Alexey Khomich - biography, photos, sports, personal life, cause of death



Alexey Khomich is the first star name in the history of Soviet football. This will then be recognized by all Lion Yashin, Eduard Streltsov, Oleg Blokhin and other players. And then, in the post-war 40s, thanks to the talent of the goalkeeper Khomich, the winner's country was able to prove his sports superiority.

Goalkeeper Alexey Khomich

The skill with whom Golkaper defended his native gates did not bring him big awards and high titles, but it was appreciated and recognized all over the world, and the goalkeeper himself was cried with a nickname tiger for the natural power of the jump and an incredible courage in the fight with the opponent.

Childhood and youth

Talented goalkeeper was born on March 14, 1920 in Dubrovka near Moscow. The childhood of the boy can not be called carefree. Rosure without a father, Mother Anna Petrovna - a woman's little woman to feed himself and his son, wandered through the rich houses, performing various work on the housework. I lived where I had to go where the mother worked, then in distant relatives. Only in 1930, the woman allocated a tiny room from the meat processing plant, where she settled to work.

Little Alyosha early learned to be independent: because of the employment of the mother himself signed up to school, quickly mastered the diploma. Being a boy moving, most of all loved sports. The first choice was the acrobatics section, then the yard boys carried away football.

Alexey Khomich in youth

Alyosha could drive the ball over the field or defend the gate, came home soaked, dirty, with torn pants and erased shoes, which were used only for the garbage. Mother who saved every penny, categorically banned her son to engage in this "barbaric sports." The boy had to obey.

However, the young Homich has not ceased to look for themselves in sports. He was still engaged in acrobatics, signed up in the athletics section and carried away the volleyball, visiting all city matches. In addition, makes your business promotion of sports. Alyosha does not come out of the school library, in which it reads with articles about football and volleyball, studies the technique of the game, positions on the field, at the gate, etc. And when I read the story of the Lion Kassil "Goalkeeper of the Republic", caught fire with a dream to repeat the fate of the main character. And soon fate gave him this chance.

Alexey Khomich

In 1935, competitions were held between the yard teams on football and volleyball. Alexey, as promised Mother, played for a volleyball team, who won the triumph. And on the way home, the poaren met a friend who ran in search of a goalkeeper. He persuaded Homich to help out the guys and defend the honor of his native street.

The game was tense, but Alexey managed to reflect the balls of the enemy with powerful jumps. True, the score was spoiled by the mistake of the goalkeeper: reflecting the blow, he with the caught ball again went into the gate for the fallen cap. But despite this, the guys playing a novice were pleased.


So Alexey became a traffic goalkeeper. Together, they persuaded Anna Petrovna to make a ban on the game of the Son. And soon the young goalkeeper fell into the second national team of the Tagansky district. In 1936, after Victory at the Khomich interdistrict tournament, the football players of the club "Fighter" of the Moscow meat processing plant were noticed, and he received the first skills of the game with such stars club team, like Victor Talilikhin, Vladimir Nikanorov, Goalkeeper Vladimir Babkin.

Goalkeeper Alexey Khomich

After school, the young man is satisfied with the Tokarem onto the car factory, but continues to play for his native "fighter", first in the second, and then in the first composition. And in 1940, Khomich was invited to the Moscow Food Food team, where he immediately went to the field in a series of guest games within the framework of the USSR Championship, and after improved his skills in the internal games.

However, soon about football had to forget: Khomich called on the army, the guy in the border troops went to the southern frontiers. And with the beginning of the war of the young border guard was sent to Moscow, in a special purpose regiment.

Igor Netto and Alexey Homich

In 1943, when the overwhelming of the Forces was already on the USSR side, the top leadership was decided to hold friendly football meetings between the Alleni teams. The first tournament called "Shah Cup" was held with the team of Iran "Daja". Protect the gate of the Soviet national team entrusted Homich. After the unloading victory of the Union with a score of 3: 0 Shah personally expressed the goalkeeper admiration for his game.

