Galina Makarova - biography, photo, personal life, filmography



Probably, there was no family in the Soviet Union, in which actress Galina Makarov would not consider his native person. She was called the "All-Union grandmother" for the strength of the Spirit and the generosity of the heart, for the wise thoughts, which she came from the screen to the audience. And in the cinema, and in life, the actress remained sincere and honest.

Childhood and youth

The actress became famous for the name taken on the advice of a friend, and the name left from the first husband. Galina Makarova - nee Agata Chekhovich, daughter of the officer of the royal army. When the Father was arrested and planted for 5 years in prison, already under Soviet power, relatives with fear destroyed documents. Therefore, the date of birth is December 1919 - also the point of artist. Galina at all believed that she was older for 3 years, but there were no documentary evidence.

Galina Makarova in youth

Agatha - the second of 4 sisters. Focla worked in a mine, Alexander, a teacher in kindergarten, Janina - makeup of a film studio.

At the age of 16, Agata left the native village of Starobin to Minsk, worked for a servant in wealthy families, a nurse. Since childhood, a girl was distinguished by a clockwork, imaging character. The city was fascinated by horse riding, methala spear at the stadium and even mastered the motorcycle - in 1937 he became the champion of Belarus on the motocross.

According to the protrusion of the father of the friend, the official with connections, Chekhovich took the studio at the first Belarusian Drama Theater. There she became Galina, because Agatha, according to the future colleague Valentina Semenyuk, was robust for the actress. At the same time, the girl changed the surname on the Mother Mamina Prospashik.

Galina Makarova - Champion of Belarus on Motocross 1937

According to the memoirs of the daughter and grandchildren, Galina Clemetyevna adored children, and their own, and strangers. In his youth somehow I bought an ice cream whole class, who met on the street, simply because I wanted to please the kids. Could bring all unfamiliar people to the house if I saw that they need help.

In the theater, Makarov was involved in diverse roles - from a kimor to Shakespeare classics, and each actress came up with fiction so that the audience remember her game. Especially for Galina, the playwright Andrei Makayanov wrote a play "Lyavonya in Orbit" and in an ultimative form demanded that Makarova gave the chief character. Otherwise, the performance will not put. And the director gave way.


A truly serious cinematic biography of Makarov began late, on the 6th decade, although he made his debut in 1958 in a melodraman "Happiness should be preserved." In the future, Galina referred to the directions in search of the one who will embody on the screen a good and spiritual woman, managed to life experiences. Or, on the contrary, is a fundamental and direct, which in the word in the pocket does not climb.

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Such was the directorial project of Elena Zaplakova "I hope for you" (nurse in the orphanage), the drama of Alexander Itygilova "Date" (the mother of the character of Olga Mateshko), the picture of Leonid Menacher "Young Wife" (grandmother of the heroine Anna Kamenkova).

All-Union Glory came to the actress with the drama Sergey Mikaelian "Widow", in which Makarov played a major role with Galina Skorobogat. According to the scenario of the heroine, who lost her husbands in the war, cared for the graves of unknown fighters. When the village solemnly installed a memorable monument, about grandmothers in the heat of the celebrations forgotten.

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The film for 2 years was not released in the rental - too realistic turned out to be. The Secretary General Leonid Brezhnev himself gave good. After the premiere and words of the country's leader, the fact that the widows of the war must be better taken care of, in the USSR increased pensions.

The character of an actress on nicknamed Gogolich in a film "Native business" helped the hero performed by Gennady Egorova to understand what the value of the small homeland and people living there, to show an outstanding nature and stop deceiving themselves.

In the drama "Storm Warning" Heroine Makarova - one of the few who does not lose their heads in a dangerous situation. Not lost in the personal courage and characters of Valentina Talyzin, Alexey Zharkov and Natalia Egorova.

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The tape "The case for real men" told about the dangerous heritage of the Second World War: a warehouse of ammunition was found in the city, and the population is evacuated. Galina Character - an elderly woman who refuse to leave the house even under the fear of death.

