Natalia Danilova - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Natalia Danilova - Soviet actress with an amazing biography. There were many events in her life: brilliant career, millions of fans, nationwide glory. But the artist had to survive many dark moments. Thanks to the power of the Spirit, she overcame obstacles.

Childhood and youth

Danilova Natalia Yuryevna was born on September 25, 1955 in Leningrad. So a gifted girl grew not in a creative family. Father Yuri Alekseevich Mokhanov - Archaeologist and Doctor of Historical Sciences. Mother devoted himself to the study of philology.

Actress Natalya Danilova

Already as a child, Natasha wrote poems and chose chords on the guitar. The school actively participated in literary evenings, where he performed with the poems of A. S. Pushkin and the "Little Prince" of A. Saint-Exupery.

When the future actress turned 13 years old, her first film was in the film "Tomorrow, the third April ...". Talent Natalia rated so highly that she was predicted by an actress and director's career in early years.

Natalia Danilova in youth

This event inspired the girl so much that after graduation, she filed documents to the Leningrad Institute of the Theater of Music and Cinematography.

Good luck and smiled here by Danilova. Her acting game and the short-sake of girls in the group A. Katzman convinced the Commission to enroll it immediately to the second course.


A Georgy Tovstonogov was attended by the Grand Performance "Heirlaisa Rabielden". Raisted by Danilova, the director invites her to his theater BDT. There, the actress served until 1994, in parallel with the role of role in the big cinema. But after the death of Tovstonogov in the life of Natalia Danilova began a black band.

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Honored Artist writes a letter of dismissal. She explained his act by the fact that she could no longer be in an atmosphere of evil-speaking and envy. The first time saved a dubbing. The actress voiced foreign films. But in Russia with the movie it became completely bad, and Danilova remains without work, with sick mom and husband.

First, mom went away from life. After some time, the husband Sergey died. Natalia had to take things from home and collect bottles to feed the dog and survive the most. She remembers these times as the most terrible. It was lonely. There was no strength for anything, even just get out of bed. But the actress with the persistence transferred these terrible tests, and since then nothing is afraid.

"From the experiences and I fell. Lied at home with a high temperature, no strength was not only in order to go to the store or pharmacy, but also to move around the apartment. In the literal sense, there was no one to give a glass of water. As soon as it became a little easier, got up, dressed, took something out of valuable things and the legs carried away from the weakness in the nearest buying. For a penny, which I gave me there, I bought medicines. I still survived then, so now I'm not afraid of anything. "
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Danilova was always given for the roles of complex heroines, and none of them look like another, even in the photo. The uniqueness of the talent of the actress is that it is easily reincarnated. So it was in the "little tragedies", the second film Natalia. Here it appears before fans of the magnificent princess of Wolish, and in the next film "Who will pay for good luck" is a decisive and unshakable advent of the revolution.

It was especially remembered by the viewers of the artist in the "secret of" black throsts "," where she played with Andrei Kharitonov. Modest, good girl from Pat Province was adopted with delight.

Indeed, the real glory to Natalia came after the role of the roles of the Synickin in the picture "The meeting point cannot be changed." They approached the artist on the streets, they took autographs and even called girls in her honor.

Personal life

Natalia Danilova was married twice. With the first husband, a student of the directorial faculty, Askhab Abakarov, she met even at the institute. But it was not without a tragedy.

Natalia Danilova and Askhab Abakarov

The actress felt ailments and appealed to the hospital. There, doctors set the wrong diagnosis and prescribed hormonal drugs. It turned out that the girl is pregnant. But the mother insisted that the daughter would take an abortion, let the long time. Abortion was criminal, which the husband did not forgive his spouse. Shortly after that, the couple broke up.

They met many years later. ASHAB suggested Natalia again to come together, for which the response was the answer. And then Abakarov died in a car accident in Makhachkala, on the road to shooting.

Natalia Danilova

The second time Danilova came out for Sergey. As the actress itself was told in an interview with Gordon Boulevard, he was an ideal husband: supported, helped in everything. Idyll lasted until the 90s: Sergey had a stroke, and the man died at 45, leaving Natalia alone.

There are no children from the actress. Thus, an abortion was affected on her health due to a medical error. The actress admitted that this event was put off the imprint for life. The first breakdown occurred on the filming of the "meeting place is impossible", where the heroine of Danilova, Vary Sichikkin, finds an abandoned baby.

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The girl was hurt and morally, and physically, at least the operation occurred for a long time (1976), but the actress did not have time to move from it. Even children's shops with clothing and toys on the shop windows caused tears.

The scene had to be recalled that Stanislav Govorukhin was annoyed. The first person who found out about the tragedy of Natalia, Vladimir Vysotsky became.

Natalia Danilova now

Natalia Danilova returned to the audience in 2000. She began to appear less often on the screen, but pleases the audience on theatrical stage and voice in cartoons and movies. In the youth, the actress did not show character to get some roles.

The main role was the major heroine mothers. Immediately I remember the series "Tatyanian Day", where the actress played the mother of Tanya spreading.

Natalia Danilova now

In 2018, Danilov's interview will not refuse and does not hide life from journalists and fans. She lives in a measured life, playing in the theater named after the Commissioner.

Some viewers confuse it with another Natalia Danilova, which became known thanks to the film "American". But this is another actress, debuting in the cinema at the dawn of the 21st century.


  • 1969 - "Tomorrow, the third April ..."
  • 1976 - "Old Friends"
  • 1978 - "Comedy of Errors"
  • 1979 - "The meeting place cannot be changed"
  • 1980 - "Who will pay for good luck"
  • 1981 - "Corrugation of Correction"
  • 1983 - "The Mystery of" Black Drozdov "
  • 1984 - "Invisible Man"
  • 1987 - "Life of Klim Samgin"
  • 1990 - "Fuffers"
  • 1991 - "Skura"
  • 1992 - "Racket"
  • 1993 - "Autumn temptations"
  • 2000 - "Empire under the blow"
  • 2006 - "Tatiana Day"

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