Andrei Kovalev - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Andrei Kovaleva is called a wagon, a person whose activity does not fit the fracture frameworks and patterns. He is the author and artist songs, a successful radio and TV presenter, frontman of the Pilgrim Group. And also - organizer of rock festivals, producer, entrepreneur, public figure and member of the United Russia party.

Childhood and youth

The versatile development and scatter of the interests of Andrei Kovalev becomes clear after acquaintance with his biography. Music talents from a Muscovite, which appeared in the summer of 1957, from Mom, the opera singer, who was released on the lard of the Bolshoi Theater. And the tenacious and practical mind got from the Father, a military person who retired in the rank of colonel.

Businessman and musician Andrei Kovev

The boy had a rumor at 4 years old, which immediately noted mom. The woman did not hesitate - Soon, the son performed simple works on the piano. For the development of Andrei talent, he was taken to a music school, where he was engaged in 4 hours a day. Soon the son pleased the parents, playing on the violin, cello and double bass.

After graduating from a music school, the teenager aimed at entering the school at the Moscow Conservatory. But the dad-military, such addictions seemed to be "non-Muhno", and he made his "lept" - bought the son of a motorcycle. The calculation turned out to be correct: having received a school certificate, the guy entered the road university.

Andrey Kovalev

However, the creative veil again reminded himself: Kovalev became interested in sculpture. Yes, so that I threw the institute and became a student of the Stroganovsky Art School.

While studying Andrei Kovalev again switched to music. Earlier, having mastered the bass guitar, gathered like-minded personnel and created a musical group. Soon she was called Pilgrim.


Of course, the 1980s - distracted Andrei Kovalev from creativity. It was necessary to look for a lesson who brought income to put on his feet. The young man plunged into the world of business. Under the curtain of the 1980s founded the firm for the manufacture of furniture. Soon Kovalev became the Deputy Head of the Forest Department, then there was a place for him in the Ministry of Antimonopoly Policy.

The stormy 1990s became a harsh test for state-owned enterprises that were closed in the capital hundreds. Andrei Kovalev did not touch the muddy waves of economic chaos and found the use of closing plants. He reconstructed the enterprise and created the business centers on their base.

Entrepreneur Andrei Kovelev

In the summer of 2007, a successful businessman acquired the first macaroni company that was not worried about the best times. It contains 3 unprofitable factories - in the capital, St. Petersburg and Smolensk. The purchase cost Andrei Kovalev at $ 55 million.

By making a profitable factory, the entrepreneur sold them to Italian businessmen, switting attention to other industries. In 2008, the mild hands of Kovalev, who never forgetting about the main love - music, a media holding 1rock appeared. It consisted of a satellite television channel, a radio station, the main direction of which was rock, magazine and rock club, which were called the Holding. The little "rock empire" existed until 2010.

Andrei Kovelev in the Forbes list

In 2011, Forbes magazine amounted to a list of Russia's largest ribbean, in which the company of Moscow businessman has been away. Andrei Kovalev managed to earn a fortune of $ 55 million, leasing real estate objects.

Two years later, Kovalev shared in an interview that she had gone to "clean creativity": composes poems to which songs appear. Business affairs began his ex-spouse.


Andrei Kovalev really did not really forget about music. In early 2005, he, remembering his student years, founded the Rock group, which gave the same name - "Pilgrim". The repertoire of the musician songs in the genre of Hevi Metal, the theme of compositions is patriotic motifs and lyrical ballads.

Frontman and musician Kovalev Group attracts to cooperation stars of show business, and not only domestic. For the filming of the video clips on the Rock Ballad "Road Motors" in Moscow, Pamela Anderson arrived in Moscow. The star played the bride of the oligarch, which he stole from under the crown biker. Andrei Kovalev took this role.

The team "Pilgrim" starred in an extreme picture of the Hollywood star Dolph Lundgrena, which came out under the name "Dangerous Gastro", and recorded the soundtrack.

Andrei Kovev, Pamela Anderson and Pilgrim Group

Rock Group cooperates with foreign rocker colleagues. In the second album "Pilgrim", called "no choice", there was a joint composition recorded by a Russian team and a quartet of cello from Finland "Apocalyptic". A spectacular clip appeared on the song.

