Group "The Beatles" - Composition, Photo, News, Songs



"Beatles" is a phenomenon group, without which modern music would be completely different. Every second musician today declares that the creativity of "Bitles" affected him, regardless of which country he lives in. The total sales of plates, cassettes and group disks exceeded 1 billion copies. The style of "Beatles" can not be confused with anyone - they can not listen, but it is impossible not to know.

The history of creation and composition

The history of the collective began in Britain of the 50s, in the era of the universal musical groups. Anyone who at least a little knew how to play guitar, drums or banjo, sought to get to the "Band".

Guitarist and vocalist John Lennon

In 1956, John Lennon, together with school friends, created the group The Quarrymen, playing in fashionable then Skiffle genre - it was the original mixture of English rock with American country and jazz. At the party, John met Paul McCartney and admired how much he knows about music: the floor played a guitar well, he could configure her and easily picked up popular hits on his rumor.

Bassist and vocalist Paul McCartney

John himself then only mastered the tool and knew how to take guitar chords only on 4 strings, as on Banjo, so immediately invited a new buddy in his team. Later a friend George Harrison joined them.

Guitarist George Harrison

When the school remained behind and needed to decide what to do next, all three without hesitation chose music. Participants agreed that the group needs a new name. The options went through a lot: "Rainbow", "Johnny and Luna dogs", "Beetles" - The Beetles. The last option and lay the original name.

There is a legend that Lennon saw the word Beatles in a dream - allegedly a man appeared in the flame and dictated how the team should be called. According to a simpler version, the word was chosen because there was a Beat root, meaning a rhythmic blow or drum fight.

Bassist Stewart Satcliffe

In January 1960, Stewart Satcliffe joined the musicians, who became a bass guitarist, although he had to learn to play literally "along the way." At this time, the group performed in his native Liverpool and occasionally toured over the UK. In the summer of Beatles invited concerts to Hamburg. To accept the invitation and appear on the stage in the form of a classic Bit-band, they had to immediately find drummers. They became Pete Best, who before that performed in the Liverpool ensemble The Blackjacks.

Drummer Pete Best

The first foreign tour passed under conditions close to extreme: there was a lot to work, the payment was low, problems with the documents appeared, due to which the musicians were deported from the country. Despite this, in a year, Bitles soloists, having received a re-invitation to Hamburg, agreed, and this time everything went much calmer.

In Germany, the musicians got acquainted with Astrid Kirgerr, a student of the art college, who had a novel with Satcliffe. It was she who organized the first professional photo session for the group and invented them the original image: new hairstyles, instead of the previous concert leather jackets - jackets without collars and lacquers.

Hairstyles The Beatles

Home "Beatles" returned by the Quartet: the bass guitarist decided to stay in Germany along with Astrid. There Stewart became famous as a talented artist, but his creative biography turned out to be very short: at 21 years old, a young man died from hemorrhage into the brain.

The next 2 years, the musicians regularly performed in their hometown, at the Cavern Club. For 1961-1963, they played 262 concerts there. The popularity of the group grew, although then their repertoire was mostly strangers of musical works. The author's duet of Paul and John created new songs, but preferred to put them in the table, without hoping for success. The work saw the light only when Bitles gained producer - Brian Epstaina.

Producer Brian Epsteen.

Prior to that, Epstayna had no professional experience in promotion: Before acquaintance with the musicians, he traded the plates, but the creativity of young Bitles seemed promising Brawan. Most of the labels of his enthusiasm did not share, but he managed to achieve a contract with an EMI firm with the condition that the guys would write at least 4 singles.

"He painfully painted that we had to do, and this seemed more real from this," Lennon recalled. - Until Brian appeared, we lived like in a dream. "
Drump Ringo Starr

Before recording the first album, the team left Pete Best. Loves of girls and the most attractive member, he did not cope with the studio work, which was not an example more difficult for a concert, and was forced to leave the group. On August 16, 1962, Ringo Starr joined the Beatles.


In 1963, the debut album "Beatles" Please Please Me comes. The material was collected in the shock pace and managed in almost a day. In addition to other people's hits, the author's songs of Lennon and McCartney entered it. Musicians agreed in advance that the compositions of the two names would sign, and retained this tradition to the end, even though the last songs were written separately.

In the same year, the BITLZ discography was replenished with the second album with the Beatles, which became the beginning of Bitleania in the homeland of musicians. The scale of hobbies, the noven media "National Hysteria" turned out to be unusual: the speeches came entire crowds, the listeners were tightly scored not only the halls, but also the surrounding streets were ready to stand outside the clock to hear at least concert echoes. Applause and delighted sometimes became stormy that the musicians did not hear themselves on the speech.

