Polina Kitzizko - biography, photo, personal life, news, instagram 2021



Polina Kitzizko is a Russian businesswoman who owns a network of fashionable boutiques, and a popular activist of the head. The woman began her business back in early 1994 and today takes place among the key figures in the Russian Fashion business.

Childhood and youth

Polina skillfully hides the age, so the exact date of birth is not found online. According to some information, Kitzenko was born on April 14, 1975, but Polina did not give official confirmation of this information.

Bizesvumen and the secular lioness Polina Kizhenko

The family lived safely - the girl's father worked in the prosecutor's office. Polina comes from Alexandrova, cities in the Vladimir region, but when the girl was 11 years old, parents moved to Moscow. In the capital of Polina, she graduated from school and on the Council of the Father looked at a lawyer, although in his childhood she wanted to become a geologist.

He studied the girl well and came to release with a red diploma. In the period of the student, she fell into the student exchange program and got a chance to study in the United States. America was impressed by Polina - the country was straightened from Russia to restructuring.

Polina Kizhenko is now in childhood

A particularly future business woman impressed the local fashion - at home the only way to dress brightly and no standard was an independent sewing. From the States, the girl brought a rare brother jeans and sneakers for Russia.

Returning to Russia, Polina 2.5 years worked in payment card departments in commercial banks. Fitness became the passion for the girl even while studying, and thanks to the sport of the field met the future husband of Edward Kizhenko. The couple met in the hall of the sports club, which both visited.


Eduard turned out to be a businessman, then the man owned by Podium. Inspired by the example of her husband, Polina in 1994 opened the first clothing store in his biography, which called the same way - "Podium". At first, the business demanded a lot of effort and almost did not give return.

Businesswoman and secular lioness Polina Kitzenko with Carl Lagerfeld

The girl literally everyone had to do "from scratch" - follow the trends of fashion, look for ways to import things into the country. It often worked out that she had to ride the goods on his own.

Soskaya Lioness Polina Kitzenko with girlfriends

However, the works brought the result, the business gradually went uphill. It gave Kitzenko the opportunity to expand and make a boutique network. The next step was the opening of a Podium Market - a shop, designed for a wide range of buyers, and not on Ceboribriti. This was the main goal of the work of Polina in the Fashion Industry - make fashionable clothes affordable a simple person.

Creative Director Podium Market Polina Kitzenko

In an interview with Ksenia Sobchak Kitzenko admitted that she is a tough and demanding boss, but not Samodor. From subordinates, it requires a lot, however, tolerant and is able to give a person a second chance, especially if he recognizes a mistake. But the excuses of the businesswoman does not tolerate.

Personal life

Polina many years happy wife and mother. A woman never ceases to say that Eduard has always been a reliable support for her in everything - from life to business.

Polina Kizhenko with her husband

Two children grow in the family - the energ of Egor and the youngest daughter Antonina. That part of the personal life, which concerns home, Polina does not advertise.

Caenco - famous lioness. Among the friends of Ksenia Sobchak, Natalya Vodyanova and Ulyana Sergeeva. Polina participates in charity, visits the associated events. The husband rarely accompanies the woman on such outlets - Eduard Public Life does not attract.

Polina Kizhenko with children

According to the businesswoman, the house is the most important thing in life, the place in which I constantly want to return. Moreover, the style and design of the house thought out not the polyna itself, but the spouse. Eduard is not a professional designer, but differs, according to his wife, a good taste. This confirms that the initiator of the famous hairstyle of Polina was the husband who advised the woman to make a haircut slightly shorter.

Polyna Kitzeno haircuts

An important part of the life of Polina is health and all that is connected with it. Kitzenko - the owner of a model growth of 181 cm, and the weight of a woman does not exceed 60 kg. After the birth of two children, the proper nutrition and constant physical exertion helps such a form.

Polina Kizhenko now

Zozh for polyna - the basis of the worldview. A woman continues to conduct a fashionable business, but outside this sphere her life is associated with sports and healthy nutrition. Kitzenko is blogging in "Instagram", she has more than 500 thousand subscribers, most of the photos are somehow related to physical development.

Polina Kizhenko is fond of running

Main Passion Polina - Running. The woman participates in marathons of different cities and countries, and in 2015, together with Natalia Vodyanova organized its own. Charitable Run "Running Hearts" Polina organizes annually. The funds collected go to the Nude Heart Foundation, which helps children with the features of development. Now the marathon united with a similar event "Sberbank" and takes place in 54 cities.

Polina Kitzizko in 2018 opened a sports studio

In 2018, Kitzenko launched new projects - its own sports studio and a tourist fitness program, in which you can visit various countries in parallel with training. Polina herself such tourism with humor calls sports directivity.

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