In 1944, an iconic event occurred in Alexei's biography - the footballer joins the rows of Moscow Dynamo - the team in which his talent of the goalkeeper will reveal and world recognition will come. The debut game of the star goalkeeper took place in September 1944 with the "wings of the Soviets" (Moscow) and ended with Dynamo failure.

Alexey Khomich in Dynamo Moscow team

The team was generally worried at all, while the coach was not appointed Mikhail Yakushin. Thanks to the talent of Khomich and other bright players, he pulled out Dynamo to the champion level. The guys have proven it at the first post-war championship of the country: 19 victories and 73 goals in the gates of rivals.

The brilliant game Khomich, whom the team was called just Khoma, discussed all the fans, amazing how such a low (height 172 cm) goalkeeper manages to get the balls even from the furthest angle. Homich, like a Shaolin monk, took off over the ground in an incredible jump, clinging the ball with his long hands. And it was an incredible sight.

Mikhail Yakushin

And soon he was able to see the world fans of the game of millions. In 1945, the British Football Association invited Dynamo to play a series of matches with the country's best clubs - Chelsea, Cardiff City, Arsenal and Rangers.

The British did not expect big acne from opponents, believing that the game would be on the side of the field owners. However, the first game with Chelsea ended with a score of 3: 3. Of the four games with the British, Dynamo won twice and twice took a draw.

After the games about Khomich wrote all the British newspapers, respectfully gone by a tiger for the brave player of the game. A beautiful legend walks about this memorable trip in football circles, but no one is taken to confirm her. Allegedly at a solemn admission, Vice-President of the Chelsea FC declared:

"At the site of the leaders of the Football Association, I would not have released Khomich from England. He really need it here. "

What Homich answered:

"Soviet players are not sold!".

Alexey Petrovich played 6 star seasons for Dynamo. In 1947, memorable trips to Sweden and Norway took place. And in 1949, Dynamo with glitter played the next championship. For Alexey Khomich, he became the last as part of the native Metal Club.

Alexey Khomich and Lev Yashin

At the beginning of the 50s, the goalkeeper receives a number of serious injuries, is restored for a long time. In the same period, there is a change in the head coach due to the resignation of Yakushin. In addition, the indicators "Dynamo" have noticeably decreased, and the attitude towards age players began to change not for the better. These factors affected the departure of Khomich from the club. The legend goalkeeper was released with the offensive wording "for the loss of feeling of reaction."

Photo Correspondent Alexey Homich

From 1953 to 1956, Khomich plays for the Minsk "Dynamo" and withdraws the team to a new level. With him, Minsk residents first fell to the pedestal of honor, won bronze. In 1956, the legendary tiger decided to hang the goalkeeper gloves on the nail. And many more years he gave the coaching work, raising a lot of good football players, including a student Lev Yashin, surpassed his teacher.

In the post-feather life, Khomich became the main passion photo: almost 20 years worked as a sports photoconductor "Football" newspaper and traveled polim with a camera in his hands.

Personal life

Homich's youth was so filled with a favorite game that he sometimes had to forget about his personal life. But it was time, and Alexey met the girl Valentina, who became his wife. In the spring of 1950, a son was born a son, named after Father Alexei. Soon, the younger was born - Vladimir.

Alexey Homich with sons

However, Alexey Petrovich, raising so many guys in the sport, could not find contact with his own children. Sons did not obey their father, conflicted among themselves. Alexey contacted the crime, and his father could not do anything that was worried very sharply.


In 1978, the beloved wife Khomich died. This broke the athlete - he was rented in 2 years, May 30, 1980, died of liver cirrhosis. Following him and sons: Vladimir died from cancer, without surviving up to 25 years, and Alexei found killed. As the investigation assumed, they dealt with the guy because of large debts.

Mogile Alexei Khomich

At the gravestone monument of outstanding Khomich was portrayed with a camera behind a football gate. Another tribute to the Master - a memorial plaque on the facade of the house number 41 on the metropolitan Kutuzovsky Avenue, where in the last 30 years a tiger of Soviet football lived.


  • 1945, 1949 - Champion of the USSR
  • 1945, 1949 - Finalist of the USSR Cup

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