Group "Aerosmith" - Composition, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Aerosmith Group - Legend, Rock Icon. Musicians on the stage for half a century, part of the fans are many times younger than their songs. Their creativity is marked by 4 Grammy, 10 MTV Video Music Award and the 4th in the entire history of the International Artist Award. In addition, Aerosmith is the leader among American teams both by the volume of albums - over 150 million and by the number of plates with "precious" gold and platinum statuses. Music TV channel VH1 included a group among 100 great musicians of all time.

History of the group and composition

The biography of the Aerosmith group began in 1970 in Boston, because the team is sometimes referred to as "The Bad Boys from Boston". According to some reports, the future participants of Stephen Tallarico, known as Steve Tyler, and Joe Perry met in Sunapi long before that. The first has already performed with the Chain Reaction collected by him and released a couple of singles. The second played in Jam Band along with the friend - the bass guitarist Tom Hamilton.

Vocalist Stephen Tyler

Since the performers coincided in genre preferences - Hard and Glam Rock, Blues and Rock and Roll, Perry offered Tyler to collect a new team. The drummer Joey Kramer from Turnpikes and Guitarist Ray Tabano, who had lost his place in Brad Whitford in about a year later, were joined. In addition to the guitar, Brad knew how to play a pipe.

The first concert of the new team took place at Nipmuc Regional High School, still called The Hookers. The word "Aerosmith" came to the head of the splash, according to rumors, it was generally his nickname. At first, the group performed on bars and schools, earning $ 200 in the evening, then moved to Boston, but still copied Eric Clapton, Led Zeppelin and The Rolling Stones. Over time and with the experience of Aerosmith gained its own recognizable face.

In 1971, on a speech at the club Max 'Kansas City, COLUMBIA RECORDS President Clive Davis was heard from Boston. The manager promised to make musicians with stars and kept the word. But the performers did not stand the shipment of glory and wealth.

Satellites of Aerosmith on tour and houses were drugs and alcohol, but the number of fans grew in geometric progression. And in 1978, the guys managed to play in the production of "SGT. Pepper's Lonely Night Club Band" Robert Stigwood, the producer of paintings "Jesus Christ - Superstar", "stay alive" and "Broccan".

In 1979, Jimmy Crespo came to replace Perry, and Joe was engaged in the project "Joe Perry Project". A year later Brad Whitford left. Together with Derek Saint-Holmes from Ted Nugent, he created the Whitford group - St.holmes Band. Replaced his Rick Dubone.

In this composition Aerosmith released the album "Rock in a Hard Place". However, it was clear that no one would have won the changes. The group is obliged to manager Tim Callezu, who accompanied the Perry project, and in February 1984, brought together former colleagues on the show in Boston. At the initiative of Collins, the musicians passed a rehabilitation course from drug addiction and signed a contract with Geffen Records label and producer John Calodner. This man stood at the origins of Sher and Iron Maiden.

Drummer Joey Kramer

Caloder forced the group to completely overwrite the "Get A Grip" album, in 1993, which took the first place in the Billboard hit parade and became 6-fold platinum. In addition, he starred in the clips on the songs "The Other Side", "Let The Music Do The Talking", "Blind Man". In the video "Dude (Like A Lady)" the producer is closed in the bride costume because of his addiction to white color in clothing.

Subsequently, the post of producer Aerosmith will be held by Ted Templman, a fan of a guitar drive, Bruce Fairbairn, thanks to which there will be a lot of ballads in the repertoire of the group, Glen Ballard, because of which the team half remakes the album "Nine Lives". In the video starts to shoot the daughter of Steve - Liv Tyler.

Guitarist Brad Whitford

Musicians themselves gather the axes of the awards and titles, try the forces in the acting craft and are blunting in poor stories: Steve will postpone the operations on bundles and on the leg after the fall of the microphone rack, the Kramer will not die in the accident, Hamilton will heal from the throat cancer, and Perry will work concussion When the operator crane will die at him at the concert.

In the 2000s, Perry on the 50th anniversary received a gift from the Guns'n'Roses participant to the Slash his own guitar, which in the 70s laid to help out the money, and Hudson bought the tool in the 1990s. In March 2001, the Group was introduced into the Hall of Glory Rock and Roll.

