Igor Pottlenitsky - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



The first chapter of the Lugansk People's Republic Igor Plotnitsky - the figure is ambiguous. There is a lot of rumors around it, and sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish the truth from the fiction. On the one hand, he is accused of terrorism, and on the other hand, he appears to be a caring chapter, redeemed for the benefit of old people and children. Probably, only time will place all the points in its biography and make the necessary accents.

Childhood and youth

Igor Venediktovich carpentry comes from the village of Kelmentsy Chernivtsi region, Ukrainian SSR. It was born in the summer of 1964 in the family of Venedikta Petrovich and Olga Anatolyevna. Father worked as a mechanic, mother - a cleaner. Parents lived not burn. Igor grew up with the younger brother Mikhail.

Igor Pottlenitsky

In those years, no one else knew how the life of the parents of Igor Plotnitsky would suffer sadly. In the summer of 2014, in the midst of armed conflict in the Luhansk region, Petsperators left the house and left the native village to Russia.

Spouses settled in the Podgorny microdistrict in Voronezh. According to news sites, in the autumn of 2016, the couple died at the Moscow Institute of Ambulance named after Sklifosovsky. The official cause of death is poisoning.

Igor Plotnitsky in youth

Later, Igor Pottlenitsky officially confirmed the news in the media about the death of parents. He refused to talk about the details, not wanting to reveal his privacy.

After school, Igor went from the village and entered the Penzo Higher Artillery Engineering School. He graduated from him in 1987, but remained to serve in the Armed Forces of the USSR.


After serving 4 years, the future head of the LDR is fired to the reserve in the rank of major. After that, moved to Lugansk, where he lived until 2017. Returning to Ukraine, carpentry worked in commercial firms. After 4 years, it was engaged in business. Opened a private enterprise "TF Scarab". On its own gas station, sold fuel and lubricants in retail.

Politician Igor Plotnitsky

In 2008, I decided to change the type of activity and settled in the regional inspection to protect the rights of consumers. Confidently climbed the career ladder. In the same year graduated from the magistracy and received the qualifications of the Master of State Service.

In 2014, when the Lugansk Republic proclaimed independence, the carpenter with enthusiasm supported what was happening. He led the formed liberation battalion "Zarya". And a month later, became the minister of defense of a new independent state.

Igor Plotnitsky in military uniform

Part of the Ukrainian media attributes to carpentry planning and organizing a rocket shelling in July 2014. Zelennopolye servicemen underwent a rocket attack. As a result, according to one data, 19 servicemen were killed, dozens of wounded, in other victims of more than 200 people.

In the summer of the same year in the print media of Ukraine and on the Internet there were accusations of a carpenter in the abduction of the Helicopter of the Mi-24 Hope of Nadezhda Savchenko, who played its role in the death of two Russian journalists. They wrote that the Minister of Defense personally brought the military pilot to Russia and transferred to the authorities. The prosecutor's office of Ukraine was made official accusation.

Igor Pottlenitsky

However, according to the Russian SK, Savchenko independently crossed the border and was detained as a suspect. In 2015, she was judged. The carpentest arrived on the court. His testimony was expected to be all over the process, but he gave them in "closed mode". After the liberation, Savchenko was filed with politics, and the parties met in Belarus for negotiations on the exchange of prisoners.

In the fall of 2014, Igor Venediktovich was elected head of the LDP, the official inauguration took place, during which he swore on the Bible. Military time laws require clear actions devoid of sublimation. One of the first decrees of the new leader, immediately after the entry into the position, was the provision of orphans, whose parents died during hostilities in the Lugansk Republic.

Head of LNR Igor Pottlenitsky

Another step of chapter was an open letter to the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, in which he called opponent on a duel. From the letter it followed that the winner will be able to set its conditions, and the defeated is obliged to accept them. In the letter, he voiced his demands as a result of victory.

Among them, the termination of hostilities, the conclusion of the armed formations from Lugansk and Donetsk regions, the conclusion of the world with them. The letter was published on the official website of the Lugansk People's Republic. In 2015, the Security Service of Ukraine held a special investigation against the LDP leader. He was suspected of a number of crimes, including abduction and terrorism.

Igor Pottlenitsky and Alexander Zakharchenko

In the same year, the head of the two self-proclaimed republics - Lugansk and Donetsk - Igor Plotnitsky and Alexander Zakharchenko at the summit in the capital of Belarus signed the second Minsk Agreement. The need for it arose due to the resumption of hostilities in the east of Ukraine. Representatives of Russia, Ukraine and the Organization for Safety and Cooperation in Europe also attended the meeting.

In the fall of the same year, Kiev imposed sanctions on chapters, as well as the leaders of the LPR and DPR militia. They blocked the possibility of conclusion of capital abroad. Also carpenter fell into the sanctions list of the United States.

Leonid Book

During the military conflict on the life of the carpenter, 3 attempts were committed. In addition, in August 2016, the explosion of the self-made bomb thundered in Lugansk next to the car, in which Igor Veniaminovich was driving. As a result, the head of LNR was seriously injured and was delivered to the local hospital. Being on treatment, the leader of the republic recorded the audio image, which confirmed that he was alive and would soon return to work.

In November 2017, Igor Pottlenitsky resigned. The official reason was called the state of health. Changed his Minister of State Security LDR Leonid Palace. In one of the interviews, this carpenter as chapter, he, in particular, thanked Russian residents for:

"... support, understanding, sympathy and mercy."

Personal life

Igor Pottlenitsky is married to Larisa Carpentry (according to some data, spouses have been divorced for several years). Personal life of the head of the LDR is not covered in the press. According to available information, spouses have a son and daughter. Son Stanislav born in 1985, there is no data about the daughter.

Igor Pottlenitsky and his wife Larisa

Larisa's wife prefers not to fill in the media, but there are several photos on which she along with his spouse.

Igor Pottlenitsky now

What happens in the life of the former head of the LDP Igor Plotnitsky now, it is not reliably known.

Igor Pottlenitsky in 2018

In 2018, 3 main versions exist in the media. According to one of them, the carpenter quietly lives in Moscow, on the other - closed in the Sizes "Crosses", on the third - is located in Voronezh. There are no proven information today.


  • Order of Friendship of the Republic of South Ossetia
  • Medals of the Lugansk People's Republic
  • Medal "Luganza; Faith and diligence "
  • Medal "To commemorate the creation of Novorossia"
  • Medal "Battle for Lugansk 2014"
  • Medal "70 years of victory"
  • Medal "70 Years of Great Victory" (from the Communist Party, Russia)
  • Honorary sign "Our Glory"

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