Andrei Turchak - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



The influential and purposeful Andrei Turchak showed himself not only as a good managerial, but also as a talented politician. Andrei Anatolyevich can be called with confidence elder from the generation of "children of officials and privatizers", which gradually replace their parents.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Anatolyevich Turchak's biography began on December 20, 1975 in Leningrad. The boy was born under a happy star: in the family of the head - director of the NGO Leninet, which is engaged in judo. When Andrei was 17 years old, his father made him the main co-owner of the company.

Andrei Turchak in childhood and his coach

In the 90s, Anatoly Turchak conducted party activities, being Deputy Vladimir Putin in the Council of Motion "Our Home - Russia".

With such a father, the personal abilities of the Son were rapidly developed, in 1998, the young man graduated from SPB GUAP and received a diploma of an economist manager.

Career and politics

The young man began to work early: at the age of 16, he settled the Judo coach to the municipal school of the Olympic reserve "Cosmonaut". After spending 4 years in this position, at 20 years old Andrei Anatolyevich became the general director of the subsidiary of Leninet's father.

Politician Andrei Turchak

Up to 30 years, Turchak held senior enterprises' governing positions, but still decided to try the forces in politics. Andrei Anatolyevich joined the United Russia party, where his father has already consisted. Choosing a policy, Turchak did not lose: a man awaited rapid growth - after the year, Andrei Anatolyevich recommended that the Federation of the Federation from the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The option seemed to the family too extreme, so we decided to wait for the next vacancy.

A year later, a proposal was received from the Pskov Region, this time Andrei Anatolyevich answered consent. About 1.5 years old politician served as the senator, and in February 2009 it was appointed. O. Governor. In the same month, the regional meeting of a man was approved as a governor for 5 years. Having taken this post at 33, Andrei Anatolyevich became one of the youngest heads of Russia.

Governor of the Pskov Region Andrey Turchak

When the term of the governor's authority policy is expired, on the same day the president appointed Andrei Anatolyevich and. O. Governor. In the elections held on September 14, 2014, Turchak was originally in favorites. As a result, he won already in the first round: 78.36% of voters voted for a man.

During this policy, ambiguous opinions were developed about politics. Some consider the activities of Andrei Anatolyevich decent, and others put the board of a man unsatisfactory evaluation.

Andrey Turchak

One way or another, the head of the region tried to form a positive image of the region. Improved large investment projects, almost completely upgraded the heating system and built a pig-breeding complex. But at the same time, Turchaku could not approach the implementation of the tourist potential in the only region, bordering the three foreign countries.

In 2014, Turchak graduated with honors from the diplomatic academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Personal life

Andrei Anatolyevich is an official marriage with Kira Evgenaya Turchak. The wife's wife holds the post of head of the Board of Directors of Leninsky and Director General of OJSC Labyrinth. Familiarity with the future spouse occurred in childhood, in sports training. Young people were friends for a long time, but a romantic feelings came to replace each other.

Andrei Turchak and his wife Kira

When Andrei was 20 years old, and Kira - 19, young people tied themselves to marriage. And, apparently, the personal life of the pair developed as it is impossible. Politician and businesswoman raise four children - Anatoly, Olga, Sofia and Philip.

Kira Evgenievna with income received in 2010 in the amount of 21.08 million rubles. He entered the number of the richest wives of governors. In 2015, the income of the spouses policy amounted to 38 million rubles.

The family of Turchakov owns several apartments and land plot. In 2013, Alexey Navalny accused Andrei Anatolyevich in the presence of unlawful ownership abroad: parts of the house in Nice. But the governor was ahead of the oppositionist and the day before the publication of the "compromise" made real estate in the document, and soon it got rid of her.

Andrei Turchak with family

The work of Turchacka at the head of the region overshadowed a loud scandal about the "Casin case". In 2010, Journalist Oleg Kashin expressed disagreement with the rankings of the governors, where Andrei Anatolyevich was "solid good". The media worker called the policy with the weak leader of the region, using a broken epithet.

Having learned about this, Turchak put an ultimatum: Kashina was given 24 hours to ask for forgiveness for insult. Apologies did not follow, and the story that was publicized soon forgot. But after a few months a unpleasant incident happened to the journalist: a cruel attack was committed to Kashin. According to the victim, the incident did not cost without the pointer of Andrei Anatolyevich, but the politician himself called these words by the saying.

Andrei Turchak now

In October 2017, a man at his own desire was removed early from the post of governor of the Pskov region, he received a new appointment: now Turchak is held by the Vice Speaker of the Council and Secretary of the General Council of the United Russia party. In the period of 2018 presidential elections, Turchak consisted of an initiative group that nominated the candidacy of the President of the Russian Federation - Vladimir Putin.

Andrei Turchak in 2018

More than once a question was raised about the further promotion of a man on a career ladder. Some political scientists suggest that the departure of Valentina Matvienko from the post of speaker of the Federation Council will be a springboard for Turchack.

Andrei Anatolyevich leads an informal account in the Social Network "Instagram", where regularly publishes snapshots and video events from life.

Some sources report that Turchak - Belarusian by nationality.

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