Yuri Semin - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Coach 2021



Yuri Semin - Without exaggeration, the legendary Russian coach, who managed to bring Lokomotiv, one of the advanced clubs in Russia, to the enchanting and long-awaited victory. To this day, he continues to raise young football players and lead them to triumph.

Childhood and youth

Yuri Semin was born on May 11, 1947 in Orenburg. In 1950, the family - Pavel Ilyich and Vera Filippovna Semin - moved to the city of Eagle, where the father received the work of the driver of the secretary of Raykom. Pavel Ilyich built a spacious wooden house with a small lawn, on which local boys chased a soccer ball.

According to the memoirs of a friend of childhood, Valery Barinova, already then the future coach was a talented player. He always found a time for football, despite the fact that most of the day was conducted by housekeeping on honey aparts together with his mother and grandfather Ilya Nikiforovich, shodders master.

Valery Barinov and Yuri Semin

The people in the district lived differently, sometimes unaffected, but the boy was not addicted to either alcohol, nor to drugs. Vera Filippovna saw her son with a musician. He was given to the class of games on the accordion. Yura often strolled classes, and the career of the bayanist ended without starting.

Semina loved sports since childhood. He still remembers the school teacher of physical education, which, in addition to lessons, all the free time of students occupied physical activity: arranged competitions in athletics and football. In his youth, Yuri participated in all competitions, often won, as evidenced by honorable diplomas and diplomas of those years.

Yuri Semin in youth

Especially close to him was football. Yura was at first for Kiev, then for the Moscow Dynamo, and in the middle classes he entered the Dynamo football section under the guidance of a strict but fair coach Gennady Savkin. The young men played the regional championship, and then the zonal tournament of the RSFSR Championship.

In 1964, Savkin became a mentor of the Oryol Football Club "Lokomotiv" and took Yuri to the team of masters. So the story of love seminary and "Loko" began. Father did not support his son's hobbies, believed that it was necessary to get an education and a working specialty with a decent salary, and not to play games. But soon the opinion of Pavel Ilyich radically changed.

Football Career

In 1965, in Moscow organized the championship-selection in the juvenile national team of the USSR. Yuri Semin was among the stars of this tournament as part of the Oryol team, which from Lokomotiv was renamed Spartak. The coach of the new team Vladimir Stepanov recommended seminal in the Russian national team. Yuri played at the international tournament and hit the 8 best forwards.

Yuri Semin in Spartak Club

After this young talented football player, the decree from the capital was transferred to the Moscow "Spartak" to the position of striker. The seminar has long played in Double, and then moved to the main composition. Together with the team he debuted in the European Cup Cup winners.

In 1966, the Spartakian period, the seminary ended with the transition to the Moscow Dynamo, the team of a children's dream - to the position of the midfielder. There, under the start of Konstantin Beskov, he was preparing to comprehend the football diploma of the highest rank, but was surprised and admired how simple was the approach of the great coach to work.

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Together with his Spartak Other, Vladimir Eshtrekov, Yuri Semin conducted a number of outstanding matches for the club (beat Barcelona with a score of 5: 0), won second place in the Country Cup and the USSR Cup. However, by 1972, Beskov less often began to put Yuria to base. Without hitting the Cup of Cups in the quarterfinals of the Cup of Cups against the "Crvented Stars", the footballer in the hearts quit "Dynamo" and moved to the team "Kairat" (Alma-Ata).

In the Kazakh club, Semin spent two seasons under the leadership of Viktor Korolkova, a football teacher and a psychologist. And when, at the wheel of Kairata, Artem Fallay, the former Dynamo and other Muscovites had no place in the team. The reason for the expulsion was the lateness of the seminar on the base in Almaty, moreover, the football player was forbidden to play in the Higher League. The result was the transition to the team of the Second Division "Chkalovets" from Novosibirsk.

Igor Nizhiveko and Yuri Semin in Dynamo Moscow club

In 1975, the "prodigal son" returned to the capital in the ranks of the Moscow "Locomotive". From this point on, the biography seminet is inextricably linked with this club. In the status of the captain team, the future coach brought "Loko" to the top ten of the USSR Championship.

The player of the football player Yuri Pavlovich finished in the Krasnodar "Kuban". Thanks to him, the team has fixed in the highest league. In the 1980s, the semine completed the player of the football player due to the shoulder injury.

Career coaching

The former mentor Viktor Korolkov advised the football player not to part with his beloved affair and entered the highest school of coaches that Semin did. The graduate specialist began its coaching biography in 1981 by the Assistant Mentor "Kuban", the Outsider of the championship. In the mid season, circumstances forced the semine to head the club, but he did not work out to save the team from the failure. "Kuban" left the Higher Division, as a result, appointed a new head coach.

Coach Yuri Semin

Stay on the second roles was not in the spirit of Yuri Pavlovich. After spending six months without work, he headed the Tajik "Pamir", the year from the year closed the table of the first league. At the head of this team, the young coach showed his prospects: first the 12th, then the 8th place, and then the struggle for prizes at all.

Before the decisive matches of several football players "Pamirs" called on the ranks of the armed forces, but it did not break the coach and the team. In the weak part of "Pamir" managed to score a goal into the goal of CSKA and snatch the victory from the opponent, but on the results of the championship were left behind, they did not enter the top three. Thanks to Seven in Tajikistan, the popularity of football increased, the award for it was the assignment of the title of the Honored Coach of the Republic.

