Rodion Yurin - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Talented actor and movie actor Rodion Yurin (height 175 cm), according to the audience, seemingly surprisingly similar to Johnny Depp.

Rodion Yurin and Johnny Depp

This Western beauty quickly prevents him in his career. However, the audience love him, and the directors offer roles. Rodion has already starred in several comedy serials, which brought him fame, dreaming in the future to try on the image of Stanley Kovalski in the play "Tram" desire ".

Childhood and youth

The actor and cinema of Rodion Yurin was born on May 23, 1974 in the city of Mariupol, in Ukraine. Parents divorced when the boy was still quite small and his mother was brought up, who worked as a makeup in the theater. She became the main companion of the Son in the decision to leave the hometown to Moscow and enroll in the theater university. The example of native aunt - actresses pushed this.

Full Rodion Yurin

In the upbringing of the boy, Mom tried to show severity, because Dad did not participate in the life of the Son. Since 12 years, Rodion began to engage in various sports, including boxing. He early learned the law of survival in his hometown - the strongest wins. Since then, sports is an integral component of the actor's life.

In the 90s, graduating from school, Rodion went to conquer the capital. At that time, the older sister of the future artist has already been learned here, and he was where to stay. Yurin tried to enter several theatrical educational institutions, and after the entrance tests it turned out that he was ready to accept everything. The young man decided to study in the Russian Academy of Theatrical Art (Gityis) and got into the workshop of Vladimir Andreeva.

Rodion Yurin in the theater

In the student years, which fell on the time of restructuring to survive, the young man worked as a waiter, a rice packer, sold books and magazines in trainers. Already on the 3rd year, a hardworking and talented student received an offer to work at the Ermolova Theater. At the same time played the first role - Emperor Peter II. This allowed him a little bit of looking at classmates.

After the end of Hitis, in 1996, the actor continued to play in the Ermolova Theater, where it was already officially enrolled in the pipeline. Yurina was involved in the performances of Saliery Forever, where Mozart played, "Slave of his beloved" in the role of Don Juan, "West Hall" (a foreigner) and others.


For the first time in the movie, the artist appeared as a stripter named Tarzan in the film "Nude Nature". For this role, the perfect body was needed, and Yurin decided to swing. I quickly achieved the planned result, but after that, a failure occurred in the body, and he began to gain weight. This was another reason why the actor is now constantly engaged in sports.

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Removed in many films and TV shows, among which: "At the corner of the Patriarch 2," Seventh Sky "," Princess Circus "," Barvikha "," Wolf's Eyes "," Surgeon "," Golden "," Kitchen ", "Do not be born beautiful." In the TV series "Kitchen" (2012) Rodion played Voldemara Barurance (Vladimir Baranova), which appeared in one series, but was remembered by the viewer. Until now, it is often associated with this character.

Fame and folk love Yurina brought Sitkom "Deffchonki", the premiere of which was held in 2012 on the TNT TV channel. The series tells about the adventures of the girlfriends, once leaving the native Saratov and who came to conquer the capital. Rodion plays the chief and beloved five.

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But the role of handsome Igor Mikhailovich could not get to Yurin. At first, the artist did not impress any impression on producers. Only a few months later, looking at dozens of candidates, he was invited to repeated tests and approved.

Actresses Polina Maksimova, Galina Bob, Taisia ​​Vilkova, Anastasia Denisov and others were colleagues. During filming at the site there was a friendly atmosphere. It also turned out: Polina Maksimova - the school friend of the wife of the actor, with which they did not see each other. Thanks to the series, friendship has been restored.

Personal life

For many years, Rodion Yurin has been married to Margarita Yurina, and in every second interview the actor admits in love for his wife.

Rodion Yurin and his wife Margarita

Married a couple in winter. Rodion made a proposal to Margarita on New Year's Eve at the event, which led, with the full hall of the audience. Calling a girl on stage allegedly for help, got on one knee and stretched out the ring. Rita agreed at once. Barely waiting for the discovery of regulations after the New Year holidays, young people filed a statement and reserved the first free date - February 2.

The wife of Yurina has no relation to the film industry. See you with the chosen one, the girl worked as a manager in a fitness club, now its activities are related to domestic staff. Despite this, the spouses are always talking about.

Rodion Yurin and Margarita Yurina

Margarita Yurina in adolescence was addicted to cinema. I watched every day for 2-3 films, and now the spouse is better understood in the European and American cinema. Rodion appeals to Rita as "Google", if you need to clarify one or another moment associated with the film.

Spouses dream over time to open a restaurant or confectionery. Enjoy each other's society, spending 90% of free time and not giving numerous fans and the whole world is not a single chance to doubt the feelings to each other. The pair is good together, and children have only plans for them, although Rodion has already mentioned in the media that she dreams about her daughter or son.

Rodion Yurin is now

The actor filmography includes about 33 kinocartin and TV shows. Now he works a lot. In the theater named after the Yermolovaya busy in the play "Hamlet" and "Auditor". Recently, Yurin said that he stopped loving the theater, tied up with possible disappointment.

"Maybe I have some insult. Years go, and I have not played my main goal ... ", he said in an interview with the point of view.
Rodion Yurin in 2018

In August 2018, the sixth season of the "Deffchonki" series started on TNT, in which the audience again saw Riona Yurina as Igor Mikhailovich.

Rodion leads pages in social networks, including in "Instagram", where it is divided with the subscribers of bright moments of life and philosophical reflections. Most of the photos reflect the love of the actor to sports, travels and the chosen profession.


  • 2018 - "Tech"
  • 2013 - "Icon of the season"
  • 2012-2016 - "Kitchen"
  • 2012 - "Deffchonki"
  • 2011 - "Golden"
  • 2011-2018 - "Traffic light"
  • 2010 - "Moscow. Central District 3 "
  • 2009-2010 - "Barvikha"
  • 2007-2009 - "Princess Circus"
  • 2007 - "servant of sores"
  • 2005 - "Seventh Heaven"
  • 2005-2006 - "Do not be born beautiful"
  • 2001 - "At the corner, in the Patriarch 2"
  • 2001 - "Nude Nature"

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