In the spring of 2010, the frontman presented the fans album "7.62", "Coding" in the title of the caliber of small arms. After 6 months, music lovers, the faithful fans of Pilgrim, received a new gift - the dual album "March".

In 2011, Andrei Kovalev recorded a lyrical solo album, calling him "my woman." The presentation of the album was held in April 2012 at the stage of the Metropolitan Estrada Theater, and in October of the same year, the singer and composer noted the anniversary on this scene - the 10th anniversary of creative activity. Katya Lel, Diana Gurtskaya, Reflex, Irakli, Alena Sviridov, participated in the show.

Today, the musician remains faithful to creativity and gives fans of 3-5 new compositions annually. From 2011 to 2015, the audience saw clips on the music TV channels for the songs of Andrei Kovalev, in which the stars of show business shone.

Aleksey Panin and Vladimir Gestouchin starred in the video on the track "Road", and Anastasia Panin appeared on the video on the song "Airports". Later a video appeared on Kovalev's hits, in which Agat Minky, Elena Corikova, Olesya Sudzilovskaya and Nastasya Samburskaya.

Andrei Kovalev showed himself as a radio and TV presenter. And he is author 4 poses of poems. The last title "Only love can save" came out in the spring of 2017. The poet and the musician works over the 5th book.

Andrei Kovalev and Critics. With crushing articles on his work and the Pilgrim group, Viktor Shenderovich, who reproached the musician and his team in the vulgarity and indulgence of the tastes of the "public-fools" tastes. The special fury of Shenderovich caused Cermaker Kovalev to the revolutionary hit of Viktor Tsoi "Change".

Personal life

A wealthy and talented artist does not have a lack of female attention. In the first marriage with a girl named Tatiana in 1990, daughter Julia was born. And although Andrei Kovalev married, being far from the young man - in 30 years, marriage for unknown reasons collapsed.

Andrei Kovalev with his wife

The man did not stay alone, and soon met love - the Odessa beauty Maria Bulgakov, which is much younger. In 2014, Masha gave her husband to Nikita's son, but not in a hurry to register the marriage.

Andrei Kovaleva's desire to become the official guardian of the son of Anna Kalashnikova caused rumors and speculation. There were those who explained this desire by paternity of the musician.

Andrey Kovalev and Anna Kalashnikova

But the friends of Kovalev and Kalashnikova argue that Andrei is a godfather of the boy, so he does not want a skeleton to grow without parent.

Andrei Kovalev now

In the spring of 2018, it became known that the composer and singer acquired the estate of Grebnevo in the Moscow region. The complex, founded in the XVI century and the honored in the XVIII-XIX centuries, has historical and architectural value. Once he was the residence of the princes of Trubetsky, Bibik and Golitsy

Andrey Kovalev and Grebnevo Manor

The private investor and the authorities of the Moscow region announced their intention to restore the estate, to organize a private museum here, to hold festivals at its base.

Singer is a frequent guest in broadcasting and TV projects. In March 2018, he became a guest of the Word for Word's show on the World TV channel, where the extrasens of Fatima Hadueva, actor Vitaly Abdulov, Singer and Composer, Vitaly Abdulov, Singer and Composer Django, model Emilia Vishnevskaya.

Kovalev is active in social networks. He has a personal site and pages in "Instagram", "Facebook" and "Twitter".

Discography (solo)

  • 2004 - "Salt, Tequila ..."
  • 2005 - "Sky Xin"
  • 2007 - "Nine months"
  • 2007 - "Loda and Flame"
  • 2007 - "Man and woman"
  • 2008 - "Author's Song"
  • 2008 - "The best songs of Andrei Kovaleva"
  • 2008 - "Romance"
  • 2012 - "My Woman"
  • 2013 - "Ocean Your Eye"
  • 2013 - "Revolvers and Dolls"
  • 2014 - "Songs about love"
  • 2014 - "March"

Discography (as part of "Pilgrim")

  • 2007 - "Slava of Russia"
  • 2008 - "No choice"
  • 2008 - "Concert in the rain" (DVD)
  • 2009 - "Triz $"
  • 2010 - "7.62"
  • 2010 - "March"
  • 2015 - "Kill Dragon"

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