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In January 1986, the former player returned to Moscow in the native Lokomotiv at the invitation of the head of the club Nikolai Konarev. The young coach was to withdraw the "locomotive" among the strongest teams of Russia. At the first stage, he faced the problem of the formation of coaching composition: wanted to attract former colleagues in Spartak, but the weakness of the team caused distrust, only a novice specialist Vitaly Shevchenko agreed.

The breakthrough of the club has notes immediately: for the first 8 matches of the season "Loko" never lost. There was a unique manner of the game and passion for the attack, but the coach reservedly estimated the work of the team and continued to work. Seven required to make efforts to collect and teach football players for themselves. In 1987, in an interview with the press, Yuri Pavlovich said:

"Football players finally understood that it is necessary to beat for the victory."

This season, the club went to the Higher League of the USSR Championship.

Yuri Semin with Cup

In 1996 - the first triumph of Lokomotiv over the past decades - the Russian Cup, one year later, prizes at the Russian Championships, access to European tournaments. At the head of the "railroad", the seminar received the title of Honored Coach of the RSFSR.

Losses: In 1989, the team lost a number of key footballers (Stanislav Cherchesov, Sergey Gorlukovich) and found itself in the first division. The coach was needed to change the situation. In 1991, Yuri Pavlovich handed over his assistant to his assistant to his assistant to Valery Filatov, and left to train the New Zealand Olympic team.

Yuri Semin

In 1992, Semin returned and did not leave Lokomotiv until 2005. During this period, the head coach of "Red-Green" takes at the headquarters of a long-standing friend Vladimir Eshtrekova, and the updated club has affected (Bronze Championship of Russia 1994, 1998, second place in 1995, 1999, 2000, 2001, Country Cup in 1995/96, 1996 / 97, 1999/00, 2000/01).

In the same year, Yuri Semin became an assistant to Pavel Sadyrin, the main mentor of the Russian national football team. He fell during the period "American tragedy" when a number of football players refused to go to the World Championships in the United States due to disagreements with the lead coach ("Letter of Fourteen"), and Yuri Pavlovich showed the wonders of diplomacy and returned a number of players in the national team.

Yuri Semin in the Russian national team

2002th - golden year for seminar-coach. Lokomotiv is the champion of Russia. On the eve of this victory, the documentary film directed by N. Malestsky, reflecting the true state of affairs in the team: "Yuri Semin. 12th player. " Beginning to come true what Yuri Pavlovich dreamed at the dawn of coaching career: championship, victory over the strongest teams in European Cups, a new stadium, a modern training base team.

In 2005, Semin took command over the Main National Team, but did not get to her in the final stage of the 2006 World Championship and resigned. For half a year she worked in the Moscow Dynamo, and then he was invited to their native fenats as president of the Lokomotiv club. A year later, they fired together with all the team leaders because of the failure of the season.

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The following two years Yuri Pavlovich worked in Dynamo Kiev, won the gold medals of the Ukrainian championship and brought the club in the UEFA Cup final. In 2009-2010, Semin tried to return to the Moscow Lokomotiv and again fell victim to the distrust of the club's leadership. From 2010 to 2015, the coach woke up on the peripheral clubs ("Mordovia", "Anji", "Gabala"), while he was again caused to the post of coach of Railway workers, and in 2018, the semine won the gold championship team.

Personal life

Yuri Semin is married. They and his wife love Leonidovna there is a son Andrei, who went in the footsteps of his father and graduated from the highest school of coaches. He has two grandchildren.

Yuri Semin and his wife love

It leads an active life: loves tennis, big and desktop, often goes to the theater.

From 2016, Yuri Pavlovich started his own channel on Youtube, where he places video of young football players who are ready to "take note." In Instagram, too, there is a leader of the "railway workers", photo and comments are devoted mainly to public life, and personal remains in the shade.

Yuri Semin now

In 2018, Semin was 71 years old. After the Lokomotiv championship in the 2017/18 season, he remains the head coach of the team. "Lokomotiva" driver continues to work on improved teams, this often leads to disagreements and conflicts with the leadership of the club in the face of Ilya Hercus.

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A lot of time, Yuri Pavlovich spends in his own home in Bakovka, not far from the training base of the native team. Friends with Valery Gazzayev, Boris Ignatiev, Sergey Ovchinnikov. The unchanging guest in his home is a friend of childhood, actor Valery Barinov. Semin, unexpectedly, appeared on television in the program "Who wants to become a millionaire" (release of September 8, 2018).


  • 1985 - Honored Trainer of the Tajik SSR
  • 1989 - Honored Trainer RSFSR
  • Twice awarded the sign "Honorary Railway"
  • May 10, 2007 Awarded the Order of Honor for Merit in the Development of Physical Culture and Sports
  • On May 13, 2007, he was awarded the registered star on the alleys of the Glory "Locomotive".
  • On May 24, 2015, he was awarded the Order of the Fame of the Republic of Mordovia
  • On May 13, 2017, he was awarded a diploma "For a great contribution to the development of domestic football."
  • 2017 - "Silver Lan" in the nomination "Trainer of the Year"

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