Svyatoslav Richter - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Songs



He dreamed of becoming a conductor, but turned out to be a brilliant pianist. He became the first in the USSR owner of the Grammy Prize. A miracle survived the horn of the Stalinist cleansing and survived the betrayal of the closest person. He is also considered one of the most prominent performers of the 20th century. He is Svyatoslav Richter.

Childhood and youth

Svyatoslav Teoflovich was born 20 (or 7, according to the old style) of March 1915 in the city of Zhytomyr in the family of Russified Germans. When the boy was fulfilled a year, the family moved to Odessa. Father taught in the Odessa Conservatory and was a talented musician - played the piano and organ. Mom Richter, Anna Pavlovna, wore Moskalev's last name and came from the nobleman.

Svyatoslav Richter in youth

The music of the boy began to train from 3 years of age. Svyatoslav's father first combined the position of the teacher with the game on the body in Lutheran Cirche, but then colleagues accused theophila in the "ministry of a cult", which does not apply to the teacher in the country of winning atheism. Richtera-senior had to leave Kirchi and engage in private lessons.

There was no time to teach the Son of Time, so in terms of musical education Svyatoslav was largely granted to himself. Live interest in music led to the fact that young Richter simply began to play all the parties, the notes to which found at home.

Svyatoslav Richter in youth

His level of his talent did not require academic knowledge - by finishing the decade, Svyatoslav, who had not studied for a single year in a music school, became a concertmaster of Odessa Philharmonic. During this period, he accompanied a lot of visiting brigades, expanding his own repertoire and gaining experience.

The first concert of the young man gave 1934 in May 1934. The program of the speech was the works of Frederick Chopin - the composer, whose Nocturne became the first play, which Richter learned to play. Soon after the debut, Svyatoslav Theofilovich was adopted in the Odessa Opera House for the position of the accompanist.

Despite objective progress, Richter did not think about professional skills. He came to the Moscow conservatory only in 1937, and this step was an adventure - the young man still had no musical education. Henry Nigause, a magnificent pianist, who has studied Svyatoslav, and students literally persuaded listening to the talented Odessa.

The performing talent of Richter was impressed by the teacher - they say, then he in a low voice admitted to the student who sees a brilliant musician in front of him. Svyatoslav accepted into a conservatory, but almost immediately expelled - he refused to study general educational disciplines.

Pianist Svyatoslav Richter

He was restored only after Nugauz insisted on this, but he studied with interruptions - Svyatoslav received a diploma of the conservatory only in 1947. The teacher and Richter were very close - the first time the young man even lived at the teacher at home. Respect for the pianist and admiration turned out to be so great as many years Svyatoslav Theofilovich did not include the fifth concert of Beethoven in the Programs - it believed that it was better not to play his niguza.

The first concert in the capital Richter played on November 26, 1940. Then in the male hall of the conservatory, the musician performed the sixth Sonatu Prokofiev, which the author himself was done before him.

Then the war began, and the pianist was forced to settle in Moscow, not really knowing about the fate of the parents left in Odessa. With every opportunity, the musician gave concerts, and in 1942 he resumed activities at all. During the war, he broke with speeches almost all of the USSR, played even in a blockade Leningrad, and at this time the tragedy of his family was unfolded in Odessa.

Richter's father and mother were proposed to be evacuated from the city - the enemy came, and the Odessa occupation became a matter of time. Anna Pavlovna refused to leave. Subsequently, it turned out that the woman had a novel on the side with some Kondratyev, which she caught up before the war - a man allegedly hurt the bone form of tuberculosis and could not serve himself.

Svyatoslav Richter.

In fact, everything was different - Kondratyev came from the family of the royal official and had a lot of complaints about the advice, however, as they are. The man planned to wait for the Germans and then leave with them. Teofil Richter decided to leave his wife alone and also abandoned evacuation. At that time, for the authorities it meant one thing - German is waiting for the capture of the city by the fascists and marks in collaborators.

Richter-Senior was arrested under Article 54-1A of the Ukrainian SSR of the Motherland, and sentenced to shooting and confiscation of property. 10 days before the capture of the city of Theofila Danilovich shot. Svyatoslav's mother remained with Kondratyev and, when Odessa was freed, left with the invaders. Then the woman left in Romania, after - to Germany and for 20 years he did not communicate with his son.


