Ian Macuen - biography, photo, personal life, news, books 2021



In 1975, Ian Macuen broke into English literature with a collection of strange, macabric, nor not like stories. Since then, he never ceases to amaze, terrify, admire the reading public. The writer plays with readers in thin postmodern games, she sedents themselves unreliable narrator, scatters on the pages of the flaky of reference and rewinds the classic plots to a new way.

Childhood and youth

Ian Macuen was born on June 21, 1948 in the city of Aldershot, Hampshire. His father David Macuen, Scot by origin, served as a personnel officer in the British army, so the children's years of the writer passed where military bases were located in Germany, East Asia and North Africa.

Writer Ian Macuen

Mother Rosa Lilian Violet was previously married. During the Second World War, while the spouse was at the front, she met David Makuen. Relicious relations between them, soon the woman became pregnant and gave birth to a son. But to hide treason from her husband, she had to give the baby to adoption.

The spouse of the roses did not recognize any change, or about the birth of a boy - he died in war. Having received the news of his death, the woman married David. The future laureate of the Kcherovsky Prize was born in a legitimate marriage and for half a century did not even suspect the existence of a brother. They met in 2007, when Dave Sharp (the very firstborn, given in the adoptive family) decided to find his real relatives.

Ian Maluen and his brother Dave Sharp

In 1959, the Ean's family returned from North Africa to England. Until 1966, the future writer studied at the boarding school Vulvertone, located in Suffolk. Children were trained here from different social groups, and, being in this motley environment, the boy quickly realized that his English was far from the ideal. In an effort to overcome his illiteracy, Macuen with the fervor took up his studies and reading, asked friends to correct his speech and written mistakes.

Efforts were not in vain, Ian learned to competently speak and write, but attentive attitude to the word remained the same. Entering the University of Sussex, the young man first tried himself as a writer. During his studies, from under his pen, there was mainly scenarios and sketches. In 1970, Macuen graduated with honors from the university and received a bachelor's degree in English literature.

Ian Macuen in youth

The next step in his biography was the receipt of the University of Eastern England. Here he met the work of a whole number of young American authors who had a great influence on him: Norman Maleler, John Appdayk, Henry Mellow. Ian began to write prose, experiment, he liked to go beyond the established literary tradition. In 1971, graduating from the course of a creative letter, he received a master's degree.


Literary debut Macuan took place in 1975. In the collection "First love, the last anointing" he collected under one stories written for the course project. The author painted his first book by the "laboratory", where in search of his writer "I" he experimented with the genres of narration, created heroes, unusual literature of the XX century. The spirit of rebellion, inherent in the prose of Ian, came critics on the moral - the collection was awarded the award named after Somerset Maem.

In 1978, two new books were released at once: a collection of "between shot down sheets", in which reality is closely intertwined with mysticism, and the Roman "Cement Garden". The latter caused a wave of disputes in the literary community: first, Macuen touched a lot of difficult topics (for example, incest), secondly, in the plot of the novel readers deployed similarity with the work of Julian Glow "Our Mother House" (1963). Nevertheless, the scandalous novel became a cult and entered the collection "Horror: Another 100 Best Books".

In the 1980s, Macuen focused on writing scenarios for cinema and television. In 1981, a novel "Consolation of the Wanderers", which brought the first nomination for a bucker premium to the writer, who was not completed by the victory. Then, in 1987, a "child in time" appeared. In these novels, the author still interests the themes "face". He puts his heroes into force majeure situations, spends through the tests, after which their life will not be the same.

Books of Ian Makuuna

"Innocent, or special relationship", published in 1990, combines a detective, spyware, historical and psychological novel. He followed "black dogs" (1992), "Unbearable love" (1997) and "Amsterdam" (1998). The last novel brought Ian Makuan a long-awaited bucker premium. True, not all critics divided the opinion of experts, calling this work far from the best in the creative biography of the writer.

