Steffi Graph - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Instagram 2021



Steffi Count - World Star of Tennis, has had the status of the first racket of the world for 10 years. For 2018, the German athlete turned out to be the only one who managed to win the Golden Big Helmet award on 4 types of coverage, become a seven-time world champion, to get all kinds of medals at the Olympic Games and entertain your name in the list of the best tennis players.

Childhood and youth

Stifia Maria Graf was born in the German town of Bruhl in the family of a housewife and the seller of used cars. The girl was born on July 14, 1969. The father of the baby was fond of boxing and football, and in mature years he received the qualification of the tennis coach. This decided the fate of his daughter. At 3 years old, the stuffy went to the court and began to take the first steps to conquer world peaks. At first, the father motivated the stuffed biscuits for every 25 sheltered feed and ice cream for 50 blows on the ball.

Steffi Count in childhood

The count laid great hopes on the pupil. Stuffania was engaged in sports school, and parents believed in her success. At 9 years old, she walked at the coach of the German national team, which praised the training of a young athlete and propheted her place among the 3 strongest tennis players in Europe. The girl's father planned to make an absolute winner from it.

At the age of 12, she became a world champion among schoolchildren, and in 13 Stifia, the second in the list of the most young professional tennis players for the development of this sport was found.

Steffi Graph in Youth

At the age of 14, an athlete left for correspondence training and sent all the forces on improving tennis. It was admitted to competitions for adult players and in 18 years old won the leadership among professional tennis players.

The graph demonstrated aesthetic and at the same time a rigid player of the game. Over time, from an unavalious teenager with brackets on the teeth, she turned into an attractive girl, whose work on the court was nice to observe.


In 1986, Stifia Graph beat the tennis player for the first time, which was not equal. The girl burst victory from Martina Navratilova. Already in 1987, the count became the winner of 7 tennis tournaments in a row. She won in 45 meetings with rivals and found the title of the most young winner of the Roland Garros tournament. In the same year, the girl became a world champion, but good luck turned away from her Wimbledon tournament.

Martina Navratilova and Steffi Count

Until 1990, the Graph was solely held tennis Olympus. Then, Monica Seles and Gabriela Sabatini joined the old rival Martin Navratilova. The confrontation became more difficult. Until 2008, Stifania retained a record for the championship in the global classification. The girl was also at the peak of the tennis rating for 377 weeks, which was the best indicator among women and men for a long time.

1989 marked the beginning of regular competitions Steffi Count and Monica Cell. Tennis player from Yugoslavia amounted to a serious competition of talented German and managed to go around the rival several times. In 1993, Seleshest was attacked by an unbalanced Fan Count. Having received a serious psychological trauma, the girl did not continue the development of the career.

Monica Seleshest and Shteffi Graf

The 90s brought problems with headfange health. Not knew defeats on the court, in 1996 the girl was considered the most promising tennis player from among those sent to the Olympics in Atlant. But the triumph of the count prevented the injury. Training were stopped, and the effects of damage repeatedly affected the tennis court and in everyday life.

The triumph was increasingly replaced. As a result of the examination, doctors were diagnosed in the count of problems with joints. The athlete also suffered from serious pain in the back. Stuffani won the Roland Garros in 1999 and reached the final helmet in Wimbledon.

Steffi Graph on Tennis Court

In the last persistent athlete, I had to give way to the American tennis player Lindsay Delegen. A month after the Stopia competition, the Count finished his career. She changed priorities and left professional tennis.

Having finished with sports, Shtefhi ruled contracts with sports stamps "Adidas" and "Wilson", eliminating interaction with sponsors. She abandoned the coaching future, did not interview and participate in advertising. Turning this page of life, Stifia Graph devoted himself to new classes. In 2004, the athlete received a legitimate place in the international hall of tennis glory.

Personal life

The Biography of Stifania Count is so tightly connected with the sport that the girl did not pay any attention to his personal life. The press was heated rumors about the novel with tennis player Alexander Mronets. But the 20-year-old athlete was too passionate as a career. In 1992, the Count consisted of relations with the race car driver Michael Barters. Young people did not have time to see because of the tense schedules of training. Dates took place a couple of times a month in breaks between competitions and preparation for them.

Steffi Count and her husband Andre Agassi

In 1999, Stifia Graf met with the colleague Andre Agassi. His career in tennis is no less impressive than the chosen. Athletes met at one of the competition. Nobody perceived their union seriously, because Agasy was famous for shocking, and the graph is modesty. Meanwhile, the couple reported on the pregnancy of Stifania and played a wedding in Las Vegas in 2001. The firstborn Count and Agassi appeared in a few days, and in 2003, athletes were born daughter.

Spouses do not get tired of repeating how happy in marriage. In an interview with the husband, the Count describes the beloved with the most tender and flattering epithets.

Steffi Graf Now

Stifia Graph lives with his spouse and children in Las Vegas. Refusing at the sports career, she continues to attend exhibition tournaments as a guest and actively engaged in charity. Now interest for the former tennis player is art. Stuffania often happens at the exhibitions of impressionists, loves to listen to music and reads a lot.

Steffi Count in 2018

Another direction of the current activity of Shtefi is the support of Andre Agassi. She participates in the organization of charity competitions and speeches, and also helps to conduct business and implement the projects of the spouse.

Find the Account Steffi Count in the social network "Instagram" is not easy, but anyone can visit the community in Twitter, organized by fans of tennis players.

The growth of stuffy graph is 176 cm, and the weight is 64 kg.


  • 1987-1990, 1993, 1995, 1996 - World champion in tennis;
  • 1987, 1989, 1993, 1995, 1996 - Winner of the Tournament of the Women's Tennis Association;
  • 1987, 1988, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1999 - Winner of the Open Championship of France for tennis;
  • 1988 - Golden medalist of the Olympic Games in Seoul in a single discharge, bronze medalist in a paired discharge;
  • 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996 - Winner of the Wimbledon tournament;
  • 1988, 1989, 1993, 1995, 1996 - Winner of the US Open Tennis Championship;
  • 1988 - "Golden Great Helmet";
  • 1988, 1989, 1990, 1994 - the winner of the Australian Open Championship in tennis;
  • 1992 - Silver medalist of the Olympic Games in Barcelona in a single discharge;
  • 1993, 1994 - "non-classical" big helmet ".

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