Mikhail Yakushin - biography, photo, sports, personal life, cause of death



Mikhail Yakushin is a famous Soviet football coach, hockey player and football player. For a sports career in different sports, a man more than once became the champion of the USSR and Moscow, the best strikers of the two championships and has many other awards.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail was born in 1910 in Moscow and from childhood was fond of sports. His first classes took place in the yard together with friends. The games were very exciting for him, so about the career of the football player Yakushin dreamly from childhood.

Mikhail Yakushin in youth

At 10 years old, the boy falls into the Hockey and Football Sports Section "Union". He quickly began to manifest himself and already at 19 years old begins to play in the Moscow club for the hockey team, and after 4 years it comes into an adult STS team. The young athlete tries himself in different positions, but best copes with the role of midfielder. The first mentors of the athlete became Georgy Meyer and Vladimir Messer.

Simultaneously with the development of sports career, Mikhail is educated. The young man enters the technical school, ends the faculty of land management and goes to work in a specialty. In 1930, at 20, he leaves for the Yalano-Katai district of the Ural region, where under his leadership the workers team practiced the process of cutting the Earth. After some time, a man call for a service in the army and send again to Moscow.

Football and hockey

The active development of sports career in the biography of Yakushin was in 1933. It was then that he begins to act as a midfielder of the capital "Dynamo" and, in addition to football, plays in other sports games. Full energy and strength, a man on a par with other players participates in hockey with a ball and a puck. Speaking in the 3rd compositions, Mikhail received a reputation as a universal athlete, and in the pre-war years became one of the best football players of the Soviet Union.

Mikhail Yakushin in youth

Speaking as part of Dinamo-Moscow, Mikhail 2 times recognized the best championship scorer in 1936 and 1950, he won 9 USSR Cups and won the championship. The man knew as masters of tricky combinations and attacks, for the football career he participated in 87 competitions and scored 40 goals.

The last years of staying in Dynamo trained under the leadership of Boris Arkadyev, who managed to transfer coaching skills athlete. Over the past 5 years stayed in the team held her captain at the midfielder position on the field. When Yakushin was located in a hockey group with a washer, the team won their first championship, and the young athlete's work in this game was especially allocated.

Coach Mikhail Yakushin

In 1944, Mikhail stops the teams player's career and immediately becomes Dynamo coach. The main football confrontation in the USSR was rivalry between Dynamo and the Moscow CDSA club, who at that time was headed by Boris Arkadyev. A year later, training under the start of Yakushin Club "Dynamo" is published in the Final of the USSR Cup. Under the coach of Mikhail Iosifovich, such players as Alexey Homich, Leonid Solovyev, Vladimir Savdunin and others appeared as part of Dynamo.

In 1945, the Yakushin team is sent in the UK tour, which subsequently increased the authority of Soviet football in the world. Before this, the team was enhanced by the best soccer player in Vsevolod Bobrov. It helped Dynamo to play in a draw with Chelsea and Rangers, win the Cardiff City and Arsenal.

Murtaz Hursilava and Mikhail Yakushin

The following years of the coaches of Yakushin were not so successful. As a result of several loud lesions during the games, Dynamo leadership decided to translate the coach in Dynamo Tbilisi. And this step was faithful, Mikhail managed to reveal himself again. In 1951, and once again 2 years later, Tbilisi Dynamo under his leadership won silver medals. At the same time, the Moscow team without an former mentor even more passed the past position. In connection with these events, the coach is returned to Moscow again.

In 1953, returned to the previous place, Mikhail Yakushin again justifies hope imposed on him and almost immediately he managed to take the Cup of the USSR. This victory laid the beginning of Dynamo Successful Games. A year after the return of the coach, the team wins in the championship, and a year later again repeats success. By 1959, Dynamo takes prizes twice twice.

Mikhail Yakushin at the head of the USSR national team

Dazzling all with their victories, Dynamo brought a great disappointment to fans, won only the 3rd place in the 1960 championship. After this, Mikhail's defeat was again removed from the post occupied. At this, the man decided not to end his sports career and in the same year he joined the ranks of the USSR national team coaches, and after 2 years he returned to Dynamo in Tbilisi, which he successfully trained and occupied prizes.

In recent years, a career has worked as a "Pakhtakhar", Moscow Lokomotiv and again with Tbilisi Dynamo. Since during this time the team under his start did not show the required results, Mikhail finally left the sport. In 1975, his coaching career officially stopped.

Mikhail Yakushin on the podium

In the Federation Federation of the USSR, Mikhail Yakushin actively engaged in public activities, consisted of a number of commissions and even in one sports journal worked as a football browser.

Personal life

The personal life of the sports coach has developed successfully. In his youth, a man met a girl with whom he later made a marriage. Anna Fedorovna became Yakushev's wife. Two children were born in the family - the son of Mikhail and Daughter Natalia. When Anna Yakushin died, the man no longer married. Children grew up, everyone had their own family, Mikhail lived alone in his small apartment. But he was not alone.

Mikhail Yakushin and his wife Anna

Living in Sweden Son Mikhail works as an engineer, he married a girl named Birgitt, the son of Nichols was born in a couple. Mikhail Iosifovich often visited the Son. Natalia's daughter with her husband Igor Frolov lived in the apartment next to his father, so he often visited him.

In 1988, a man released a book called "Eternal Mystery of Football," which described the most important events of the end of the football from the 20th century. On the cover of the book depicted a photo of the coach. And in 1993, in collaboration with Cyric Boris Yakovlevich, Yakushin released another edition - "Football in a mirror of time."


Yakushin Mikhail died in February 1997, in 86 years. A man is buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

Tomb Mikhail Yakushin

In memory of the coach, in honor of his 102th anniversary of his birth, on the facade of the house in which he lived until 1975, the city authorities established a memorial plaque. And in 2018, the name of the football player is called Street in the capital.


  • 1937-1941, 1947-1950 - USSR Cup
  • 1949-1950 - RSFSR Cup
  • 1940-1941, 1944, 1947-1949 - Moscow Cup
  • 1957 - Order of Labor Red Banners
  • 1996 - Order of Friendship

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