Music has always been the basis of the life of the pianist, perhaps, thanks to her, Svyatoslav Theofilovich, with his biographies and nationality, survived in both waves of Stalinist cleansing. The Great Leader was not alien to music, but his daughter often put the records with the execution of Richter. Respect for an art worker could cause Svyatoslav - and Germans, and the intellectual - never arrested.

Pianist Svyatoslav Richter

When the war ended, real popularity came to Richtera. He won the third all-union contest of the performers, and the glory of the leader was recognized throughout the USSR. It would seem that the time came on speeches in the West, but this did not allow this Svyatoslav - friendship has affected with objena state. For example, when Sergey Prokofiev got into opal, Richter stubbornly continued to play the composer's plays.

Moreover, the only experience of the speech of Richter as a conductor was devoted to the creation of Prokofiev - a concert symphony for cello with the orchestra.

After the death of Stalin, the Iron Curtain for Svyatoslav was opened, and the musician was released to play in the West. Concerts in New York in 1960 produced a real extension. For the execution of the second piano concert of Brahms Richter, the first in the USSR, was awarded the prestigious Grammy.

Although the relationship with politics in Pianist remained difficult - he did not understand anything in it, which led to unsafe curiosities. Talk about the interesting and comical fact of the conversation with Furtsev.

Mstislav Rostropovich, Dmitry Shostakovich and Svyatoslav Richter

The Minister of Culture complained to Richtera to Rostropovich - they say, he lives in the country of Lamb Solzhenitsyn. Svyatoslav Theofilovich Her hotly supported, agreeing that it was a disgrace - Mstislava had a terribly close cottage, Solzhenitsyn is better to live at Richter himself. The pianist just did not know what's the matter and why such a statement is dangerous.

The repertoire of the musician was huge - from the works of the Baroque era to modern composers. Critics noted the striking execution technique in combination with a personal approach to creativity. Each work that Richter performed was turned into a solid, finished image. The public anewded Richtera Having his breath.

Personal life

About the personal life of Richter did not tell anything, although it was not safe to a citizen of the USSR rumors about his orientation.

Svyatoslav Richter and his wife Nina Dorlyak

The musician was married to the opera singer Nina Dorlyak, the relationship with which began with the fact that Svyatoslav offered her to perform together. Subsequently, they have repeatedly gave joint concerts. Many touching photos remained from these performances. Subsequently, the pair registered the marriage in which Richter and Dorlyak lived 50 years. However, it did not affect the peres.

Vera Prokhorov, with which the musician was friends for many decades, in memories and interviews argued that the marriage was fictitious. These suspicions are justified - the relationship between the spouses was far from the standards. They slept in different rooms, they turned to each other solely on "You", they did not have children.

Vera Prokhorov

Prokhorov unflatteringly responded about Nina Lvivna, considering her home tyrant. Allegedly Dorlyak took money from Richter money, and when Svyatoslav Theofilovich wanted to help Elena Sergeyevna, the widow Mikhail Bulgakov, he allegedly had to take from friends.

Nevertheless, all his life Richter passed hand in hand with his wife and spoke of Nina with sincere warmth, calling not a dictator, but a princess.

Svyatoslav Richter in old age

The personal tragedy of Svyatoslav was the betrayal of the mother, who was for him as the closest person and the moral and ethical measure. Having met Anna Pavlovna after 20 years of separation, he could not forgive her, although he did not refuse to help. But friends spoke simply and unambiguously, the moms are no longer - one mask.


In old age, Richter was tormented by depression. Health led the musician without giving concert and make music even for himself - the pianist did not like his own game. After several years of life in Paris, in 1997 Svyatoslav Theofilovich returned to Russia.

Richter died in his homeland on August 1, 1997, less than a month after return. The cause of death was a heart attack, and the phrase became the last words of the Great Pianist:

"I am very tired".

The funeral was held at the Novodevichy Cemetery.


  • 1971 - "Bach I. S. (1685-1750). A well-tempered key. Part I. "
  • 1973 - "Bach I. S. (1685-1750). A well-tempered key. Part II "
  • 1976 - "Mussorgsky M. P. (1839-1881). Pictures from the exhibition: Walk »
  • 1981 - "Tchaikovsky P.I. (1840-1893). Concert number 1 for F - BUT with orchestra Si Barol Minor, Op. 23 "
  • 1981 - "Schubert F. P. (1797-1828). Sonata number 9, 11 for piano »

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