Hollum - character biography, actor, quotes, appearance and character


Character History

Hollum is a mysterious and unpleasant character of the "Lord of the Rings" and "Hobbit" films. Hero, invented by the author of the literary basis, John R.R. Tolkin, I remember the viewers with a specific appearance and the desire to get the ring of alliance. He looked increasingly before this subject, characterizing his phrase: "My charm." Creating an eccentric character in the frame was an event in the film industry, as it showed how great the possibility of computer technology.

History of creation

The audience "Hobbit" Gollum was not new. The public knew that it was a creature whose characteristic in the book was hardly better than the description of the Bilbo image. The acquaintance of heroes is long before the appearance of Frodo Baggins. The first book, which came out from under the feather Tolkina, became the "Hobbit", and then the light saw the "Lord of the Rings". In the mind of the public, the chronology was the opposite. Therefore, the writer came up with a link that combines both parts. They became a magic ring.

At first, he was represented by a simple magical man who had no number in the fantastic universe, but later it turned out that the accessory is not at all so simple. The story around the rings developed, and the image of Hollum demanded processing. In 1951, the "Hobbit" was reprinted, and the image of the hero began to remind the character described in the "Brotherhood of the Ring" and "two fortresses".

In the first edition, the monster appears decent and honest. He, worrying, makes riddles and thinks that it is impossible to cheer in any case. Winning, he is ready to devour the sacrifice. Floating in the boat from Bilbo-winning in a duel, Hollum does not try to hide, as it seems to Bilbo and readers. In accordance with the image, the hero is more logical to think that he will not give the promised award and violates the terms of the contract. But Hollum remains faithful.

Bilbo Baggins

In the second edition of Tolkien presented the hero to the insidious creation. Previously, the Monster's eating Bilbo Biggins seemed fair. Now he returns to Bilbo to kill the opponent under the protection of the ring, which made it invisible.

The tricky character was deprived of the creator of the sights and good feelings that had in the first version of the work. Some critics note the split personality at the hero, who speaks with himself, and conclude that it struggles a positive and negative start. A constant dialogue between bad and good hollum is noticeable in several episodes. The reader becomes a witness to the confrontation of optimism and pessimism in a gloomy hero, arguing about the final search of the ring.


The image of Golluma became tragic. The hero aroused sympathy and pity, because he did not look like a breakout of a soulless evil, but as a victim of unsuccessful concretion. Previously, he played the riddles with friends, but the goblins deprived him of this pleasure, and in the second edition, the character jeaches at the former times. The writer allows you to familiarize yourself with the fate of the hero, absorbed by loneliness. Living under the mountain, in exile, Hollum was a slave position. At the same time, terrible and pitiful, the hero demonstrates the multi-faceted literary image.

"Lord of the Rings"

The second name of Harlauma - Moorum - originated due to the variability of translations. It is also called the mohagol (or swelling), using the name he called the Hobbits. The character has an extraordinary manner of speech. He speaks of his first person, but in a plural, and also uses specific speech turnover, adding suffix "-С-" to familiar words. For example, the hobbits in its interpretation were hobbits.

Actor Andy Serkis

In the cinema, the role of Harluma was fulfilled by actor Andy Serkis. The artist portrayed a slightly low creature in the frame with huge blue eyes. The leather of the fictional character was black and shiny. The monster lived under the mountain, and no one knew his story reliably. Its breed cannot be determined. The hero is cowardly and false, but has an impressive force.

In the trilogy "Lord of the Rings", Hollum is described as a former hobbit, the life of which influenced the ring. The split personality tested the evil moharge. Elven magic badly affects him, and the rope on the neck becomes a painful obstacle to freedom.

Hollum does not endure light and constantly utters a strange sound that resembles his name. The creature eats raw meat and catches fish for food. It does not neglect someone else's prey. Once upon a time, in the middle of the third era, the hero lived in a small village on the banks of the river, was a hobbit and wore the name of Smaagol. Gollum's relative accidentally found a lost ring of alliance in the river. The hobbit immediately wanted to take possession of them, but the relative refused him, and the struggle began between former buddies.

Smeagol killed a buddy and took the ring. The character of the hero was worse under the anegous influence of enemy things. He was expelled by the tribesmen. Hollum had to move to the foggy mountains. From that moment on, he began to call himself in a plural, and the ring called the "charm." The cherished accessory made Hollum a long-liver and presented him with 500 years of life. The hero is forced to serve the ring, which became its master. Once a monster loses the ring, and it finds Bilbo Baggins, traveling accompanied by the gnomes.

Hollum and Ring All

Nadya Nakhodka, Bilbo finds himself in his power and deceives his friends, saying that he won the ring in the "riddles". Only Gandalf is guessed about the mystery of the rings. Hollum suffering from loss is forced to enter the search for a beloved subject. He falls into the mordor, where he tells about the torture about the ring of Sauron, cooperates with Shelob and three decades are in search of their "charms".

After various peripetia, long-suffering Hollum watches the brotherhood of the ring in Moria and attacks the hobbits, trying to capture the ring. He is taken captured and make the conductor, forcing it to obey Frodo. The hero leaves attempts to achieve his goal. Hollum tried to get rid of the hobbits, leading them through the lair of Shelob, but the plan was failure.

Hollum, Frodo and Sam

He miraculously managed to escape. Walking out the right moment to intercept the ring, Hollum pursues Frodo and Sam. In the depths of the fatal mountain, he gets a chance to fulfill his dream, intercepting the ring from the distraught Frodo. The hero snatches the ring and falls into Lava along with the prey. In the rustling of struggle, he bit off his finger Frodo, leaving the memory of himself for many years.


Hollum is inherent in the reptile behavior manner. It moves with caution and caution, then the matter is waiting for threats. In the trilogy "Lord of the Rings", the role of the role, Andy Serkis worked on creating a character model, improved by computer graphics. The combination of acting and digital equipment helped create an incredible image without make-up and outdated visual effects.

Andy Serkis and Hollum

In the creation of Hollum, computer technologies played a major role. Andy Serkis was chosen after repeated listening thanks to a successful imitation of the character's voice. The sounds and speech of Gollum complemented his appearance and became a characteristic feature of behavior. Serkis has developed gestures that emphasize the character physiology.

The artist portrayed the Monster movements on the set, and Weta Workshop was engaged in the organization of visual effects from the time of study of the character's image. Plastic Hero was created by imitating 300 muscles recreated by means of a computer so that the digital figure of the hero seemed realistic. The actor's face thoroughly studied to transfer the characteristic facial expressions and cut muscles on the virtual hero. Specialists have created 250 models of the Hero face. Each scene with the participation of the character was shot three times to combine acting and digital model.

On Serkis put on a special suit with sensors, allowed to fix movements and gestures. The technologies of the capture of movements allowed to process the obtained information and make a physical shell of the hero, drawn over the image of the actor. Details like hair, teeth and nails were worked out later using scanner and illustrations. The individuality of the character appeared thanks to the acting improvisation of Serkis, who worked carefully over the essence of his hero.

Filmists assured that Serkis earned the Oscar award for work on the way Hollum, but according to the regulations for the award of the nomination, it is necessary for the actor to attend the screen. Instead of Andy Serkis in the frame there was a multi-faceted temperamental monster, remembered by millions of spectators.

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