Bumbaras - character biography, image and character, quotes, main characters


Character History

The main character of the Soviet musical film. Former soldiers of the First World War, who did not have place left in her old life. Entered into the ranks of the Red Army after a collision with bandits. The author, in whose works, Bumbarash appears for the first time, - Arkady Gaidar.

History of creation

The film scenario was created on the basis of early works of the Soviet Children's Writer and Military Correspondent Arcadia Gaidar. In the scenario, a number of works were connected, including the incomplete story "Talisman", as well as a series of Gaidar's stories about Levka Demchenko, who were printed in newspapers. The author of the scenario was the writer and playwright Evgeny Mitko.

Arkady Gaidar

Musical film, songs to it are written by Bard and composer Julia Kim. Kim was a member of the dissident movement, had problems with the authorities and because of this, the titers mention under the pseudonym "Y. Mikhailov. " Valery Zolotukhin himself sings most of the songs in the film - performer.

The film was filmed in Kanev. In the 70s of the twentieth century, a reservoir of the HPP was built in this city, at that time not yet filled with water. The future of the "bottom" of the reservoir was the perfect film crew - empty dilapidated houses, unbarrible expanses and a disgusting and sad atmosphere. No extraneous details could get into the frame.

Bumbarash flies on a balloon

The initial episode where the boombaras flies in a balloon, removed with a lifting crane. It was attached to the basket in which the actor was sitting. Something in the film is not docked with historical reality. For example, a maneuver locomotive, which flashes in the ribbon, could not be in those times. This model of locomotives began to be released only in 1935.

Bumbarash is the surname of the main character, which in the story of Gaidar is called Semen. In the film, however, to the hero, all the characters, including close people, appeal "Bumbaras" or even "bumbarashka", so it seems that it seems that it is a nickname.

Semen Bumbarash

The story "Talisman", where for the first time the character Bumbaras appeared, and remained unfinished. Arkady Gaidar left the job by writing only two chapters. It is assumed that the reason for this was the entrance to the story "She walked soldiers from the front" Valentina Kataeva. The works have a similar idea and plot, and Gaidar decided that there is no sense to work on the tale on. Instead, the writer took up the story "The Fate of the Drummer". For the first time, the incomplete "Talisman" was published in the collection about the life and work of Gaidar for 1951.


The events of the film occur during the Civil War. Bumbarash - Private, who participated in the First World War and captured to the Austrians, and now returns home to his native village. The hero captured after the balloon went to intelligence. Flight scene on a bowl opens a movie.


In the village, however, no one is waiting for the hero - fellow villagers thought Bumbaras died. Even the favorite Girl Vary, who married Gavril, the local leader of the self-defense squad. This detachment is close to the gangsters, and the power in the district is unstable and constantly changing - then the redarmeys come, then the White Guards, then green.

Bumbaras have a buddy Yashka, who offers a hero to join red, but the hero has no hunt to fight again. Do not think more about the war, Bumbarash is hiding on a haymaker with his own brother.


There, the time of Yashka near the house of Gavrila explodes the bomb, it causes panic. Cooking demands that the boombaras left, otherwise the hero can catch. Gavrille semi-triton detachment took off her overcoat from someone, and Varya gives this chinel boombara.

The hero goes to wander on the forests and meets the Red Army. This Red Armyman changes with the hero of chinelles and in the pocket of the boombaraschoe overhang finds a brush that belonged to the killed commissioner. Red Armyman suspects the killer - Bumbaras, and the hero lead to the headquarters of red to figure out there.

However, the boombaras run away from the red and stumps into the forest on the robbery gang, which is headed by Atamysha Sophia, and he sees Gavril, a climbing husband.


Bumbaras runs away from them, and on the road hides on the mill. Here the hero is not lucky, because the owner of the mill is associated with the bandits. It turns out that the buddler Bumbarash Yashka escaped from the village and now locked in the cellar at the master of the mill. Bandits kill yashka, and Bumbaras swear to revenge on them.

Later, the hero meets in the forest of another stray - Levka Demchenko. Correcting, the heroes decide to lure the gangsters on the mill and there to raise on them red. The operation passes successfully, the reds destroy the gang, but it turns out that it is not a sofya's slaughter, but some other gang.

Levka Demchenko

Together with the new friend, Bumbaras enters into the ranks of the Red Army and goes to the front, before that he wrapped in the village for a while to talk to Varai. At the front, the squad of Bumbaras turns out to be destroyed by White Guards. Slits only the hero, and it is sent from the front line with the package.

In the forest, Bumbarash kills the guard, who had to convey some important news in the headquarters. Successfully avoiding a meeting with the squad of the White Guards, the boombaras faces redarmers, and they take the hero in custody again. Together with the hero, the red detachment comes to the native village of Bumbaras.

Frame from the film

Meanwhile, one of the gangsters of Sofia by order of Atamani poisons a rustic well. However, the Red Army teams see it and pretend to be drunk water and zalengeli. Ataman Sophia, hoping to catch a red squad not in the best shape, at dawn goes with a whip in the attack, but the gangsters give a stern back. Shaka turns out to be broken, and Gavril is trying to escape from the village, grabbing with him.

Bumbarash chases Gavrille and overtakes that in the sandy career. Gabril kills cook, after which the Bumbarash shoots in Gabril. Red Army women in the meantime surround the quarry.


The Soviet film "Bumbarash" came out in 1971 at the Kiev film studio named after Alexander Dovzhenko. The tape consists of two episodes with a total duration of 127 minutes. Two director worked on the film - Nikolai Raceev and Abram Naroditsky. The role of Bumbaras fulfilled the actor Valery Zolotukhin.

Full Valery Zolotukhin

The actor is known for the film "Night Watch" (2004) and "Day Watch" (2005), where the father's father played, a vampire that the butcher works. Also Zolukhin starred in the series "Master and Margarita" (2005) Vladimir Bortko, where he performed the role of Nicanra Ivanovich Bosoy, Chairman of the residential department.


"- Hey, who is there? To throw a grenade, what? - Bretch, you feel everything. - And I say, grenade. "" What do you read? "-" Capital " "Capital" Karl Marx. Pictures and tables I miss. And in the proletarian essence, I am wrong. "- Comrade Commander, not veneered outsiders." Since when is it an extraneous criminal for the Tribunal? "" I am His Excellency Colonel Corn in an ingenus word calls a phenomenon. In the morning a glass of vodka gives. In you, says, Streams, the gift of God dwells. "" - Stop! I have a package. There is no particularly important importance from Chubatov. - From Chubatov? "The Red Commander. Live, Bumbarashka, and remember us in the happy future of world communism. "" What is this bumper? "- I'm a boombara." Write, dovetone. Day 12, October, 1916. Nizhny Chin Bumbaras accepted heroic death. For faith, king and fatherland. With the ... balloon. "

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