Eugene Bushhar - biography, photo, personal life, news, instagram 2021



Eugene Bushar is brought upon by the attention of the press and fans. Tennis player found a place among the most popular representatives of this sport in social networks. In the "Instagram" account and on the pages of the gloss periodically appear hot photos of beauties. Meanwhile, in the sports ranking, the girl since 2014 does not fall even in the top 100, besides, she does not like to shake his hands before the match, believing that this is an insincere step.

Childhood and youth

Eugene and her sister Beatrice were born in Montreal in February 1994 in the family of Banker Michel Bushara. Mother Julie Lekler was engaged in children - except for the twins, parents brought up the daughter of Charlotte, the son of William and 2 more boys, whose names are unknown.

Eugene Bushhar in childhood

Before you go to the luxury private school for girls in Westmar, Bushar learned to play tennis. The first Eugene tournament played in 8 years. The fact that the girl is talent, it turned out in a year when the 9-year-old tennis player beat 12-year-old rivals to get to the competition in France.

Then the Canada met British athlete Laura Robson. On the recommendation of her mother moved to Florida to engage in the Academy of Lauderdale, from the American expert Nick Saviano, the coach of the former first racket of the world Sloan Stevens.

Eugene Bushhar in his youth

Father at this time to support the daughter, founded the company and attracted investors in exchange for 10% of future income, provided that Ezheni will come to a professional level.

Subsequently, Monsieur Bushar tried to get tax breaks, finding that the tool invested in his career is a business investment. But the court did not agree with him, besides, the girl at that time was a minor, by virtue of which did not give consent to the order of its income. In 15 years, Ezhena returned to Montreal, to the National Training Center Tennis Canada.


The motivator of the development of the sports biography of Ezhena believes Roger Federer, his beloved player. When Bushar won the Junior Tournament of the Grand Slam, the famous tennis player asked the champion rating. Canada boasted nothing - the girl then flew in the third hundred, to which Roger replied that he himself was in such a situation when she won on Wimbledon.

Eugene Bushar and Angelica Kerber

In 2013, the athlete rose immediately at 86 positions and took the 114 string in the world table of ranks, and the victory in British courts brought Eugene 58 place. The legendary tennis player Martin Navratilov called Bushhar "potential champion of a big hat."

Open USA-2013 Championship, Ezhheniy with Angelica Cerber, and not trouble that he ended with the defeat of the Canadian. After all, it was only the second tournament of the Grand Slam in the career. The first - Roland Garros, on the courts of which the promotion of Bushar on the grid was blocked by Maria Sharapova. Following the athlete stopped in a pair of steps from the victory in the Quebec Cup and went out in the Toray Pan Pacific Open finals in Japan. Women's Tennis Association rewarded the efforts of the Girl's Newcomer Prize.

Eugene Bushhar and Maria Sharapova

The semi-finals of Australian Open in 2014, in which Eugene lost to the future winner - whether China was on, became the conductor for her in the 20 best tennis players of the planet. In the same year, Bushar fisted his name in the history of world tennis, becoming the first Canadian who made his way into the final of the Large Helmet series. It happened in the Wimbledon tournament.

Before the decisive meeting with Parra Kvitova Eugeni defeated Simon Khalep and Andrea Petkovich. Having lighted in the final, Bushar nevertheless rose to 8th place in the WTA rating. Slightly earlier on the ground courts of the Nürnberger Versicherungscup athlete won the first title of Association.

Eugene Bushhar and Simon Halep

By the end of 2015, the tennis player kicked up to 48 lines, the victims of the defeat in the open championships of Australia and France and starring from the US Open. Next season, she recorded the victory in Hobart InternatiNal, the final of the tournament in Malaysia, the title of the best tennis players of Canada and returned to the coach of the Soviano, with whom he broke up in 2014.

2017 Bushar called the worst in his career. The girl lost tournaments in Acapulco, Indian Wells, Miami, starred from several championships either did not go further than 2-3 circles. In Madrid, after the victory of Ezhenia, I still shook the hand of Maria Sharapova, which I previously called a deceiver due to the fact that the Russian woman confessed to the use of doping. At the end of the season, Bushar again changed the coach.

Personal life

By how Eugene's personal life develops, followed by her "Twitter". So the fans learned that with a student named John Gurka she met at the audience podium, watching the game in American football. The athlete helped the guy a date when he was wrong in predicting the results of the match.

Eugene Bushhar and Jordan Karon

Later in personal accounts, Buschar published several joint pictures, but the novel did not hold on and year. About the reasons of the gap with the boyfriend of Ezhena did not tell, only called a young man cute.

Subsequently, Paparazzi received information that the heart of the tennis players won the hockey player of Jordan Karon. But this time, Ezhenia avoids to devote fans in the details, the NHL player was calculated on a tattoo and similar to Bushhar photographs in social networks.

In 2014, the girl said that Justin Bieber attracted her from all men. A popular performer at that time experienced not the most pleasant moments, not once became the object of condemnation for a rampant lifestyle and drug use. Bushar even played with a compatriot during training at the Indian Wells Masters tournament in March 2015, where Justin's feed was praised.

Eugene Bushar today

In 2018, Eugene Bushhar won litigation with the American tennis federation. The athlete accused USTA in negligence in the preparation of office space at the US Open Championship. The girl slipped and fell, got a concussion of the brain and starred from the tournament. Subsequently, it was forced to miss competitions in China and Japan. By court decision, the organizers paid 75% of the required compensation.

Eugene Bushhar in 2018

Canadian refused to participate in ITF competitions held in France due to health problems, as a result of which its rating dropped to 167 positions. Bushar starred with Roland Garros, which led to the departure from the top 200. At Wimbledon-2018, the tennis player first had to go through the qualifications and stop in 2 times.

At Ladies Championship GSTaad in Switzerland, the athlete did not complete the semifinal due to injury, although Veronica Kuddmetov and Victoria Golubich had previously passed well.

Eugene Bushhar in a swimsuit

In July of the same year, Eugene once again delivered the aesthetic pleasure of Follovers, presenting pictures from a frank photo shoot for a sports weekly Sports Illustrated. Blonde with 178 cm Parameters Growth and 61 kg Weight did not give anything to professional models. According to tennis players, she began to act in such angles not so long ago, at first he felt squeezed, but eventually learned to relax. In addition, loved ones approved this hobby.

Earlier, Ezhenie lit up in commercials for Rogers Cup, together with Serena Williams and Victoria Azarenko.


  • 2011 - Winner of the Youth Tournament in Wimbledon in the Pair Discredition
  • 2012 - Winner of the Junior Tournament in Wimbledon in Single and Paired Discredition
  • 2012 - the winner of the Dothan Pro Classic in the doubled discharge
  • 2013 - "Newbie of the Year WTA"
  • 2013, 2014 - The Bobbie Rosenfeld Award
  • 2014 - Winner Nürnberger Versicherungscup
  • 2013, 2015, 2015, 2016 - Best Tennis player Canada

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