Sergey Lenyuk - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Sergey Lenyuk - the drummer of the "Affectionate May" group, which fans of Russian television also know as the first husband of Lera Kudryavtseva. Now he does not born with a popular TV presenter, nothing but the past, but the name of the musician in the media is consistently mentioned with it. In the biography of the artist there are many white spots, and about today's life knows a little - after the collapse of the legendary team, his career rapidly went to the decline.

Childhood and youth

Sergey was born in 1967. About his children's years little information, except that he comes from the secured family. Parents wanted the young man to enter the institute and received a "serious" profession, but Lenyuk chose a scenic career.

Sergey Lenyuk in youth

The composition of the ensemble "Laskovaya May" Sergey entered in 1986. Among the other participants scored mainly from the ornamental house in Orenburg, the young drummer was highlighted by professionalism - he was the only one earlier with music and played on stage.


In the late 80s, the popularity of "Laskovaya May" was stunning: concerts gathered full stadiums of fans, their songs knew every teenager, and the crowds of lovers were not given fans of their cummies. On the account of the group of 13 of the Achlagov in the Olympic - an impressive record, not yet broken by any representative of the Russian show business.

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"May Fever" went to the decline in 1992. Because of the internal contradictions, financial conflicts and desires of Yuri Shatunov, a solo career has completely broken down. Lenyuk remained in music, moving from the team to the team, but nowhere was unable to achieve the same popularity - his name as a musician turned out to be forgotten for many years.

Andrey Kucherov, Sergey Serkov, Andrei Razin and Sergey Lenyuk

In 2009, old Disc-style songs returned to fashion, and producers decided to revive the famous ensemble. Sergey again went on stage as part of "Laskovaya May" along with Andrei Razin, Sergey Serkov and Andrey Kucherov.

In 2017, the musician starred in the documentary "Affectionate May. Medication for the country "prepared by Timur White by order of the TVC television channel.

Personal life

Scheduled schedule and strict producers did not leave the artists of time for a personal life, but to escape from fans, thirsty of communication, it was impossible. One of them, the young Lera Kudryavtseva, who came to the capital from Kazakhstan, conquered Sergey charm and perseverance. Her novel with the drummer of his favorite group developed very quickly: at 18, she became pregnant, and the couple began to prepare for the wedding, despite the fact that the producer and parents of the musician were sharply against. As a result, the fact of official registration of relations from the management of the team had to hide.

Sergey Lenyuk and Lera Kudryavtseva

In 1990, the son of Jean was born in the young family. At that time, Lera was also interested in the work of the Belgian actor and the director Wang Damma, and she gave the name to the child in honor of him.

Early marriage was unsuccessful. The young spouse was very hard to endure the popularity of her husband: "the benevolence" constantly confronted about his treasures, gloomy, guarded Lero on the street, threatened and shouting nasty. In the family of Lenyukov, endless scandals thundered, besides, a couple with a child had to live in a small apartment with Mother Sergey, which also poured oil into the fire. Relations eventually lasted 2 years.

Jean, Son Sergey Lenyuk and Lera Kudryavtseva

Soon Lera filed a divorce and moved to the sister. About who at this time brought up a little Jean, the media report conflicting information: according to Kudryavtseva, Sergey had not seen her son, shied away from alimony, and she raised the child alone, and the relatives of the former husband were accused of Leru that she "threw off" her son And herself taking a personal life and career. Jean himself does not communicate with journalists and refuses to clarify the situation.

After divorcing a couple noisily scandaling in the press, recalling the old resentment to each other. The producer of the group Andrei Razin fell on the side of his protege. He had a special perturbation with his charges that Lenyuk beat his wife and abused alcohol.

"In fact, Seryozha in all her life 50 grams of vodka did not drink, did not smoke a single cigarette," the difference was hot in an interview.

In the hearts, he said that it was still unknown, from whom Kudryavtseva got pregnant, and Jean Sergey is not at all a son. The presenter was going to submit it to the court for these words, but as a result, their conflict was resolved, it was not reported.

Sergey Lenyuk

Later, Sergey married the second time. He now has two children - except for Jean, who is already an adult, and Lenyuk will grow up with Andrei, schoolboy. The musician called him in honor of the razin, who became a godfather. Lenyuk built a 3-storey house for a family in Sergiev Posad, but now he does not live with the second wife and does not tell anything about it.

With the eldest son and Kudryavtseva Sergey continues to communicate. Over time, they came up with Leroy and forgave her old resentment for each other.

"I am sincerely worried about it and want everything wonderful. I do not chat when I say that I wish, that Lera is everything beautiful in the family, "says Sergey.

The musician stated that it would be happy to nurse and grandson, when he will grow a little (in 2018, Zhan was born the son of Leo).

Sergey Lenyuk now

Today, the musician lives secluded and does not communicate with the press, so very little is known about his life. He refuses to comment on the scandals associated with the first wife and Andrei Razin, which remains a close friend. Photo Sergey rarely appear on the Internet, accounts in "Instagram" and other social networks he has no.

Sergey Lenyuk in 2018

Now Lenyuk performs with "affectionate" on private events and prefabricated concerts. He says that it is not at all upset that his name is associated only with the once popular youth group, on the contrary, considers it a reason for pride.


  • 1988 - "White Roses"
  • 1988 - "Summer deceived us"
  • 1988 - "Old Forest"
  • 1989 - "Goodba, Bebi"
  • 1989 - "Affectionate Summer"
  • 1989 - "Fabulous Coast"
  • 1990 - "Stupid Snowflakes"
  • 1990 - "Matya Matryshka"
  • 1990 - "Naughty Girl"
  • 1991 - "Close the door for me"
  • 1992 - "Random Meeting"

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