Balysh Kibalchish - character biography, history, quotes, actor


Character History

Balysh Kibalchish, who sacrificed his sake of salvation of many lives, a vivid example of the thesis that courage is not a sign of an adult. Child, whose childhood passed under whistle bullets, is not afraid to openly laugh at the enemy. After all, the Red Army is already there, and the Bourgeois power has no chance to win.

History of creation

In April 1933, the subscribers of the Pioneration Pravda newspaper for the first time read an unusual name - Balysh Kibalchish. So called the hero The author of the story of Arkady Gaidar. "The fairy tale of military secret, boy-kibalchish and his solid word" caused a storm of enthusiasm from the younger generation. Two years later, a small story became part of another work - "Military Mystery".

Arkady Gaidar

It is curious that the year of writing a fairy tale does not coincide with the year of the release of the newspaper. The personal diaries of Gaidar confirm that the image of the boy Kibalchish was born in the head of the writer back in 1931 and in a fairly unusual place:

"Khabarovsk. August 20, 1931. Psychoryball. For your life, I was in the hospitals once, probably eight or ten - and yet it is the only time that this is a Khabarovsk, the most sore hospitals - I will remember without disturbance, because there will be an unexpectedly written by the story about the "boyish-kibalchish" .

The story of the boy's courage, despite the obvious propaganda of a patriotic image, was distributed and became one of the literary monuments of Soviet times. Fierce disputes are underway, there is a real prototype Kibalchish or Gaidai described in the work of a non-existent character.

Nikolay Kibalchich

The highest distribution received the version that the image and the name of the hero of the story received due to Volodya Kibalchic. Allegedly Arkady Gaidar was friends with the revolutionary Victor Kibalchich and spent a lot of time with his son's son. But the confirmation of the version was not found.

No less supporters received the theory that the name and some features of the character a character borrowed from Nikolai Kibalchic - a disgusting involved in the murder of Alexander the Second. However, such speculations also do not have a scientific basis.

Military Secret Tale

In a small village, a boy named Balchis was born near the Black Mountains. The child at an early age got the nickname Kibalchish. The boy grew under the supervision of his father and her older brother, the mother of the child, apparently he had died long ago.

Illustration for story

The childhood of the boy accounted for the time of the Civil War, so the child's memories are mainly associated with battles and battles. After the completion of hostilities, the father and elder brother Kibalchish were busy household. The child enjoyed games with peers.

Everything changed the arrival of the Officer of the Red Army. An unfamiliar man said that the battles began near the village. Alas, the forces of the Red Army team is not enough to defeat the enemy. Then the father of the boy took a weapon and went on the heroes. Kibalchish stayed at home with the elder brother.

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A day later, the familiar red Armyman appeared again on the threshold. The man told the residents of the village that the battle continues, but the forces of the officers of the Red Army are still not enough. The older brother of the boy went to the rescue of his father and the Red Army teams. The boy remained alone, waiting for news from loved ones.

Next night, the officer knocked back to the boy Kibalchish window. The hero said that the Red Army is on the approach, but their detachment is broken and no one to protect the boundaries. A bold boy went out and urged friends and peers to go to the rescue of the Red Army.

Young residents of the village responded to help responded. The boys gathered a voluntary detachment and went on battle. Alas in the heat of the battle, Balchis-Kibalchish did not notice that the faithfulness of the Red Army is not stored. The boy's bad, who lived next door to the young hero, made treason - the teenager was set in ammunition. This allowed the bourgeois to capture young Kibalchish.

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To find out the military secrets of the enemy, representatives of the White Movement staged a cruel interrogation boy. Kibalchish was tortured, but the patriot did not give up military mystery. The young hero was openly recognized that the Red Army is strong and is better supplied, but did not spoke about the secret moves and strategies of the Red Army.

Impressed by courage and dedication of a rustic child, bourgeois retreated. The Red Army won another battle. But long torture, which was subjected to Kibalchish, did not leave the child a chance. The boy buried near the native house near the blue river. The child's feat was known to all residents of an immense country:

"Steamboats swim - hello to the boy! Polls fly - hello boy! Run locomotives - hello boy! And pioneers will be held - Salute Boyshu! "


In 1958, the studio "Soyuzmultfilm" launched the production of the hand drawn cartoon film "Fairy Tale of Bolchish-Kibalchish". The cartoon does not retreat from the story of the same name. The voicing of the main character entrusted the actress Valentine Speranste.

Sergey Tikhonov in the role of Malisis-Kibalchish

In 1964, the Full-length film "Tale of Balishe Kibalchish" came to the screens. For 3 months, movie castors spent 3 months in the tourist tents near the city of Sudak, where the shooting was held. The role of the boy Kibalchish went to Sergey Ostapenko, and the image of the main antagonist embodied Sergey Tikhonov.

Interesting Facts

  • The monument to the young hero is located at the main entrance to the Moscow Palace of Pioneers. The author of the masterpiece - V.K. Frolov and VS Cubasov.
Monument to Cybalchish
  • At the time of the events described, the boy turned 8 years old.
  • Quotes from the screening of the story became covered expressions. But the replicas of the boy's bad rigid received great popularity.
  • The name "Balysh-Kibalchish" became nominal. The same name was variety of chrysanthemums, a museum and a cafe, decorated with a photo from the movie.


Hey, you, boys, boyish-kids! Or we, boys, only in sticks to play yes to jump rope to jump? And when you are neither attacked, you will not be victory. I don't know more than you, bourgeois, I will not say anything, but you yourself, damned, and not guess the input.

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