Melpomen - biography of muses tragedy, attributes, image and character


Character History

The pantheon of the ancient Ellala volumetric and, in addition to the gods, offers acquaintance with other elevated beings. Biographies of celestials served as the addition of the myths and legends that the ancient Greek history are famous. Each direction of activity corresponded by a patron endowed with magical abilities and forces. Among them is Melpomen, Muza tragedy, and later the theater. She blessed on creative realization in art.

History of origin

Meldomen considered the goddess, but in fact she was one of the nine music, daughters of Zeus and Monsina. Like sisters, the girl was depicted by a beauty in a laurel wreath. It was accompanied by the corresponding attributes: a long theater mantle, a tragic mask and a sword, sometimes replaced by a closet. Over time, the character image was modified, but the appearance of the music did not change. Her biography was replenished with new details and events. The cult of goddess was formed for a long period of time. Therefore, her status of Muse has changed to the divine.

Zeus and Mnemosina

According to the legend, Muses lived on Mount Parnass near the castal key and on the Helikon mountain next to the sources of the Ipocrene. People striving for creativity and inspiration, Muse accompanied, giving grace. They were offered to eat from magic sources that showed talent. The same who tried to compete with Divine Bees, waited for an inevitable car. Beauties, giving the ability to dance, singing, music and other areas in art, did not transfer vanity and cruelly punished for him. Art and creativity, according to their covenants, must purify the soul, accompanied by good thoughts and goals.

The first mentions of the muses appeared in the literary works of Gesiod and Homer. At first their names were not voiced, and the image was presented in a single guise. Then it was about three goddesses, whose functionality was constantly adjusted. Today it is known that the ancient Greeks worshiped nine muses: Terpsichore, Waist, Evterpe, Erato, Klio, Calliopa, Urania, Polhygenia and Mellengene. According to Gesiod, the delightful young beauties chased Zeus and other gods, giving people talents and abilities. It is curious that the waist was opposed to Mellengene, depicting with a comic mask in his hands.


In the "Illiade" belonging to Peru Homer, Muses were subordinate to Apollon, the God of Art and Harmony. In addition to creative motives, they inspired themselves in science and carried moral values ​​into the world. Herodotus called in honor of the muse the fourth book of the collection "History", perpetuating her name in his work.

Muses are also associated with Dionysis, at the events of which they appeared. They are characterized by inspiration and mysticism, perseverance on the way to their dream and creative excitement. Divine creatures were widely revered and chased in ancient Greece. They were devoted to temples called Musayions. The atmosphere and the necessary atmosphere were supported by servants, priests. According to some data, such a temple was located in a school founded by Pythagore. There were sculptures of all nine music.

Myths and legends

Greek mythology opens the intricant relationship between the gods and simple mortals. She tells how the life of the sublime creatures was evolved. According to legends, Melpomen was a daughter of Zeus and Monsina. Eight of her sisters, like she, became patrons of science and art.

Sculpture Melpomen

Initially, the muse of songs and dramatic works considered the muse, but over time it began to personify with the scenic productions and events. As a result, the Muse is associated with the theater, summarizing the scope of the character's responsibility in one direction.

At first glance, the appearance of Melpomenn causes thoughts about aggression, because the sword is embedded in the hands of the girl. But she was not punisher. At the same time, MUSA limited the limits of theatricality, reminding that the machinery of masks should occur only on theatrical field, but not in life.

Musa tragedy became the mother of famous Sires, who were born in her union with Aheley. According to legend, her daughters decided to compete with muses in singing ability and lost the competition. For this girls were executed. Melpomen forever mourned her children, as mourned and people who came against the will of the gods.

Like other muses, Melpomen was a permanent companion of Apollo. She owns the idea of ​​creating a barvitos - a musical instrument resembling LIRA.


Today, the name of Melpomen is mentioned as an epision and in a figurative sense. The expression "Priest Melpomen" can be heard in high-speed responses about theater actors. Those who appreciate the centuries-old history of this field of art often remember the name of the muse. Its biography is not much illuminated in mythology, so the goddess does not devote full performances or films. But the name itself often appears in the monologues of theatrical productions and in descriptive morality.

Melpomen - biography of muses tragedy, attributes, image and character 1384_4

In 1987, teleprekct close to Soviet screens called "Oh Melpomen!" Director Dina Low. This project combined three Chekhov plots telling about the actors, and the name has become the thin irony of the author over the representatives of the dramatic direction in art.

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