Selim I - biography, photo, personal life, children, cause of death



The name of Selima I in the history of the Ottoman Empire is associated with the era of the glorious conquests, victorious battles and strengthen the status of the country in the world arena. However, such an aggressive policy also has the opposite direction: during the life of the ruler, they first called brave, and then by Javuz - Grozny and Fierce: Selim did not know pity for enemies, nor to those who guessed themselves alone than and deserved the fame of cruel, although Fair man.

Childhood and youth

Father Selima I was Sultan Bayazid II. At the time limit, the son of the ruler received the city of Trabzon under his office, where he began to study the state case. Soon the successes of the young man allowed Bayazid to entrust him more serious territory - the Balkans, where Selim became the official Sultan governor.

Portraits Selima I.

From the brothers Selima, at that time, Korkut remained, who ruled the territory of Antalya, and Ahmet, who represented the power of Sultan in Amasa. By tradition, after the death of Bayazid, the authorities had to go to the Son, who would have time to come to the capital. And the efforts of Sultan, who had hoped on Ahmet, geographically closer to Constantinople (now it is the Turkish city of Istanbul) that he was located.

Selima did not suit a similar position of things, and he more than once tried to persuade his father to translate him closer to the capital. As a result, Bayazid allowed her son to head Semendir (now it is the Serbian city of Sonderevo), but Ahmet still remained much closer to the capital.

Governing body

After some time, the prospect of losing the cherished throne forced Selim to act more decisively. Having enlisted the support of the approximate military, the son of Sultan moved to the capital, counting on supporting a group of rebel in Constantinople. However, these calculations were not justified, and the battle that took place in the summer of 1511, ended not in favor of Selima.

Sultan Selim I.

Filing from anger of a powerful father, the rebel fled to the Crimean Khanate, where he continued to build plans for the seizure of power in the country. Selima supported the ruler of the Khanate Mengli-Gary, who also had some army.

Sultan, meanwhile, began to suspect the second son - Ahmet - in intention to speed up the transfer of the throne. Then the wise ruler, fearing bloodshed, renounced the throne. Power switched to Selim. According to one of the versions, the decision of Bayazid was voluntary, on the other purpose - Selim entered the capital with the army and threats made his father convey power.

Selim I on horse

However, the renunciation of Sultan to the new ruler seemed not enough. As soon as the throne, Selim decided to secure himself from possible goats dissatisfied and gradually got rid of all relatives on the male line. Both brothers Selima were executed by his decree, however, and this appeared a little newly: he executed the sons of Ahmet and Corkuta, his nephews. In addition, there is a version that I decey I is blessing and in the death of my own father, who left the life only a month after the son of the Son on the throne.

The Board of Sultan Selim began with the conquests of new lands. First of all, the ruler entered into confrontation with the ruler of Persia Ismail I. In the 1514th army of the Ottoman Empire entered Persia and broke the army of Ismail. The survivors retreated from the borders, passing the city outside the city. Soon Selim entered the capital, plundered the treasury and took captivity of Harem Shaha.

Ottoman Empire Selima I

The year later, Sultan conquered the dynasty of the memory of the neighboring elbistan, and then began to prepare for a serious campaign to Egypt. The rivals exceeded the army of Selima by Connection, however, they lost significantly in artillery and general training, therefore, in August 1516, the Turks defeated Mamlukov. After a few months, the Turkish army conquered Syria, and then captured the Palestinian city of Gaza.

Some time after these events, the former rulers of the obedient lands were trying to win their own possessions, but unsuccessfully. In 1517, Selim I received the keys to Mecca and Medina, which symbolized the transfer of these territories under the management of Ottomans. In addition, the Turks have fallen in tribute to Venice, forcing the tribute for the island of Cyprus. Thus, Sultan Selim took only 4 years to practically double the territory of Ottoman possessions.

Personal life

The personal life of Sultan has incomplete data - this page of the biography of Selima I, unfortunately, is not sufficiently lit by historians. Surely it is known about the 4 wives of the ruler who gave him children. They became Aishe Hatun, Hafs-Sultan, Tajl Hatun and another woman whose name is not preserved. There is also information about 15 children Selima - 5 sons and 10 daughters.

Hafs Sultan and Selim I

After the death of Sultan, his son Suleiman rose on the throne, whose mother was Hafs-Sultan. This woman also remained in history - her name for a long time was associated with the Turks with wisdom. Hafsa Sultan gently directed his son, helping him to make faithful political decisions.


Disputes about the exact cause of the death of the Great Sultan are still underway. It is officially believed that the life of Selim I carried the Siberian ulcer, but there is another assumption that the ruler was poisoned. The Ottoman ruler was 54 years old.

Selim I on mortal app

Suleiman, who has changed Selima on the throne, did not repeat his military feats, but entered the story as a man of art, patronized poets, artists and architects, as well as the ruler, in which the Ottoman Empire reached the greatest development in all areas.


About the events of life Selima I shot films and serials, a lot of books are written. The series "Roksolana" is devoted to this period of the Ottoman Empire (according to the work of the writer Paul Zagrebelnoye), in which the role of Sultan played actor Konstantin Stevepankov. Another series in which the image of Selim Grozny appears, is the "magnificent century". The role of the ruler, who is in the memoirs to Son Suleiman (Actor Halit Ergech), fulfilled Muharem Gulmez.

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In addition, in 1978, the writer Bertries Small released the artistic book dedicated to the events of Selima I. This novel, called "Harem", transfers the reader in the era of the Board of Sultan, and also talks about the family of the ruler, his beloved named Sajra and events, preceding the elder Selim on the throne.

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