Dmitry Glukhovsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Writer 2021



The author of the international bestseller "Metro-2033" Dmitry Glukhovsky is called a new type writer and one of the generics of network literature. In his biography there are work in the Kremlin Power, a trip to the North Pole, Baikonur and Chernobyl. The science fiction helps young colleagues and argues that his task as a writer is only to put questions that the reader wants to think about and find an answer independently.

Childhood and youth

The author of bestsellers in the genre of fiction and postpocalyptics was born in Moscow on June 12, 1979. His parents were journalists: Father Alexey Glukhovsky, a Jew by nationality, worked as an editor to Gosperary, and the mother of Larisa Veniaminovna, a native of the Kostroma region, worked as a photo editor in Tass. Since childhood, Dmitry wanted to go in the footsack of the parents.

The boy learned to read already in 2.5 years, and count - at 5, and he knew how to fold and deduct three-digit numbers in the mind. Loving relatives were convinced that a brilliant scientist will grow from Dima. In high school, he quickly began to miss, so he was transferred to the French special school, then considered an elite.

Earlier, the father and grandmother Dmitry studied in this institution. But there, the load in the elementary classes was insufficient for the boy. Getting accustomed to studying easily, Glukhovsky, according to him, "finally disappeared" and rolled on the top three on the exact sciences. Russian language and literature was still brilliant.

The young man began to write in school, it was both fantastic stories for peers and journalistic essays about the homeland for the wall newspaper. After school, the future ficture went to learn abroad. In 1996, he entered the University of Jerusalem to learn public sciences (for this, a young man had to pre-learn Hebrew).

Personal life

The writer was married, his former spouse Elena Fuccin worked as a producer on Russia Today. Two children were born - daughter Emilia (2011) and son Theodore (2014) According to a man, personal life served for him an indispensable source of inspiration, for example, some scenes in the "future" he could feel and describe only when he became a father.

In 2010, in one of the interviews, the author of bestsellers mentioned a divorce. But since Dmitry prefers not to apply for personal life, the details are not known.

Thanks to writing incomes, the fictional can live sides: according to rumors, only for the "metro-2033" he received $ 1.5 million. In addition, earnings brings and develop games, scenarios and performances on the plots of his work. Glukhovsky leads a page in "Instagram", which now has thousands of subscribers. There he lays out photos from travel and announce new publications.


Saying goodbye to the student bench, Glukhovsky began working as a editor's post on the French channel Euronews: he lived in the French Leone until 2005.

After returning to Russia, the journalist entered the newly created information TV channel RUSSIA TODAY as a teleconctor. For 3 years of work visited various places from the Baikonur cosmodrome and the alienation zone of the Chernobyl NPP to the North Pole. In 2007, Glukhovsky led the world's first direct television budget of the northernmost point of the planet. Also in his journalistic practice there were live ether from the Israeli-Lebanese border during the collisions of Israel and the militants of the Hezbollah organization. Reports had to be conducted under the mortar shelters. Dmitry was part of the so-called Kremlin pool - this is a group of journalists who, on an ongoing basis, highlight the activities of the Russian president.

Glukhovsky collaborated and from the media from Europe, in particular with the German radio station Deutsche Welle and the British TV channel Sky News.

In 2007, he again changed the work, setting up the leading on Radio "Lighthouse" and the Culp channel.

In 2009, Dmitry decided to finish a journalist career, which is associated with the traveling specifics of this work. Permanent business trips did not allow to write books in parallel, which began to bring a tangible income.

Now the science writes articles only for GQ and Snob magazines.


"METRO-2033", Roman about Muscovites, saved from the consequences of a nuclear catastrophe in the "subway", Dmitry finished already at 22nd. Subsequently, the work was recognized as the best debut of 2007 following the results of the European Society for Science Fiction. According to the author, his plan was born for another 14 years, and subsequent years went to the implementation of ideas and finalizing her incarnation. An interesting fact: in the publishers, the work of a young science did not accept, and the Glukhovsky immediately laid out all the text on the Internet, not spending the power to try to achieve publication on paper.

The success of the book became unexpectedly loud. The author became interested in "Eksmo", "Popular Literature" and "AST". "Metro-2033" entered the list of not only Russian, but also world bestsellers, quotes from the work partitioned over the network, and the plot of the novel became the basis of three video games. In later editions, the "Gospel of Artem" is included as an epilogue.

Later, the Glukhovsky wrote two continuations of the trilogy - "Metro-2034" and "Metro-2035" and announced in an interview, which personally considers the cycle closed, but it does not mind if someone else will be engaged in the continuation.

By the time, the number of imitators and followers of Dmitry became so large that the author decided to lead the process in the framework of the special project "The Metro Universe - 2033". Those who wish to develop a postpocalyptic theme of the novel lay out work on a special site, where readers can vote for them. Winners are published in the publisher.