In 1964, the Bitleania epidemic captures the United States. The next 2 years, the musicians live according to the schedule painted up to minutes: tour, concerts, work from the studio, performances on TV, ethers on radio and shooting in the cinema did not give the slightest respite. During this time, the British rock band from Liverpool recorded 5 albums and 2 clips - Paperback Writer and Rain.

Despite the crazy schedule, the musicians found time for personal life, trying, however, hide her from fans. The first married John Lennon - in 1962. The marriage in which the son of Julian was born soon, she climbed 6 years and broke up when the musician met Yoko it. Extravagant Japanese changed the whole life of Lennon and actively intervened in the group's affairs, for which she was not confused by the rest of the musicians. It was her Lennon dedicated to the ballad don't let ME DOWN.

Ringo Starr joined the marriage - with Maurein Cox they lived for 10 years and gave birth to three children. George Harrison married Patty Boyd in 1966, but in 1974, the spouse left him to Eric Clapton. Paul McCartney in 1968 concluded marriage with Linda Eastman, with which he lived until her end of her life.

In 1965, the group received the Order of the British Empire for his contribution to the development of culture, which caused a big scandal. Previously, there were no musicians among owners of such a high award, and some of the Cavalers declared the reluctance to stand in the "one row with pop idols." 4 years later, Lennon announced a protest against the UK intervention in the Biafro-Nigerian War and returned the Order.


For the first time, the Liverpool Four starred in the cinema in 1964. The "night of a hard day" was created in the genre of the game film and prepared in just 8 weeks. Of particular acting from musicians did not need: it was a movie about the daily life of the group - concerts, fans, tour. The film was successful among fans and was nominated for Oscar twice, and the soundtrack issued a separate album.

Next year, the tape "for the rescue!" With the participation of "BITLS". In a record with music for her, the famous yesterday appeared for her, which entered the Guinness Book of Records by the number of arrangements and interpretations (more than 2 thousand) is known today.

In 1968, the musicians became the heroes of the cartoon Yellow Submarine. Prior to this, the group participants tried to create their own cinema, but the picture of Magical Mystery Tour received rather low estimates of both the public and critics.


In 1966, the group ceases to give "live" concerts and with his head goes into the studio work. A year later, the SGT album is born. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, which many consider the best in the history of the team. Meanwhile, the relationship of musicians give a crack. Bitles, tired of glory, announced a desire to do personal projects.

In 1967, Brian Epstein dies from overdose with sleeping pills. He could not find a full-fledged replacement, but by combining the effort, "Beatles" write 3 more plates: "White Album" (1968), "Abbey Road" (1968) and "Let It Be" (1970), as well as the single Come ToGether (1969).

Soon after, the first solo album Paul McCartney is coming. In an interview, he actually brings the line under the history of The Beatles. The last photo of the team took place on August 22, 1969 not far from the estate of John Lennon, in the Tittenhrst Park.

Last photo of The Beatles group, shot in 1969

After decay, a series of litigation began about copyrights on notes, lyrics and a team of the team, the results of which in the network still mean contradictory information.

10 years later, the musicians began to think about the revival, but it was not destined to come true with these plans. In 1980, John Lennon was killed by a mentally unbalanced fan of Mark Chapman. Hope for the recovery of the group died with his death. So the great "Beatles" finally went into the past.

In 2001, George Harrison died from the brain tumor.

The Beatles now

Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney remain on stage. In January 2014, they became laureates of the Grammy Honorary Prize for their contribution to the development of the music of the 20th century.

Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney in 2017

Career of the former drummer pita was not easy. He changed several teams and tried to do solo creativity, but unsuccessfully.

Pete Best now

In 1968 he decided to throw music and entered the public service, but after 20 years he began to appear in public and created his group The Pete Best Band, which now regularly performs concerts in the United States.


  • 1963 - Please Please Me
  • 1963 - With the Beatles
  • 1964 - A HARD DAY'S NIGHT
  • 1965 - Help!
  • 1965 - Rubber Soul
  • 1966 - Revolver
  • 1967 - SGT. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
  • 1967 - Magical Mystery Tour
  • 1968 - The Beatles ("White Album")
  • 1969 - Yellow Submarine
  • 1969 - Abbey Road
  • 1970 - Let IT Be


  • 1963 - Please Please Me
  • 1964 - I SHOULD Have Known Better
  • 1996 - I Wanna Hold Your Hand
  • 1969 - DON'T Let Me Down
  • 1969 - Get Back
  • 1968 - Glass Onion
  • 1968 - All ToGether Now
  • 1968 - Lady Madonna
  • 1970 - The Long and Winning Road
  • 1973 - You've Got to Hide Your Love Away

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