Mikhail Mishin - biography, photo, personal life, news, aphorisms 2021



The peak of the popularity of the Satirik writer fell in the 1980s. Mikhail Mishin became known to the viewer thanks to the participation in the transfer of "around laughter", where his monologues "Voice", "approval!", "Proud", and others sounded on the whole country.

Satir Mikhail Mishin

But I don't know everything about his literary activity and work of the screenwriter: Mishin is the author of a number of books, several films are supplied according to the author scenarios, including those known as "Silva" and "free wind". In the 90s, Mikhail Anatolyevich plunged into translation activities: began to translate foreign plays and adapt them to the formulation on the Russian scene.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Mishin (real surname - Litvin) was born on April 2, 1947 in Tashkent. In the capital of Uzbekistan, the boy spent early childhood, up to 7 years old. Then his father was offered a good position in Leningrad, and he transported the family to a new place of residence.

"I had a happy childhood. Someone said that a person has either the first half of life, or the second one. I am stupid to sin ... I loved me in the family as the only child. For several years, I grew up at my grandmother in virtue of different circumstances, "the artist remembers the long time of childhood.
Mikhail Mishin in youth

Mishina's parents had the most direct attitude: the father worked as Deputy Director of the Leningrad House of Journalists, Mom - in Philharmonic. However, the Son decided to choose the technical profession and entered the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute for the specialty "Electrical Equipment of Ships". While still a student, he began to write humorous stories and essays, which from time to time came out in thematic newspaper columns.


Once Mikhail decided to show his creativity, his father who encouraged the literary experiences of the Son. And he, to the surprise of the author, approved. So in the life of the writer, the first "approval" sounded - the word that not only brought Mishina glory, it "left" into the people, and this, according to his colleague Arkady Inin, the highest award.

Mikhail Mishin on stage

When a lot of publications have gained a lot of publications, Anatoly Litvin gathered them, referred to work and showed one of the editors - Boris Kruyan.

"That is terribly liked, but when the father admitted who the author, he rushed terribly with him, began to scream about the blobe. Father quickly objected that while the editor did not know who wrote texts, then adhered to another opinion. He thought and agreed. And in 1976 my first book was released on Trolleybus Street, "says Mishin.

By specialty, the artist still worked: four years was an engineer in the Central Council of Ship Electrical Engineering and Technology. But at the moment when the target graduate school and other benefits were offered. Run to free bread. By that time, along with Semen Alto, he had already worked for several years in Lenconcert, "artist of speech genre" for a bid of 9 rubles.

In 1977, Mishina, who was already known, was accepted into the Union of Writers. And in the same year there is a significant meeting with Arkady Raykin. Mishina has long wanted to show Material his writings. And friends who worked in his theater arranged a meeting. Raykin called a few days later and suggested doing a performance with him.

With Arkady Isaakovich, the author collaborated several years. In Tandem, the play "His Majesty Theater" was created. Then Rykin moved to Moscow, Satirikon appeared, in which Konstantin Rykin came, and Mishin, together with him, began to participate in the formulation of the "face" (1983). Success was grand. Subsequently, a few more works created with the participation of Mikhail Anatolyevich will appear on the scene "Satirona".

Mikhail Zhvanetsky and Mikhail Mishin

The beginning of the 80s is the fruitful period in the work of the Satirik writer. It works as a screenwriter: wrote a script for Silva's musical films and "free wind" delivered by director Jan Fridom. In parallel, goes to the stage. In the iconic program "Around laughter", satirik not only performed on the same stage with such large artists as Mikhail Zhvanetsky, Arkady Arkanov, Roman Kartsev, Alexander Ivanov and others, but also was the author of many executable works.

"There was a period when I concert a lot, flashed on TV. It seems to me that I found contact with the audience ... Then the time has changed, the old systems crumbled, and I moved away from pop speeches ... "," the artist told the interview.

In the rich biography, Mishin is both acting experience. In 1995, the film of Alla Surikov "Moscow holidays" is released on the screens, in which Mishin starred in the episode with Alexander Adabashia. He also participated in the pictures of "Genius", "Sin of Mask", "Children of Monday" and others.

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In addition, the 90s became time when Mishin is actively published. In 1990, the Book "Former Future" and the Collection "Mixed feelings" with pop works and aphorisms of the writer are published. In 1991, the next compilation "Odoborum" came out, in 1995 - the book "Feel the difference!". Total writer is the author of over ten books.

In the late 80s, Mikhail Anatolyevich became interested in literary translations. Friends brought English-speaking plays that the writer began to translate exclusively for himself. The first job is "these free butterflies" - put in one of the Leningrad theaters. It inspired the writer, he began to translate more and yet. From the famous translations - "Too married taxi driver" and "number 13" of Ray Kuni. Mishin is proud to open the work of this writer for the Russian theater.

Mikhail Mishin on television

In 2016, three performances were put in Moscow on the translated plays Mishina: in Satirikon - "Vanya and Sonya, and Masha, and a nail", in the theater Pushkin - "This wonderful life", in the theater "At Nikitsky Gate" - " Brothers. Satirika is also the author of the Russian version of the Libretto of the musical "We Will Rock You", translated the television series "Friends" (1 and 2 seasons).

Mikhail Mishin is a two-time winner of the Golden Calf Prize, the Gold Ostap Prize winner. The biographies of Mikhail Anatolyevich reserved the personal volume of the "Anthology of Satira and humor of Russia of the XX century".

Personal life

For the first time, Mikhail Mishin married 5 years after the end of the Institute. The wife of Satirik became the philologist Irina Kardashi-Bryud. Husband and wife lived 15 years old - from 1970 to 1985. The couple had a son Alexander (born in 1972), living in the United States.

Mikhail Mishin and Tatyana Dogileva

The whole country knows about the second marriage of the artist: in 1986 he married the famous actress Tatiana Dogileva. The couple met on the filming of the film "Wolly Wind". Mishin wrote a script for the picture, and Tatyana Director invited Pepitty to the main role.

"There was some intrigue for a long time, Tanya refused. But as a result, played in this picture, and we met at the end of the filming, in Leningrad, "recall Mikhail Anatolyevich.

Mishin and Doglev lived over 20 years and submitted in 2008. In 1994, the spouses were born daughter of Catherine. The girl graduated from art school and started an acting career in the USA.

Mikhail Mishin with children

In 2009, information about changes in the personal life of the artist appeared: allegedly he carries for the actress Maria Golubanka. The participant of the rumors has denied the information.

Satirik retained with the former spouses an excellent relationship, often communicates with children. In 2017, a happy father published a photo with her son and a daughter on a web.

Mikhail Mishin now

In 2018, Mikhail Mishin returned to the scene after a 20-year break. On April 5, the first meeting with the writer was held in St. Petersburg. And on April 19, he performed in Moscow, in the "Theater in Nikitsky Gate," with new monologues.

Mikhail Mishin in 2018

Now the artist returns to scenic activities, actively works as a playwright.


  • 1976 - "Walking on Trolleybus Street"
  • 1981 - "Pause in Majer"
  • 1988 - "On top of the surface"
  • 1990 - "Former Future"
  • 1990 - "Mixed feelings"
  • 1990 - "approval"
  • 1995 - "Feel the difference"


Creativity at Beethoven, and we have a job. Castrate it is impossible. Self, such a complex and lonely creature. I was a rising star and still remained.

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