Group "Mill" - composition, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Music group "Mill" performs compositions in the style of Folk Rock. This is the most famous team working in this direction in Russia. The path of the team was not easy, but she managed to conquer Rock Olympus and win the heart of the public.

The history of creation and composition

The creative biography of the group originates in 1999. In 1998, a fateful acquaintance of the former Belarusian monk Ruslan Komlyakov and the musician Denis Skurida took place. The multi-instrumentalist received from the monk who left worship, the album of his group "Til Unelenshpigel". Among the recorded tracks turned out to be the song "Portwine and Sausas".

Scarida was intrigued. When he acquainted closer, the musicians decided to engage in joint creativity. For Denis, it turned out to be a new experience, since he had to play on the drums, and Ruslan took to master other tools, in addition to the guitar.

The first test steps were rehearsals and a modest home concert in the Internet cafe in Moscow Lublino. In the summer of 1998, Ruslan Komlyakov decided to diversify the repertoire of the group and its composition. The musician occurred to the idea to invite a soloist to the team.

Singer Helavisa

Searches for vocalists began with access to the participants of the team. Skurida remembered the acquaintance with Helavisa, held at the reconstruction of the Knight's tournament in 1995. The performer by that time became famous for its compositions in narrow thematic circles. She was the author of the songs, a composer and a talented soloist.

Helavis took the proposal of musicians and began working on arrangements of author's compositions. The first joint concert was held at the Stanislavsky club. The group presented the songs of "Snakes" and "Highlander", from which the construction of the team repertoire began.

1998-1999 became the iconic for the established group "Til Unelenshpigel". Its popularity has reached the highest point. This period includes the songs of Rapunzel, "Sleep Road", "Winter", "Mora" and others. The public gladly visited the concerts of the musical team. At that time, he was included in his composition: Helavis vocalist, Percussionist Alexei Sapkov, Cellotist Alexander Nikitin, as well as a violinist Maria Skuride, founder of Denis Skuride and Fleetist Natalia Filatova.

Denis Skuride and Maria Scarida

Over time in the ensemble there were no permutations. Olga Kharitonova's violinist occupied Maria Balychev. Musicians welcomed the drummer and percussionist Paul Davydovich. Approximately at the same time, the folk collective appeared sound engineer Anna Kondakov.

During this period, the group gathered a large number of listeners with concerts. The team had many plans, as well as sponsors that supported financially. The first problems began to arise due to misunderstandings and financial differences with Ruslan Comlankov, the organizer of the group. In 1999, Til Unelenzpigel was fully refused to cooperate with him. Some musicians went to other projects, and it seemed to unite them impossible.


Helavis came to the rescue, restored relations with Denis Skurida. She suggested creating a group with democratic standards. Former team members were invited to create. So the official birthday of the Folk Group "Mill" was October 15, 1999. The name and logo came up with a soloist.

Group logo

The first concert took place after 2 weeks. The event took place under the bills of "Til Unelenzpigel", but Helavis announced from the stage about the changes. Later, a guitarist Alexander Stepanov joined the group. He stayed for a while, leaving colleagues, but returned already in 2001.

The repertoire "Mills" was based on the songs of "Tille Ulenenspigel". In 2005, Folk Collective declared himself, hitting the Hit Parade of Our Radio called "Charthova Dzhain". Thanks to the Fan Flashmob, the song "Night Mare" turned out to be very popular. Since then, the "mill" rarely left the hit parade.

In the same year, the group again survived the split. Several participants left the team to organize a new project "Sylves". In the "Melnice" there was a second vocalist Alevtina Leontiev. But the girl left the team in 2007. Now the Mill Group consists of soloist and harvesters Helavisi (Natalia O'Shech), Guitarist and backstage of Sergey Vishnyakov, Bass Gitarist Alexei Kozhanova, Drummer Alexei Kozhanova and Dmitry Kargin, playing windows.


The genre to which the "mill" is fragregated, characterize both folk. The team members in the quest and experiments were focused on the creativity of The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Jefferson Airplane.

In the history of the group, the focus of her creativity has not changed. In this merit of soloist. Helavisa - Celticologist and Linguist, Candidate of Philological Sciences. The texts that she writes combine the plots of epics, medieval legends, Scandinavian ballads and Minnezangov. They often encounter mythological images. Music "Mills" is full of allusions.

Crection in the music team is perceived as something natural. Savior of lyrics are Sergey Vishnyakov and session participants Ivan Malyutin and Olga Lishinc. Several songs belong to the authorship of Alexey Sapkova.

The first full-length album "Sleep Road" came out in 2003. He gained listeners love. A year later, a disk called "Masterof The Mill" was recorded. It consisted of 7 songs included in previously presented collections. The plate came out with a circulation of 1000 copies.

In 2005, the "Mill" had an already large number of fans and on the wave of popularity released the album "Pass", in which Alexey Kapkov spoke with a vocalist of male parties.

2006 brought the release of the album "Call of Blood". Then, for 3 years, the team has pleased the public to tour and favorite hits executed at concerts.

The 2009 was marked by the long-awaited release of the "wild herbs" record. Several compositions from this album occupied the top positions of the charts of Our Radio. In 2011, the team was pleased with the fans of the album "Christmas Songs". The plate was released limited edition. She consisted of sorry unneanged earlier.

Disc 2012, called "Angeloofrinction", musical critics are called not the most successful project "Mill". Already in 2015, the group pleased the fans with songs from the alchemy plate, in the 2016 musicians album album "Chimera".

Group "Mill" is now

Today, the Mill Mill Music Group is leading among the Russian folk groups. It continues to replenish discography and release clips. New program of the team "Alhimera. Reunion "combined tracks from the last two plates. Single "Believe" became the chit of 2018.

This year's news was the release of the eponymous video shot in the walls of the church of St. Anne. Interview with the leader of the Gelavisa group and her photo publish online publications and press.

Folk rock band has a personal page in "Instagram". Publications in the account appear since June 2018. The name of the group is postponed photos, video and invitations to concerts.


  • 2003 - "Road"
  • 2004 - "Master of the Mill"
  • 2005 - "Pass"
  • 2006 - "Call of Blood"
  • 2009 - "Wild Grass"
  • 2011 - "Christmas Songs"
  • 2012 - "Angeloofrections"
  • 2015 - "Alchemy"
  • 2016 - "Chimera"
  • 2017 - Alhimera


  • 2012 - "Roads"
  • 2014 - "Ballad of Fight"
  • 2014 - "Smuggling"
  • 2016 - "Goodbye
  • 2018 - "Believe"

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