Maria Ilyukhina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



Maria Ilyukhin, despite the young age, boldly called the star of television screens. Her Masha Voronina, from the popular Sitkom, was adulted in front of millions of viewers, even to the school actress and heroine went almost at the same time. Girl's parents disagree with the opinion that because of the big employment, the child has no childhood. Maria herself welcomes the family principle "better to get tired of the case than from idleness" and glad that the closest so early to disclose its potential.

Childhood and youth

The creative biography of Masha was destined. Father Sergey and Mother Natalia served in the theater of the Eccentric "Bim-Bom", both in the formation of choreographers. Over time, the head of the family went to business, opened his own dance studio, and his mother after birth in November 2003 daughter devoted himself to her upbringing.

Back in childhood, at the age of 2.5 years, Natalia began to deal with a rhythmic gymnastics with a child, because herself is a master of sports in this form. In 4 years, the woman led the baby to the section to the school of the Olympic reserve, where it achieved quite high success. The young actress does not miss the case to tell about sports achievements: on the shelf there are already eight dozen cups, medals, and the literans simply do not consider.

Ilyukhina school is also not easy - lyceum, is additionally engaged in English. But Masha is not afraid of Scorpion by the sign of the zodiac: the character is assertive and energetic, loves variety and has time everywhere.

The artistic and liberated girl often satisfied the performances in front of their downtown, and the mother decided that while there was a fan, it was necessary to send it to the right direction, and began to drive a daughter on castings. Later in an interview with Natalia admitted: it is afraid to even imagine what happens if the shooting for any reason has to stop, because "Masha will simply come crazy." Therefore, while there is an opportunity to go to the platform, let it continue. Currently, Mary's mother works as director of young artist.

Personal life

Personal life actresses, if not talking about movies, proceeds as most simple adolescents. At school, a favorite subject is literature, as well as computer science and history. Ilyukhina tries to compose stories and dreams to release the book of his own writings.

In his free time, the girl rolled on roller skates or cycling. Among domestic duties - concerns on the maintenance of the guinea pig Lucy, singing Parrot Apollo and Taxa Jaffa. For quite understandable reasons, Masha early determined the plans for the future to go to the MCAT Studio School, and to learn immediately on the director and actor.

Since the filming of the first seasons, the beloved daughter and granddaughter from "Voronina" has changed a lot, from a pretty girl who turns into a real beauty, her guys have appeared. About changes in her personal life can be judged by photographs in the Microblog "Instagram".

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In 2019, Ilyukhina met with Mark Potapov, a member of the show "Voice. Children". When the first clip of Masha was preparing for the exit, the guy took part in the shooting of the video to the song "Sparks". Their relationship did not last long. In 2020, a 21-year-old novel, student of the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute, took place in the heart of the artist. Subscribers left admiring comments under the photo of the couple, approving her choice.

Maria is the owner of a beautiful figure and pleases the photo of the photo in a swimsuit. Fans reproach the girl in the abundance of makeup, but Masha declares that it uses cosmetics for filming. And in everyday life, she prefers to do without makeup.


Due to age, the Ilyukhina filmography is not very extensive yet. The first picture with the participation of the girl, which emerges in memory, of course, Sitter "Voronina". In the series, she played with Ekaterina Volkova, Anna Frolovsev and Georgy Dronov. However, Masha's debut film calls Melodrama "Bidniestnik", Solded by Anna Lezhiloye. In any case, this is the first project that the young actress remembers well, because in the tapes of the Star of the Epoch, with Marina Alexandrova and Yesenin, with Sergey Bezrukov, she was a completely child.

In the "Gull Party", the girl got the role of frosi - daughter of the Merusi Housewife in the performance of Elvira Big. After filming the house, her joint photo with another celebrity involved in the picture appeared at the honorable place, the love of Tolkalina.

And in memory of the participation in its glorified her series, the actress remained a soft toy - crow. In fact, Masha Voronina and outside the filming does not part with the second, cinematic, family. "Father" George Drontov became an Ilyukhina fan on the playground. For Him, for help, Mary applied when relations with classmates were complicated. Boris Klyueva Actress and called the grandfather, asked the senior colleague tips on this or that matter.

In 2011, the premiere of the melodrama "bombed" took place. This time, Anna Banchikov and Dmitry Miller acted as film directors. The father of a little heroine, the former military, working as a taxi driver, falls into comic, then in criminal situations, because of which it is forced to periodically hide and hiding in the family. The same character got Mary in the two subsequent parts of the film.

In the series "Mommiks", Masha made up another rising star of Cinema Akim Efremov and many celebrities: Valery Afanasyev and Nelli Uvarova, Anna Bolshaya and Elena Yakovlev. The picture appeared on the basis of the movie of the seven women who protect the raider seizure of a kindergarten, where their children go. Ilyukhina became one of the juvenile pupils.

In 2012, the actress participated in the comedy project of TNT "Deffchonki" about the four girlfriends who came from the province and trying to consolidate in Moscow. Polina Maksimova played one of them, an eccentric heroine of Clips Alexei Vorobyov. Maria appeared in the film in a small episode.

In the romantic tape "Two moments of love" Ilyukhina called Mama Anna Polipanov, which in the plot accounted for a friend of the main heroine, the doctor ambulance station. Daria Luzin played this role. After the death of the mother, the girl falls into the orphanage. The doctor wants to make a custody of a custody, not yet suspecting that this situation will be decisive in choosing between two applicants for her hand and heart.

The actress has long been accustomed to giving autographs and participate in photo shoots. An elegant girl whose growth is still 159 cm, and the weight is 54 kg, invited to fashionable shows as a model. So, in the spring of 2018, the young beauty walked along the catwalk on the festival of children's fashion and music called Piccolo Fashion Day. Spectators entertained the participants of the projects "Voice. Children "and" Best of all. "

Maria Ilyukhina now

In May 2020, Maria, along with the novel archup, was invited to the online project of the Moscow Seasons, the guests were singing together live.

In September 2020, the actor Boris Klyuev, who played in the "Voronin" Nikolai Petrovich left the 76th age. The girl in good relations with all the "relatives" from Sitkom, and therefore touchingly said goodbye to the artist in "Instagram", calling him the "favorite grandfather." The series "Voronina" is considered one of the most popular comedic sitcoms of the current century.


  • 2005 - "Yesenin"
  • 2005 - "Star of the Epoch"
  • 2009 - "Bed party"
  • 2009-2018 - "Voronins"
  • 2011 - "bombed"
  • 2011 - "Moms"
  • 2012 - "Deffchonki"
  • 2013 - "Bombila-3"
  • 2013 - "bombed. Continuation"
  • 2013 - "Two moments of love"

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