Ruth - History of Biblical Righteousness, Interpretation, Travel


Character History

The Bible knows a lot of stories when yesterday's idolaters suddenly see the light of true faith and become a sample of sincere love for God. This bright example is the Moavityanka Ruth, a gentleman, which in his own will entered the Jewish Wednesday. The fate of the heroine is so instructive that it became part of the Holy Scriptures. In addition, the woman gave life to legendary offspring - king David and Jesus Christ.

History of appearance

The biblical righteous in the Old Testament is devoted to the whole book, which is called - the book Ruth. This ancient text contains the livelihood of a woman in four parts, is considered canonical and goes after the book of Judges. Some Christian theologians suggest that in the Bible two books wrote precisely women - a story about Ruth and the life of Esther. However, researchers are confident - authorship belongs to the prophet and the Israeli judge Samuel.


Ruth's book tells about the difficult fate of several women, it is even called the best story about the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. In the work, the topic of female loneliness is affected, and also says how the soul is hardened through suffering, a man is morally towers. On pages, two personalities are shining - Moavityanka Ruth (another sound - root) and agriculture Vozo, who became an example of moral purity and faith in God.

Judging by the interpretation of the book, the text differs from other biblical sources in that the content does not fit into the main channel of the history of Israel, shown in the Old Testament. "Ruth" introduces readers with the ski of the life of ancient European family: alive, in the colors depicted by milestones of the heroes, the need and the test of the test, the virtue of the main character and his glorification.

Ruth and Vozo.

According to Professor Alexander Lopukhin, the book can be bolder to call the Hebrew story from the village of Sellian, where the idyllic family picture came to life - sincere and simple to naivety. With history, the work is associated with only two points. First, hunger, covered by the country of Jews; Secondly, the involvement of the heroine to the genealogy of King David, the plaque of Jesus Christ. This became the main reason why the book fell into the Old Testament Canon.

Ruth in the Bible

Wonderfully written romantic history begins with the story about Israelis Elimah, who lived in the times of judges in Bethlehem. In the Jewish Earth, hunger happened, so a man, together with the wife of the Navy and two sons, had to search for food to move to Moavita lands bordering Israel.

Ruth and Noomine

The sons took the wives of local girls who, being pagans, had a "true" faith of spouses. The fate of the family has developed sadly: Elimah died with heirs, and the widowed Moavityans remained without children. The deliberate is a lonely nose in his homeland, he followed his homeland, followed by one of the daughter-in-law - Ruth. The girl did not want to leave the elderly woman alone, promising until the end of the days becoming mother-in-law with support and support. At the same time, the heroine chased the goal to reunite with the native of the carrier of the faith of the new family.

In Bethlehem, women collected untouched bread from bread, which the home teams specifically left for those who needed after the harvest. Ruth surrounded the mother-in-law of such care that people with envy said: "Such a sleep is better than seven sons." Solva about the girl spread throughout the Israeli land, and the Lord marked her virtue. And soon Ruth has gained her husband and son.

Ruth with the son of oid

According to the customs of the ancient Israelis, there were the right to marry men from among the relatives of her husband. A rich agriculture Voz, who came close to his former spouse, who took the girl to his wife to his kind heart and light soul. The Couple was born the son of OID, who became Father Jesse. Jessey is the father of the glorious king of the Israeli people of David. A thousand years after his reign, Ruth found another great descendant - Jesus Christ.


A touching story about faith and love with a happy end entered into a piggy bank of world cinema. Ruth settled in a collection of colorful cartoons on Old Testament themes. The series "The Bible in Animation" in 1996 created Russian and British multipliers.

Elan Eden in the image of Ruth

In 1960, the "Tale of Rufi" melodrama came to the television screens. Director Henry Koster presented his own vision of the biblical plot. It turned out pretty, but sad screening of the legendary biblical book.

Ruth, who played actress Elanen Eden, turned into a Moavityan priestess in this film and fell in love with the Jewish Mahlon Masters, whose image was trying on Tom Tronon. The master who created the crown for sacrifices, introduced a girl with another faith. Compatriots of the beloved Ruth learns about the kind of her activities and kill the relatives of Mahlon, and the hero himself is sent to the quarry. Ruth helps a young man run away from the cortic, that he gets injured in the way and marries the savory before death. Girl with mother-in-law find themselves in Judea.

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Cinematographer Stephen Patrick Walker brilliantly moved the original biblical plot to the film, creating a picture "Book" Ruth ": travel faith" (2009). The actress Sherry Morris was reincarnated to the main heroine.

Interesting Facts

  • In 1914, German astronomer Max Wolf discovered a new asteroid of the main belt. The heavenly body of the solar system was named after Ruth.
  • Ruth has become a symbol of righteous entry into the Jewish people and the Jewish faith. Therefore, women passing the rite of appeal to Judaism often borrow a name from this righteous. True, they are mainly called root.

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