famous guitarist of Bon Jovi Group. In 1997, the pair was born daughter Eva Elizabeth. The girl wants to go in the footsteps of his famous mother and already at the age of 12 began a career model, performing at the show of the collection of clothes of his father Richie Sambor.

As for marriage, in 2006, the Localr representative made a statement about the intention of the pair to terminate the marriage. Officially, the family broke up in 2005 - without waiting for a divorce, Locking husband began to meet with the close friend of Deniz Richards.

Heather Lockliere and Richie Sumbor

In April 2007, the actress began to meet with Jack Wagner. The star of the series "Melroz Place" took place the engagement in 2011, but in February next year they broke up - the cause was the hobby of Heather Alcohol and Drugs.

The problems with the dependence of Loclary laid the beginning of failures in the career. After the 2000s, she attracted the attention of the press only with problems in personal life and unsuccessful photos without makeup from police plots. The actress several times hit the hospital due to the overdose of alcohol and drugs.

Heather Lockless without makeup

In March 2008, she tried to commit suicide, and relatives insisted on treatment in a psychiatric clinic, where she spent 4 weeks. Another accident, almost ended tragically, occurred in January 2012, when Heather decided to drink a medicine alcohol.

Heather Lockliere now

The latest information about the former sex symbol is such - she is trying to preserve youth with the help of plastics, actively leads its "instagram" and continues to use prohibited drugs and alcohol, scandalite with their boyfriends.

Heather Lockliere and Chris Haysser

In February 2018, the actress was arrested for attacking his boyfriend Chris Hisser. The woman inflicted the victim multiple bodily injuries. According to the fault of Heather, he almost lost his nose. The police appealed to the brother actress, who independently did not manage to separate a couple of couple. The cause of the conflict is jealousy.

Heather Loklir in 2018

The policemen also became victims of the explosive leakage of Lockliere - she pounced on three sheriff's helpers who arrested a rowdy. She spent the night in prison and went on bail at $ 20 thousand.


  • 1979 - "Tales-surprise"
  • 1981-1989 - "Dynasty"
  • 1982-1983 - "Cascaders"
  • 1982-1986 - "Ti Jay Hooker"
  • 1984 - "I inflame the look"
  • 1991 - "Dynasty: Reconciliation"
  • 1993-1999 - "Melroz Place"
  • 1995 - "Justice of the Texas"
  • 1996 - "Club of the first wives"
  • 2002 - "Clinic"
  • 2004-2005 - "Los Angeles International Airport"
  • 2007 - "Hanna Montana"
  • 2009-2010 - "Melroz Place"
  • 2012-2013 - "Beauties in Cleveland"
  • 2013 - "Franklin and Bash"
  • 2016 - "Too close to the house"

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