Peter Gradov - biography, photo, personal life, books, cause of death



Peter Gradov is the Soviet and Russian poet, and at the same time the author of the texts of more than 200 songs that included popular artists in the repertoire. The man is recognized as a well-deserved employee of the culture of the Republic of Chuvashia, is a famous actor and playwright.

Childhood and youth

Petra's biography, in particular children's and youth years, is similar to the biography of almost every Soviet boy. Born in early 1925 in Ukraine, in the city of Novograd Volyn Zhytomyr region, studied in a general educational secondary school. Real Last Name Gradova - Kutman. Children's and youthful years of the boy passed in Leningrad, where from 16 years old, from the first days of the Great Patriotic War, along with other schoolchildren Peter worked in the front hospital by Sanitar. Work in several hospitals hardered a young man, made it stronger and showed different sides of the war.

Poet Peter Glad

At 18, Peter is calling for the army to protect the Motherland, and during the year he ends up the military school of communication in the city of Vladikavkaz, formerly at the time of Ordzhonikidze. During the army service, a young man begins a creative career. In those years, he writes the first verses, which in 1944 for the first time published in army newspapers.

And some time later, the works of the poet begin to appear in the journals "Friendship of Peoples", "Youth", in the "literary newspaper" and other editions of those years. Already then began to appear the first fans of Peter Mikhailovich's creativity, poetry touched the hearts of readers and left the indelible trace in their souls.

Peter Glad

Despite literary employment, in 1944, a young man becomes a commander of the radar platoon of a separate battalion of the Leningrad Front. After the end of the war, a man remains to live in Moscow and already in the capital enters Gitis to the acting department. After the successful end of study, Peter Mikhailovich works at the Mayakovsky Theater for 8 years. In 1958, it becomes co-author of the Soviet Music Cinema Script "Sailor with Comets".


For his creative career, Peter Mikhailovich released many publications, among which poetry, verses of love and war. In 1990, a new writer book is coming out - "Favorites", where the story of the generation, whose youth leaks during the Great Patriotic War was told.

Books of Peter Gradov

In verses about his wife, blockade and difficult time, the author to express complicated thoughts uses simple words. Among the most famous works - "My love", published in 1984. In the 1994th, fans of the work of the poet get acquainted with his new book "Miracle of Nature: Novels, poems, epigram," in which various works are collected.

Also, the author belongs to the poem "And I thought, you're happy", "legendary Sevastopol", "the invisible front of soldiers" and other works that today reread the current generation today.

The first work of Gradova as the playwright was written in 1963, this is a play "The limit of my dreams. Vaudeville". Later, Peter became the author of the theatrical play "For the sake of this day," the comedies "Champion" and "Countess-Roma", as well as other productions.

Famous performers included poems in the repertoire. In the songs of Joseph Kobzon, Lyudmila Zykina, Lion Leshchenko, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Valentina Tolkunova and other pop stars are poems poet. Anatoly Novikov, Lyudmila Lyadova, Alexander Basicov, Evgeny Blischkin, Seraphim Tulikov and other composers wrote music.

Poet Peter Glad

The merits of Peter Mikhailovich are estimated and recognized by the state. In November 1980, a man was awarded the Order of the Honor Sign, in 1985 he received the Order of the Patriotic War of II degree, and after 10 years he was awarded the Order of Friendship. The latter was the medal of the Order "For merits to the Fatherland" of the II degree. The works of Gradov were repeatedly nominated for victory in the All-Union and All-Russian song contests. Also, the man became the laureate of the "Artiad Peoples of Russia" and other television festivals of the song.

Personal life

To live together and create a family, the poet chose a girl who was born in a creative family. Gradova's wife became Isis Ioakimovna Maximov-Koshkinskaya. The woman studied at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and subsequently worked as a translator. Father Isis - Joacim Maksimov-Koshkin - Famous Soviet actor and cinema, People's Artist Chuvashovskaya ASSR. He also worked as a translator, he was a screenwriter, playwright and director, became the organizer of the Chuvash Professional Theater and the "Chuvashino" studio. The mother of the girl, Tatiana Maksimova-Koshkin, also worked as a translator, was a playwright and film actress.

Andrei Gradov, son of Peter Gradova

Happy marriage brought a young family of two children. Son was born in 1954. Today Andrei Gradov is a famous actor. The young man graduated from the Schukinsky Theater School, and after 3 years his debut was held as an actor. For this period, the Soviet and Russian artist filmography consists of more than 80 paintings. With the main activity, a man combines the work of the sump sounding and dubbing. Since the late 1990s and to the present, it is removed mainly in television serials.

The second child in the domestic family was Tatiana's daughter. She was born in 1958, the artistic person was noticed by the director Leonid Gaiday, so for 7 years, the girl starred in the cinema. This is a comedy "Operation" s "and other adventures of Shurik." Tanya played the role of a restless girl Lena, which did not give rest "Shurika.

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Despite the popularity that the little Tanya found after the release of the film on large screens, then her acting career suspended. And the next project in which she starred was released only in 2010. This is the documentary "Secrets of Soviet Cinema. Operation "S" and other adventures of Shurik. "

In 1963, the poet family experienced real grief. As a result of the automotive catastrophe of Isais, Joachimovna died, leaving a young man widow. Children who were at that time were 9 and 5 years old, it was difficult to suffer a mother's loss.

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Since Peter paid a lot of time to work, the children were brought up with her grandparents who managed to grow decent people. Other information about the personal life of the poet, in particular about women, is not advertised in the network. A man always worked a lot, often he left the city for this and traveled to the village village of Dt Krasnovidovo in the Istra region of the Moscow region.


Grada Peter Mikhailovich died in Moscow in September 2003. He was buried at the Khimki cemetery, which is located on the left bank of Khimka's river.

The grave of Peter Gradova.

In 2005, in memory of the Soviet and Russian poet, the small hydrographic vessel "GS-398" was called the name of Peter Gradov - 872th project of the Black Sea Fleet. On the Internet in open access presented photos of this ship.


  • 1963 - "My desires limit. Vaudeville"
  • 1981 - "Lubushka"
  • 1981 - "Champion"
  • 1984 - "For the sake of this day"
  • 1984 - "My love"
  • 1990 - "Favorites"
  • 1992 - "Frankly: poems, poems, epigram"
  • 1994 - "Miracle of Nature: Novels, Poems, Epigram"

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