Konstantin Zarutsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Autoboker 2021



Konstantin Zarutsky is a real name of a popular autobegera, published on the network under the Nick ACADEMEG. His video about the alteration of old cars is watching millions of subscribers. He himself calls his work by autocritics.

It seems that in the popular brands of cars, the blogger sees only flaws and disadvantages, but "this does not mean that cars are bad ... just they seem like."

Childhood and youth

Zarutsky was born in Leningrad on December 21, 1982. By nationality he is Russian.

Konstantin is the only child in the family. His mother and father were simple workers, so their income was small. The boy was dressed in simple clothes and did not count on material assistance from his parents. Passionate fascination with equipment and cars, his father and grandfather brought him in childhood.

After receiving secondary education, the young man could not decide what to do next: behind the shoulders of the Zarutsky three unfinished higher educational institutions. In his youth, he also managed to try himself in different professions, from the loader to the builder. I did not want to go to the army in the army, and in an interview, the blogger admitted that he stole his personal part of the military registration and enlistment office to avoid calling.

Personal life

About his personal life academic does not like to speak. It is known that he has a girl Maria. Couple is found for a long time, so fans sometimes mention it as a civil wife. It helps the lover in shooting a video, working as an operator. On plans for further life, lovers prefer not to spread. Whether they plan to get married, it is unknown, they still have no children yet.

Zarutsky is characterized by a thin body: with a height of 182 cm its weight is about 65 kg. How much he gets for his creativity, does not say a blogger. However, journalists calculated that its earnings should be at least $ 3.5 thousand monthly, not counting sponsorship money. The figure is designed based on open information - the total number of views on YouTube and the rates of the connected affiliate program.


The first channel on Youtube Zarutsky opened in 2010, but he introduced the current topics only in 2013. Debut edition - video review of the car "Opel Fronter" - quickly scored a significant number of views. Incremental car enthusiasts, going to buy a car, received useful tips from it, and experienced auto mechanics experts noted the literacy of Constantine's reasoning and his talent of the lead. He had to mount the first editions on his own, but then he invited a specialist to his team.

Zarutsky decided that with the help of a new project would show people how to make the car better. His works demonstrate how to correct the shortcomings and bring the degree of comfort of cars to the level of popular luxury brands. On the Web, such a genre was nicknamed by car rump.

Academeg also lays out test drives of machines of different costs, starting with KAMAZ and ending with Renault Duster. The description on the Youtyub-Channel says: "On this channel you will not see the enclosures in front of manufacturers and politically correct speeches, I also do not worship cars, in view of this, I look at them from top to bottom and see all their flaws and disadvantages."

Popularity to Zarutsky came in 2015, when he launched a new Pontorezka project. This is a kind of video professional about how the Range Rover minimum configuration is transformed into a chic car. ACADEMEG projects are also known, where he makes a dream car from "Oka", and "cheap", where test drives are published inexpensive cars.

The blogger has a second channel in which it leaves autothematics to construction. There, Konstantin lay out the rollers about how his house is being erected. He also has a cheerful account in "Instagram", where a man publishes photos from filming and traveling, and ironic page in Twitter.

Fans appreciate the blogger's rollers for fascinating flow, clear speech, an abundance of useful and entertaining information. His video Zarutsky for the convenience of users often lays out in two versions - long and short. Sometimes he removes releases with invited guests, for example, in his rollers often flashes the actor Alexander Gereznikov.

Some of the work is direct broadcasts from the repair point or test drive. Favorite appeal to subscribers - "dickery", and the blogger calls himself a lizard. That he invests in these nicknames and why chose them, Konstantin does not explain.

As for its own car, the video unit drives on the Land Rover SVR. His man bought on credit, in receipt of which subscribers from Tinkoff Bank helped. Later it was the cause of an unpleasant situation.

In 2017, the name of Zarutsky sounded in the videos of the blog "Nemagagi". Before this, Oleg Tinkov in the media accused Russian youtube-bloggers in unprincipledness and sales, which outdressed the Internet audience. Leading "Nemagia" Alexey Pskovitin and Mikhail Pechersky released a satirical video about the banker, in a tight form going on his reputation and the facts of biography.

Zarutsky, they accused that he bought a car not on credit, but he received in return for loyal reports and advertising support - "Walked". The result was the initiation of the scandalous leading criminal case under the article "slander", which was initiated by Tinkov, and the video was blocked by the decision of the Kemerovo Court.

In 2015, Academeg decided to make a fleet from Vladivostok to St. Petersburg by car purchased in 90 thousand rubles. On the day of the Airborne Forces, he found himself in Cheboksary, where he was attacked by a drunk company. Five men in the vests thrown onto the car, broke the glass and a side mirror. Blogger immediately left the city, canceling all the events in which before that was going to participate.

In 2018, Zarutsky presented his audience a new invention - an improved Soviet truck ZIL-130. The creation of the Soviet Auto industry was equipped with a 4,4-liter engine BMW X5M Turbo with a capacity of 500 liters. with., automatic transmission, new suspension and steering wheel. Modified transport was able to accelerate up to 100 km / h in 5.5 s.

To demonstrate all the power and speed of the truck, the autoboker arranged races with sports cars. As a result, ZIL-130 came second. But the defeat is not at all bitter - from the leader the car fell behind everything on a halfway.

In plans to Zarutsky sell its invention to the same car enthusiast. The reason is the inability to contain a large number of cars. At its disposal 11 cars, among which both personal and projects.

At academician has contradictory relationships with another autobahn, Davidych. Men have repeatedly criticized each other's activities. Konstantin openly suggests that he does not watch the video colleague on the workshop, as he disgustingly drives the car.

Konstantin Zarutsky now

Now the blogger lives in St. Petersburg, where he removes the apartment. He is engaged in creativity and the development of all his projects. He has a small business - the sale of their own Mercha.

In 2019, the blogger was again surprised by the audience and became the hero of the global media. This time he created "ultrantank" - Bentley Continental on a caterpillar. The idea to join the luxury sports car and the tank came to him after he visited the T-60 steering wheel. Work on the project took 7 months. Costs amounted to 6 million rubles.

In February 2020, Zarutsky fell into the book of Records of Russia with his "Ultrakan". The pumped car was able to accelerate to 125 km / h in the harsh conditions of Baikal and pass the distance in 1 mile. Next year, the autocritik plans to improve its invention even more and put a new record.


  • 2015 - "Pontoresis"
  • 2015 - "Okay"
  • 2016 - "Antigelik"
  • 2017 - "Walking ZIL-130"
  • 2018 - "Disabled"
  • 2018 - "Bentley"
  • 2019 - "Elektrovolga"
  • 2020 - "Ultrantank"

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