Aerosmith music, which is innovative and conceptual, is used in computer games and sounds in movies, such as the composition "I DON'T WANT TO MISS A THING" from the Armageddon blockbuster. In the clip on this hit, the most expensive in the entire history of the filming of musical rollers costumes - 52 skaters worth $ 2.5 million each.


In the discography of Aerosmith 15 full-fledged studio albums, with a dozen collections and records of concert speeches. The debut studio group called his own name, it includes a business card of the team - the song "Dream ON". An excerpt from this track used Eminem in his work. "Mama Kin" in 1988 quail Guns'n'Roses in the album "G N'R Lies".

After the release of the album "GET Your Wings" performers, finally, began to distinguish from the team of Mika Jagger, and Tyler gained the fame of the vocal acrobat due to the tinned throat and snipe-like frills on the stage.

The plate "Toys In The Attic" is considered, now called the classic hard rock and hitting the top ten Billboard 200. The song from it "Sweet Emotion" came out with a separate single and diverged 6 millionth edition, taking 11 place in the charts "Billboard".

The album "Rocks", who saw the light in 1976, also became platinum, and then followed by "Live! Bootleg" and "Draw The Line", although successfully sold, said, according to critics, a narcotic dome, who mastered the performers. Tours in the UK failed, and the musicians began to accuse the "Rollling" and "Zeppelin" in the borrowings.

The "Done with Mirrors" of 1985 released the signal that the team had coped with the previous problems and was ready to return to Mainstream. The clubs have constantly spinning the remix "Walk This Way", recorded in collaboration with rappers from Run-D.M.c., What provided Aerosmith return to the tops of the charts.

The album "Permanent Vacation" with a cover version of the Bitlovskaya song "I'm Down" repleteed a collection of 5 million people, and the British Classic Rock edition included him in the hundreds of the best rock albums of all time. The same list also hit the 10th Pump Studio, issued 6 million copies.

Songs "Angel" and "Rag Doll" Steve Tyler proved that in a position to compete with John Bondji performed by ballad. In the hits "Love in An Elevator" and "Janie's Got A GUN" sounded orchestrations and elements of pop music.

With a 7-fold platinum album "Get a grip", or rather with Cryin 'clips, "Crazy" and "Amazing" began cinema career Liv Tyler. Lenny Kravitz and Deston Childe participated in the records. Plank "Just Push Play" Joe Perry and Steve Tyler sigh made themselves.

Aerosmith now

Back in 2017, Joe Perry said that Aerosmith plans to perform at least 2020, he supported Tom Hamilton, saying that there was a group that there was something to prevent fans. Joey Kramer doubted, they say, health is no longer. In the end, Brad Whitford said that "it's time to post the final labels."


The farewell tour was called "Aero-Viderci, Baby". The route for which musicians will be eruptable with final concerts are published on the official website of the group. Its main page decorates the branded logo. It is believed that the "wings" came up with Ray Tabano, but Tyler attributes authorship. On the Aerosmith page in "Instagram", photos of fans who have stuffed tattoo with this image appear periodically.


Rock legends warned that they would not immediately break with the scene, but it stretches this "pleasure" not for one year. The group visited Europe, South America, Israel, for the first time visited Georgia. In 2018, Aerosmith performed at the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival and on MTV Video Music Awards. In the spring of 2019, plan to arrange a grand show Deuces Are Wild in Las Vegas from 18 performances.


  • 1973 - "Aerosmith"
  • 1974 - "GET Your Wings"
  • 1975 - "Toys In The Attic"
  • 1976 - "ROCKS"
  • 1977 - "Draw The Line"
  • 1979 - "Night in the Ruts"
  • 1982 - "Rock in a Hard Place"
  • 1985 - "DONE WITH MIRRORS"
  • 1987 - "Permanent Vacation"
  • 1989 - "Pump"
  • 1993 - "Get a grip"
  • 1997 - "Nine Lives"
  • 2001 - "Just Push Play"
  • 2004 - "Honkin 'on Bobo"
  • 2012 - "Music from Another Dimension"
  • 2015 - "Up in Smoke"


  • Lightning Strikes.
  • Let The Music Do The Talking
  • Dude (Looks Like A Lady)
  • The Other Side
  • Eat The Rich.
  • Crazy
  • Falling In Love (IS Hard On The Knees)
  • Jaded.
  • Girls of Summer.
  • Legendary Child.

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