Veronica Nikulshina - biography, "Pussy Riot", photo, news 2021



Veronica Nikulshina is a Russian model, a more well-known political action "The police enters the game."

Veronica Nikulshina

Veronica Nikulshina, who prefers to call himself nickname, was born in Moscow on May 28, 1997. The girl has a sister, senior or younger - unknown. On the basis of the stand-speech, Niki can assume that Sister Nikulshina gave birth to some time ago.

In his youth, Niki had a difficult period: a teenager girl left the house, communicated with a dubious company and even, according to her recognition, the journalist of the Meduza portal, was attributed to the hijacking of cars.

Veronica Nikulshina on stage

After graduating from School, Veronica became a student Rau them. Plekhanov, where he studied 3 courses on a specialist in the field of advertising. According to the girl, she was not worried about how education would be to get - then the parties were more interested in nickname. However, through 3 courses, Nikulshina realized that he did not want to engage in marketing, and threw her studies.

Leaving the University, Veronica tried to enter the Schepkin School. Introductory tests did not cost without a scandal: Nick said that the examiners did not want to listen to in her fulfillment of Brodsky or Mayakovsky and demanded the readings of "female poems". The first round, the girl was still going, but did not appear on the second - she did not suit the composition of the examiners, the need (according to Niki) come to the exam in the dress and heels, as well as the "old school".

Veronika Nikulshina model

As a result, Veronica's acting education went to the theater school for adults at the Gogol Center.

In addition to study, Nika was engaged in model business: advertised clothes, underwear. Once the girl tried herself in the humorous genre - acted as part of the "Stand Up Cyerman" with a short number dedicated to the topic of Veronica's appearance and its attractiveness.

Social activity

To a random acquaintance in 19 years old with Peter Verry politicians in the biography of the girl was not interested, Nick was not interested in her. 2 years after acquaintance with the man, they communicated without affecting political topics. About the preparing actions of Peter told the girl during her preparation, and Veronica caught fire to the desire to participate.

Peter Verry and Veronica Nikulshina

When Verrys decided to participate in Niki, he changed the concept of a promotion by calling two more girls from Pussy Riot - initially a predominantly man should be involved in it.

July 15, 2018 during the 2018 World Cup Final, Veronica Nikulshina, together with Olga Kuracheva, Olga Pakhtusova and Peter Verry, dressed in the Police form of the Russian Federation, ran out on the field at the 52nd minute of the match, thereby not only by conducting a political action, but And thoring the attack of the Croatian national team.

Veronica Nikulshina runs off on a football field

In front of the Pussy Riot promotion, a video message was recorded, in which it explained its meaning - to draw attention to the possibility of a sudden and unmotivated invasion of the police into a personal life of a citizen.

The event was carried out in memory of Dmitry Sezcha, the author of the "Apotheosis of Militsiner" (the word "Militzander" used the poet in this writing), and the concept of heaven and earthly policemen. The video was blocked after the promotion at the request of FIFA, but then appeared again on another link.

After the promotion, the girl was detained and together with the rest of the activists was delivered to the department. In the network there were interrogation entries, in which the voice of the police officer, regretting that is not 1937 for the scene. In addition, a man on elevated tones asks Veronica: "You, creature, who is?". Ironically, in his stand-speech, the girl also used the wording "long-legged creature" in relation to itself.

On July 16, the violators were taken to the Khamovnichesky Court, where the police had already been transferred to the police under the article "Rough violation of the rules of the behavior of the audience during official sports competitions."

Veronica Nikulshina in the courtroom

The defender of Veronica asked the judge to retrain the violation of the girl from the "coarse" to "insignificant." He was denied on the basis that the action demanded a temporary stop of the match. On July 16, nickname was sentenced to 15 days of arrest, an additional 3 years forbid to attend sports events.

After the promotion, the girl attracted the attention of the international press. Often most of the reporting about the incident at the championship were occupied by Veronica photos from her model portfolio.

Personal life

After the promotion, journalists have repeatedly called Veronica to the girl or the civil wife of Peter Verry, who had previously apparently the Hope of Hope Tolokonnikova. Nick Sama did not give any official comments about his personal life.

Peter Verry and Veronica Nikulshina

However, when, in September 2018, Peter was hospitalized with symptoms indicating poisoning, the connection with the press predominantly kept Nikulshina. In particular, she gave an interview about the well-being of a man "Ehu Moscow".

About her relationship with native Nika says that the mother after the action stated that it does not want to have business with her and fears that the girl hurts the chase to the world glory. However, she considers relations with her mother, although it rarely communicates with it. The opinion of Sister Veronica, according to her recognition, worries a little.

Veronica Nikulshina now

After the end of the court, the press of the press to Veronica fell. In September, her name was repeatedly mentioned by tabloids, but in connection with the sudden disease of Peter Verry.

The girl leads a page in "Instagram". Nick's self in communicating with journalists said that he was also leading a diary, but not a network, but writing.

Veronica Nikulshina in 2018

After the end of the sentence, the girl was going to go to Spain for shooting short ribbons at the Cinemadamare Festival. In addition, Nick's share managed to be held in the psychological short film "First Death".

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