The subsequent works of Glukhovsky (stories and novels) also received a high assessment of fans. In 2007, his bibliography was replenished with Twilight Book. The novel that tells about the end of the world in accordance with the predictions of the Mayan Indians, received a prestigious French Prize in the field of Utopiales fiction literature.

Three years later, "Stories about the Motherland" came out, in 2009 - "End of the Road", and in 2013, the next antiwopia "Future", where, in the plot, people received immortality, but lost moral guidelines. This novel was free of charge in Vkontakte, accompanied by specially prepared music tracks and illustrations. Also in 2009, Dmitry wrote a "scholar diary" - the prehistory to the Hollywood cartoon "9" about the creator of rag dolls.

In 2017, the science fiction released a new novel "Text", which became an attempt to move from entertainment authors to the ranks of "big" psychological writers. Critics appreciated him ambiguous: someone liked the unhairing turns of the plot, someone criticized the weak and unpredictable hero, but everyone came out that no one expected such from the Glukhovsky. Now, according to a man, he has not yet decided on the further direction of work:

"On the one hand, since critics praised me for realistic literature, I would like to praise me continue," Dmitry argued. - On the other hand, I do not want to stop on something one. "

In 2018, Moscow Drama Theater named after M. I. Yermolova put a performance on the novel of the Glukhovsky "Text". The director became Maxim Didenko.

All new items in the work of the author of bestsellers can be found on his official website. So, in May 2019, a fictional, together with the Storytel service, released a fantastic audioserial "post". The traditional postpocalyptic plot story tells about how after the World Cataclysm, the Russians are trying to survive in the fortress city. The first season of "post" contains 10 episodes to 45-50 minutes each.

At the end of October 2019, the premiere of the movie Klim Shiphenko "Text" in the same name of the novel of Glukhovsky was held. The plot tells about the crushed people. The harsh drama caused the stormy reaction of the viewers of the bedside scene with the participation of the main characters of Ilya Goriunov and Nina Levkovskaya, which were played by Alexander Petrov and Christina Asmus. Ivan Yankovsky embodied on the screen the image of another main character - an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Peter Hazin, who threw the drugs Goryunov and sent a guy for 7 years in prison.

Dmitry Glukhovsky now

In August 2019, TNT-PREMIER STUDIOS, TV-3 TV channel and the center company "Central Partnership" signed an agreement with Glukhovsky on the screening of the novel "METRO-2033". As the author said, he will not write the script for the film - he got the role of the consultant. The premiere of the tape was scheduled for January 1, 2022, and the beginning of the shooting was 2020. But in October 2019, it became known that Dmitry threatened himself from participating in the project.

In general, this is not the first attempt to shield the "Metro". On the Yutiub Channel show "Thorough" in an interview with Yuri Dudu in September 2020, Dmitry said that he offered Roman David Finchera, who is a favorite director of the writer. But then the discussion did not come. For the project in Hollywood, the MGM studio took up, but the filming of the film did not take place, because the Washington Metro should be in the scenario. But the adaptation of the original story under the American viewer failed, and the rights to the screen was returned to the Glukhovsky.

In June 2020, the science fiction was invited as a guest to the transfer of the "special opinion" of the radio station "Echo of Moscow". In an interview and posts in Facebook, the writer always not only answers questions about creativity, but it is not shy to show his political views on the situation in Russia, Crimea, Belarus. For example, in 2017, he stated that he would not even entrust politicians to write the text oath to obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation.

On July 3, 2020, the Start video service presented the audience the 5-serial series "Text. Reality". This tape is a more voluminous version of the screening of the novel "Text".

In production, there was a 7-serial thriller "Topi", the scenario of which was written by Glukhovsky. The plot is based on the company about Muscovites, which fall into the mysterious village of Topi. The settlement with an abandoned monastery turns out to be a prison in which young people hold their own imagination and inner demons. Maxim Sukhanov played in the picture, Ivan Yankovsky, Katerina Spitz, Tikhon Zwänevsky.


  • 2007 - "Eurocon": "Best Debut" / Encouragement Awards
  • 2014 - UTOPIALES Award: Best Roman in Fantasy Genre (Roman "Twilight")
  • 2019 - Russian Cinema Film Festival in Ondoflera: Francois Chalet Prize for "Best Scenario" (Film "Text")
  • 2020 - Nomination for the Nika Prize for "Best Scenic Work" (Film "Text")


  • 2005 - "Metro 2033"
  • 2007 - "Twilight"
  • 2009 - "Metro 2034"
  • 2013 - "Future"
  • 2015 - "Metro 2035"
  • 2017 - "Text"

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