The lyrical painting "White dew" presented Makarov another maternity image, this time Natalia Horokhorina became the screen daughter, which was playing a brisk postman. A girl as a bride for his son looked after the hero of Vsevolod Sanaeva.

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With Natalia Galina, it will take himself in the adventure film "Unknown Soldier" on the story of Anatoly Rybakov. The actresses will have one role for two, only in the plot between them will be held half a century. Heroir Horochorina lives in 1942, Makarova has to reminiscent of war, talking about the experienced young search engine.

In the psychological tape of the Department, the actress was reincarnated into a few of the rest of the rest of the old professor, who worked in a scientific institute for many years. Funny characters got Galina and Stephanie will become a comedy "do not go, girls, marry". In the film, the stars of the Soviet cinema Vyacheslav innocent and Tatiana Doglev, Yuri Nazarov and Nina Ruslanov are involved. Kameo performed Valery Leontyev.

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In 1985, Galina starred in the psychological drama "confrontation" about a military criminal, whom the police comes out due to a random coincidence. Makarov played a relative of one of his victims.

From proposals to play mothers and grandmothers Galina Makarova did not refuse, but such a one-dimension actor upgraded. Seeing once Rimma Markov in the characteristic image of Igugeen in the historical film Svetlana Druzhinina "Gardenaryarina, Forward!", He admitted that he also dreams of such a material.

Personal life

With the first husband, Ivan Makarov Galina met in 1939 in the theater. The personnel officer was a fan of a young actress. Spouses moved to Moscow. In April 1941, the son of Eduard was born. With the beginning of the war, Ivan went to the front, and Galina went to evacuation.

Galina Makarova and her first husband Ivan Makarov

In 1944, the actress returned to the capital, to her husband's parents, received a place in the theater named after Vakhtangov. But the personal life gave the crack - Makarov came from the front not one, but with the one who in the army was called the "field campaign wife", and immediately filed a divorce. In addition, a man did not believe that Galina was invited to play in the Moscow stage. After offended, the actress went to Minsk, settled in his native theater. Nevertheless, with the family of Ivan she communicated all his life, the son lived with his mother, then with his father.

The second spouse Makarova - a colleague in the Belarusian dramatic theater Pavel Pekur. In 1951, a common child appeared - Tatyana's daughter. Being married, Galina never forgotten the first big love. According to Tatiana, her father actress respected and appreciated, but truly sincere and deep feelings experienced only to Ivan, about the later daughter said.

Galina Makarova with a second husband Pavel Beach and Daughter Tatiana

Makarova referred to a completely calm. Paul was also not at all embarrassed that he was in the shadow of his wife. Despite employment, both tried to invest as much as possible in children. Tatiana went to the music school, engaged in figure skating, became the champion of the republic for athletics. He graduated from the Institute for Foreign Languages ​​and Directory Courses, 30 years old devoted to television.

Eduard after the Bauman University has advanced by the party line, worked as an assistant Mikhail Gorbachev.


Free time Galina Makarova spent on the beloved country, 30 km from Minsk. There the actress broke the garden, flowers grown in incredible volumes. He was joking that if not a creative profession, would have become the chairman of the collective farm, it was so liked to dig in the ground and follow the shoots.

Galina Makarova's grave

In September 1993, Makarova, noting the birthday of the grandson of Egor, again left for the cottage, where he died. The causes of death were not reported. I buried the actress in Minsk, on the Eastern Cemetery, which became the place of restoring the prominent representatives of the Belarusian people.


  • 1965 - "Alpine Ballad"
  • 1976 - "Widow"
  • 1978 - "Young Wife"
  • 1979 - "Native Case"
  • 1981 - "Storm Warning"
  • 1982 - "Department"
  • 1983 - "White dew"
  • 1984 - "Unknown soldier"
  • 1985 - "Coast in Tuman"
  • 1985 - "Do not go, girls marry"
  • 1985 - "Confrontation"
  • 1987 - "To start investigating"
  • 1991 - "Survivor"
  • 1992 - "White Clothing"
  • 1992 - "I hope you"

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