Tbba Warm - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Tbwy warm is a young performer working in rap music genre. He managed to acquire thousands of fans, but not so much known about his biography, and even his appearance for a long time remained secret. In the summer of 2018, it became known about the closure of the project Tbili: a musician rethinks creative plans and wants to appear before fans in a completely different image.

Tbba warm

The real name of the musician - Sergey Warmny. The scenic nickname comes from the name of the city of Tbilisi, where he was born on November 18, 1992. His family often changed the place of residence: a part of childhood, the boy spent in the Caucasus, then lived in Norilsk, in adolescence - in Mariupol. There Sergey graduated from high school and went to study in a local technical school.


Since childhood, the future performer had two passions - graffiti and rap. Numerous movements were not like him, and the early songs became an expression of his sorrow from separation from friends. In the technical school, warm together with buddies founded a music group. The first tracks they recorded at home on the cassettes.

Tbilted warm with friends

Soon the young team fell a chance to sign up in a professional studio. There they created a debut song "It all started." Later on this composition made a fan clip, which can be seen on YouTube.

In 2013, the Debut Album of Rapper "Soundary Paradise" came out, on which het "Father" appears, filled with Vasia Kimo. After that, Tblis received an invitation to Moscow, where he met other musicians of his genre and became part of the metropolitan hip-hop party. The famous Rapper Zheka recorded with him the track "About love", which became an online hit.

In 2014, warm with his team creates an album "Dancing hermaphrodites". The period of its cooperation with the label of Cao Records begins. Together with the producers, Tblis planned to release a full-fledged album, to play in the film about hip-hop and sign up with the Bratubrat group, but in 2018 he had a conflict with leadership.

Another popular Kiev rapper, speaking under the VNUK pseudonym, spoke in an interview for the Rap.ua portal that David Ptaha Nuriyev's manager quickened with representatives of the new rap - a large public in Vkontakte, where lovers of Russian-speaking music are gathering. He tried to ban them to post the music of all performers who have a contract with the Cao Records. After that, warm left the label, stating that he does not want to "bring" fans, among whom many were community participants.

A pleasant speaking and love theme was made warm popular in the teenage and youth environment. For a long time, rapper hid his photos than provoked multi-page discussions among fans on the topic of how it really looks. There were rumors that he released other people instead of himself, and at a concert in Omsk, when Tbili himself could not come due to problems with documents, the organizers were offered to bring a guy with a similar voice and give it to warm.

The official public of the musician in Vkontakte did not clarify the situation, since there was a creativeity of Tbili called "a project organized by rappers from different cities of Ukraine" (now the community is closed). In the "Instagram" singer only two pictures - one group and one from the back, and on the title photo - a man with a bag on the head, in the area of ​​whose person is drawn question mark.

Friends of the musician respond about warm as a smart and well-reading person who is hidden behind an unclosed stage.

"Initially, his idea was to make a" accessible "culture," Sergey's friend, Raper Basota, explained in an interview. - It was a stead over the world around. And people suddenly saw themselves and changed themselves. "

Personal life

Young rapper is popular with girls. According to the warmest, he likes new acquaintances and prefers short novels, and it is not interested in serious relationships. The musician plans to marry no earlier than 30 years, and before you career and enjoy free life.

Tbilted warm now

Until recently, Sergey lived in the capital and went with concerts in Russia. Its discography included 4 albums. In 2018, he released the new single "Anastaysh" and two collections of hits of previous years, after which the "Facebook" and thematic communities posted the news of the farewell concerts and the upcoming closure of the project. Most of the warm profiles on social networks and on music sites has already been removed.

Tbba warm in 2018

He himself warmly did not explain to fans the causes of its decision and share creative plans, but the information was leaked to the network, which he does not throw the stage, but wants to start "from a clean sheet" and present a completely new image to fans.


  • 2013 - "Sound Paradise"
  • 2014 - Last Days
  • 2014 - "Dancing hermaphrodites"
  • 2015 - Happy End
  • 2018 - "Anasta"
  • 2018 - The Best
  • 2018 - All Hits

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