Group "Forest" - Composition, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



The songs of this team enter the Golden Fund of the Russian Chanson, and the group itself firmly took its niche in the history of this genre as one of the first, which began to develop not in a separate "underground" direction, but went on stage. And the main merit belongs to the founder - the poet songwriter Mikhail Tanichu, filled with a repertoire with a special feeling, meaning and lyrics. For almost 30 years of creativity, "Forersov" won the recognition of not one generation of chanson lovers.

The history of creation and composition

The history of the group begins with the talented personality of the founder - the poet Mikhail Tanich, a man rich in a biography, difficult, but bright fate. At 19 years left the reclider to the front. He passed the war, for military merit awarded near orders. In 1945, Tanich entered the Architectural Faculty of Engineering and Construction Institute in Rostov-on-Don.

Poet-songwriter Mikhail Tanich

And in 1947, for one careless statement of the student was condemned for "anti-Soviet agitation." In the camp for political prisoners in the Ural Solikamsk Tanich spent 6 long years, working on the forestry. Mikhail Isaevich was released in 1953 after a great amnesty announced after Stalin's death. And the group "Forest" was established in 1992.

"Why is such a big gap?" - This question was often asked Tican journalists.

In fact, the camp memories will never long have gave Mikhail Isaevich for a long time. He wrote lungs, cheerful songs for stars of Soviet pop. But often at home, in the circle of loved ones, mentally returned to those terrible years, told about what he saw.

Mikhail Tanich and Lydia Kozlov

The wife of Lydia Kozlova (poetess, author of the lyrics of the "Iceberg", performed by A. Pugacheva) advised to express experiences through creativity - in verses, songs. On this tanish only waved his hand:

"Who needs it all?", "Understand, never miss ...".

The last statement was true: in the yard of the 70-80-E - the flourishing of Soviet power. However, for yourself, so to speak - "on the table", the poet wrote several poems. But then there was another problem - where to find a composer who could put music on these verses, it should be a certain genre, specifics. Then Lydia Nikolaevna advised her husband to work with Sergey Korjukov, the composer, with whom she had collaborated for a long time and fruitful.

Composer and vocalist Sergei Korjukov

Creative tandem took place: Korzhukov began to write songs in collaboration with Tanyan, and then execute. There was just a new time - the eve of the 90s: the ideology on the stage goes into the background, and in the air on the streets there is more and more crime. In this situation, in the early 1990s, Tanichly gather the team, calling it Emko and symbolic - "timber".

In addition to Sergey Korzhukov (vocals), Vladimir Soloviev (Accordion, Choreography), Igor Baharev (keys), Vladimir Putintsev (guitar), Veniamin Smirnov (choreography).

Vocalist Sergey Diki.

Subsequently, the team has repeatedly changed. For the first time - in 1994, after the death of Solist Sergei Korzhukov. Then the vocalists served Sergey Kurprik, Ruslan Kazantsev and Sergey Wild. The following substantial change of composition occurred at the beginning of zero.

Today, the soloist of the group - Stanislav Volkov, and since 2008 - after the death of Mikhail Isaevich Tanich, Lydia Kozlov became the artistic director of the group.


The first recorded songs "I will buy you a house" (the people are called "and the white swan on the pond"), "Commandment", "Three Tattooes", "First Girl", "Bird Market", "Korean", "Warm, Russia ! " Instantly became hits. Soon the clips appeared. The musicians began to find out, the first popularity came.

It is noteworthy that none of the participants in the group at the "places of remote". However, the musicians were able to subtly convey the mood of Tacaine lyrics, seasoned by Slang and other epithets of thieves romance. Although the songs of "Mascoval" have never been frankly "thorough". As the author himself said in an interview:

"" Summary "sings not about the camp, but about life on both sides of barbed wire. And those who ended up on the "wrong side", too, have a soul and feelings. "

In many ways, the success of the group is the merit of Solist Sergey Korzhukov, the former Feldscher, who else in his youth carried away with music, then graduated from a music school, began to sing in restaurants, write songs.

Each song "Mascoval" is a story, and Sergey lived this story on stage, putting the entire soul in the performance of the song. The audience could not not succumb to these emotions. At the concerts, even mothers cried, who were 25 years old were crying. The audience adored Korzhukov: they came up, thanked, asked for an autograph and photo.

Sergey Korjukov wrote music more than 60 songs of the group. He died at 35: fell out of the window of his own apartment on the 15th floor. The disputes are still going on, it was a suicide or an accident.

After the tragic death of Korzhukova, Tanic wanted to dissolve the group. Over the past period, three megapopular studio albums were released: "I will buy you a house" (1991), "When I come" (1992), "Vorovskaya law" (1993). On this Mikhail Isaevich wanted to put the point, he was firmly sure that Sergey was impossible to replace. But here letters have surrendered from all over the country and from abroad with a request to continue the work of "timber". And the word of the listener, as they say, the law.

The renewal of the work contributed to the fact that a suitable vocalist was found - Sergey Kurp. Back to the casting, his execution toned Tanich: the same penetration and sincerity in each line and every note. And externally similar to Korzhukova - the same type.

Under the curtain of 1994, the first concert of the revived "timber" after the semi-annual downtime took place. With the jetty "Forest" recorded 12 albums, not counting the collections and concert records. The loudests are "Queen Margo" (1996), "101th kilometer" (1998), "Bazaar - no" (2003).

Vocalist Sergey Kompa

Now music for the group is written by a number of invited composers: Alexander Fedorkov, Ruslan Gorobets, Igor Demarin, Arkady Ukupnik, etc. The group tours a lot - in Russia, Europe, America.

In 2008, the founder of the group Mikhail Tanich was passed away. The team remained without his ideologist, the author, father. The sharper of the other loss felt Sergey Kurik and immediately left the team, considering that the group without the songs of Tanich could not exist.

Vocalist Ruslan Kazantsev

However, the group survived again. The leadership of the team took over Lidia Mikhailovna, began to look for new performers. And for the repertoire, it was possible not to worry: the poet left behind over 100 poems, with which the musicians began to work. Two more albums released: "Look in my eyes" (2010) and "Freedom Flood" (2013). And in 2015, the group members went to the anniversary tour with the program "I forgive everyone!".

Group "Forest" now

The group's discography includes 21 album. And this is not the final figure. The team continues his story, remains famous and demanded by the chanson team.

In 2018, 95 years old since the birth of Mikhail Isaevich Tanich. And now Tour groups are dedicated to this date.

On the official website hanging poster, painted for months ahead: the team acts as solo and as part of the national concerts of Russian chanson stars. Fresh photos from speeches are available in the official "Instagram" -Profile.


  • 1991 - "I'll buy you a house"
  • 1992 - "When I come"
  • 1993 - "Vorovsky Law"
  • 1995 - "Amnesty"
  • 1996 - "Queen Margo"
  • 1998 - "101th kilometer"
  • 2000 - "Cormalizer"
  • 2001 - "Personal Date"
  • 2002 - "I am from there"
  • 2003 - "Bazaar No"
  • 2004 - "Freedom, damn!"
  • 2005 - "Vintorza"
  • 2006 - "Smile, Russia!"
  • 2007 - "Mom - Street"
  • 2008 - "Our Life"
  • 2010 - "Look in my eyes"
  • 2013 - "Freedom Flower"


  • "I'll buy you a house"
  • "Stolypinsky car"
  • "Mishan"
  • "Warm, Russia"
  • "Nightingale"
  • "Break"
  • "Queen Margo"
  • "Road to you"
  • "Black Raven"
  • "Wife Ment"
  • "Business plan"

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