Love Sable - biography, personal life, photos, news, "twitter", "Instagram", court, arrest 2021



Love Sobol became famous as a lawyer of the fight against corruption (FBC), organized by the politician Alexei Navalny, an active opposition figure, as well as a person who is not afraid to openly express his own opinion. Opposition moods Sable and its associates often face the negative reaction of the authorities and ordinary citizens, however, love, on their own confession, is determined to defend their views and do everything possible for the benefit of the native country.

Childhood and youth

Lyubov Fedenheva (such a maiden name activist) was born on September 13, 1987 in the Moscow region. By nationality, she is Russian.

From an early age, the girl was distinguished by perseverance. It is not surprising that the school love graduated with a silver medal. The chosen specialty - jurisprudence - Sobol went to study at the Moscow Institute of Law.

In his youth, while still a student, Lyuba began to apply the knowledge gained in practice: the girl worked as a court secretary and assistant judge. In 2006, Sabol continued to education at the Law Faculty of Moscow State University named after Mikhail Lomonosov. Love has learned with pleasure and already in 2011 became a graduate specialist, having received a document with honors.

Career and politics

In the same 2011, the girl joined the members of the project "Rospil" Alexei Navalny. This organization was created to investigate the facts of corruption and inappropriate spending of taxpayers. Loves were close to the ideas of oppositionists, so sable with enthusiasm took up work. As the activist emphasized in an interview with Tatiana Mingalimova, the leading project "Gentle editor", she became the first lawyer "Rospila", as well as the first girl who joined the foundation.

The emergence of a specialist in the field of legal sphere helped to bring the activities of an anti-corruption organization to a new level. As a representative "Rospila", love participated in the discussion and development of the Federal Law "On the Federal Contract System in the Procurement of Goods, Works and Services". According to the organization, the girl managed to achieve changes and even the abolition of certain state contracts and budget purchases.

Also, Sobol became the permanent party of civil and accidental events: attended the forums "Antiseliger", "Last Autumn", and also helped Alexey Navalny to organize public rallies and stocks, repeatedly performed by an observer during certain elections. In addition, after the mass detention of protesters in 2012, sable, together with the activist Maxim Kaitz and members of the Public Organization, Rosuznik helped the arrested to get the necessary legal support.

In 2012, love joined the Political Party of the People's Alliance. Later, the organization was named "The Party of Progress", and in 2018 it was renamed again. Now the union is known as "Russia of the Future". The founder of the party was politician and public figure Leonid Volkov. In the same year, she became part of the Coordination Council of the Russian opposition, by the results of the voting even Sergey Udaltsov and Boris Nemtsov.

In 2016, love soba pleased supporters with news that he was going to run into deputies of the State Duma. However, it was not possible to realize these plans for the activist: she had to withdraw his own candidate due to disagreements with members of the parties "Apple" and "Parnas", the support of which would allow Sobat not to collect signatures to admit to vote.

In the spring of 2017, Sobol became the leading project "Cactus", which was published on the Youtube channel "Navalny Live". The guests of the studio became media persons who, love asked straight and, sometimes, rather uncomfortable questions. Studio "Cactus" managed to visit bloggers Danil the transverse and Yuri Dwell, singer Lisa coin and other eminent personalities.

Love Sobol and Ksenia Sobchak

True, after a while, love went out of the project. As later, he was confessed in an interview, she became catastrophically missing time and "Rospil", and on shooting, and on his own life, which is why I had to abandon participation in this program. According to love, it is significant for her not career growth or salary size, and the result of its efforts and the future of the country.

In March 2020, a sable in one of the rollers, who came out on the Yutiub-channel "Navalny Live", stated that he plans to participate in the elections to the State Duma. Already in October, the politician has published his election program, and the month later unfolded the election campaign.

Scandals and detention

In 2013, love soba sharply spoke in the address of the recent like-minded Maxim Kats. The fact is that the activist in the Living Journal expressed a number of comments to a bill prepared by Alexei Navalny. He, in turn, rudely responded to the mental abilities of Kats and overtightened him to Lyubov Sobol, who also reacted quite sharply to criticism. She even allowed himself several negative posts on social networks to Maxim Kats. True, these statements have been removed later.

In 2016, the businessman Evgeny Prigogin became the hero of the investigation of the FBK. After the yield of a scandalous roller on her husband Sobol, Sergey Mokhova, an attempt was committed. The entrance was not attacked by a man who nailed in the foot of the syringe with an unknown drug. Sergey fell to Earth in convulsions. It was promptly brought to the hospital, where they had a qualified help, so the state of the health of Mokhov soon came to normal. The examination showed that the drug could lead to a fatal outcome. A criminal case was initiated. Later in one of the interviews, Soba accused Evgeny Prigogina in the attempt.