In the new century Macuen entered the new Roman "Atonement" (2001). He did not bring the writer a new "Booker", but awarded other, less authoritative awards. In the "redemption", the author, as in the other books, mystifies the reader, makes believe in the truth of the events described, and then turns everything down on the head. The finale of the novel became a reason for numerous discussions, and references to the classics of English literature, generously scattered on the pages of the book, pleased the sophisticated readers.

Books of Ian Makuuna

In zero Ian Macuen published two more works - "Saturday" (2005) and "on the shore" (2007). In 2010, the novel "Solar", who received the Woodhaus Prize. In the "Sweet" (2012) writer appeals to the personal experience - the chronotope of the work became England 70s with all its social shocks. Macuen dedicated this novel of his friend's memory, the American journalist Christopher Hitchens.

The name of his next book, "Children's Law" (2014), refers to the reader to the 1989 parliamentary act. Critics compared the work with the "cold house" of Dickens. In 2016, the 14th Roman Makuun "in the shell" was released, in which the events of Shakespeare's "Gamlet" are rethought with modern way. A storyteller is a unborn child of the main characters.

In addition, Ian Macuen wrote two children's books - "Rosa Blanche" (1985) and "Dreamer" (1994), a number of plays and scenarios, oratoria "or die?" (1983) and the libretto opera "for you" (2008). On the works of the writer, 11 films were shot. The 12th account based on the novel "Snoen" is in production.

Personal life

In the 70s, while studying at the University of East England, Macuen met Penny Allen. At that time, on the shoulders of his chosen, there was one marriage, from which she had two daughters. In 1982, they got married.

"My first wife marked a new era in my life. I tried to adapt to her, "the writer admitted in an interview.
Ian Macuen and Penny Allen

In 1995, the spouses divorced. Allen explained his decision to break up his life with a famous person. Ian received the right of one-sole guardianship over the two sons, but in 1999 the former wife kidnapped the younger boy and left him and his new partner to France. The British court ordered it to return the child to the Father, but, according to rumors, the woman did not accept such a state of affairs.

In 2014, Penny appeared on the book festival, where Macuen represented readers a new novel "The Law on Children". She turned to an ex-husband with questions relating to the custody of sons. After that, she was taken out of the hall organizers of the event.

Ian Maluen and his wife Annalen Macafi

Now the writer is happy in the second marriage. His second wife became Annalen Macafi, a British writer and a journalist. They met during the interview - Annalena met with the laureate of the Berech Prize on the task of the FINANCIAL TIMES newspaper. The pair legalized the relationship in 1997.

Ian Macuen now

On August 24, 2018, the premiere of the film "Children's Law", based on Makuan's novel, took place in the UK. The writer himself wrote a script to him.

"Roman is a complete, literally - an autonomous thing, and its only creator is a writer. There are editorial edits, but, in general, this is all yours. I think that the script is more like a recipe than the food itself, "Ian told in an interview.
Ian Macuen in 2018

In addition, the writer admitted that she recently finished work on a new novel.

"This is a kind of science fiction novel whose action unfolds in the past, in 1982," Macuen shared with journalists.

He offers readers an alternative development of historical events: Alan Turing is alive and embodies innovative intentions into reality, Jimmy Carter is elected President of the United States, and Margaret Thatcher goes on peace after the first term.


  • 1975 - "First Love, Last Anointing"
  • 1978 - "Due to the sheets shot down"
  • 1978 - "Cement Garden"
  • 1981 - "Consolation of Wanderers"
  • 1985 - "Rosa Blanche"
  • 1987 - "Child in time"
  • 1990 - "Innocent, or special relationship"
  • 1992 - "Black Dogs"
  • 1994 - "Dreamer"
  • 1997 - "Unbearable love"
  • 1998 - "Amsterdam"
  • 2001 - "Atonement"
  • 2005 - Saturday
  • 2007 - "on the shore"
  • 2010 - "Sunny"
  • 2012 - "Sweat"
  • 2014 - "Law on Children"
  • 2016 - "In the shell"

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