In the fall of 2018, the love of love soba reappeared on the pages of news publications. Some media reported that the activist was arrested, but later it turned out that she was only detained. In addition to love, another supporters of Alexei Navalny, who helped organize a protest action against raising the retirement age, scheduled for September 9, is a single election day in the Russian Federation. After 14 hours, Sobol was freed that she reported on the pages in Twitter and Facebook. Love, on his own admission, understands that such an episode may not be the last, but does not intend to stop opposition activities.

Then in "Instagram", Twitter and other social networks began to discuss another scandal: Viktor Zolotov, who heads Rosgvardia, called Alexei Navalny duel and promised to "make a chop" from him "in response to the investigation by the Fund" Rospil "details of the state procurement of products for of this paramilitary structure. Alexey Navalny at that time was under the administrative arrest and the General could not answer, but Love Soba released a video for the Navalny Live channel, which rigidly spoke in favor of Viktor Zolotov's behavior.

In April 2020, the businessman Evgeny Prigogin presented a lawsuit for love sable. The reason was the insults - the oppositionist called Putin's "Cook" by a bandit and accused him of an attempt on her husband.

Criminal case

On December 21, 2020, the head of FBK published a recording of a telephone conversation with Konstantin Kudryavtsev - a chemist, which is allegedly involved in his poisoning. However, the FSB was called her fake. On the same day, Sobol tried to penetrate the apartment of the likely Navalny's poisoner, but love was detained near the house Kudryavtsev. She was planted into the car shoes and delivered to the police station to interrogate the housing in the criminal case, which was initiated on the statement of the Leschi Kudryavtsev. The oppositionist refused to testify, so it was released.

On December 25, a search was held in the apartment of a lawyer FBK, then she was taken to interrogation and detained her. The next day, the court was supposed to be held as the detainee stops, but it was canceled. On December 27, Sobat was released, but at the same time they put forward a charge in the case of violation of the housing immunity. Immediately after the release of the detention facility, love gave a comment to journalists:

"I'm not afraid, and no handcuffs that with me literally three minutes ago removed, they are not frightened. I do not frighten any criminal cases. "

On January 17, 2021, Love Sobol, together with other supporters, Alexei Navalny arrived at Vnukovo Airport, where the oppositionist and Navalny's wife were faced after a long stay in Germany. There, lawyer FBK detained. In addition to her, Ruslan Schadddinov and Konstantin Kotov were detained.

Personal life

Unlike career and opposition activities, a personal life of love Sable is not so public, a lawyer does not like this page of his own biography. It is known that sable is the name of the first husband of activist. Unfortunately, this marriage ended in divorce. There were no common children from spouses.

A bright blonde remained long alone. Now she is happy in the second marriage. Sociologist Sergey Mokhov became the new chief of the opposition. After some time, the media appeared reports that sable pregnant. The assumptions were confirmed, and in 2014, love and her husband became parents - Miroslav's daughter appeared on the world.

Interestingly, the appearance and photographs sable with makeup and without makeup are often compared with the image of Ksenia Sobchak. However, this love is not flattered: the activist admits that he does not trust Ksenia and reads about such comparisons with irritation.

On social networking pages, Sobol is divided not only with information that concerns opposition activities and develop the political situation in the country. In "Instagram" she publishes photos from his personal life. By them you can see what love is a thoughtful mother. She spends a lot of time with his family.

Love Sable now

On April 14, 2021, the opposition appeared in court as a defendant in the case of penetration into the Kudryavtsev dwelling. The meeting lasted more than seven hours, and in the final word, the accused fell into a cry and repeatedly reminded those present on the poisoning of Navalny.

The sentence was announced the next day. Love recognized the guilty and appointed her 1 year of correctional work. In addition, by the court decision, it was supposed to give 10% of the salary in favor of the state. Such a mild from the point of view of judicial practice, the punishment was explained by the presence of the case of a minor child.

Nevertheless, the supporter of Alexei Navalny immediately explained that he would apply for an appeal, because he did not agree with the verdict. She also continued the election campaign, speaking by an independent candidate for the State Duma deputies in the Central Bank of Moscow. However, in June, the activist announced the termination of the campaign due to the recognition of FBK by an extremist organization.

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