Hecata - Biography of the Goddess, Attributes, Name, Myths and Legends


Character History

Moligious hectares during the existence of his own cult changed a lot of hypostasis. Becoming in ancient Greece as a patronage of the home focus, by the time the admirers of the goddess turned into a liberter and the witch. One of the most ancient residents of Olympas I was trying on a lot of images and, choosing a suitable activity, the vocation remained correct.

History of origin

The image of the hectares, as a symbol-conductor between the world of people and the world of magic, came to ancient Greek mythology from Asia Minor. Such borrowing is clear, the residents of Greece talked quite closely with representatives of modern Turkey.


The name of the powerful deity became a prerequisite for the version that hekate worship originated in Karia. The theory is equally popular that the history of the climb of the goddess began in Mesopotamia.

Active propaganda chapped from the VII century to our era. Greeks honored a woman as a goddess of roads, hunting and lunar light. Hecata patronized the shepherds and simple young men, gave wisdom and helped make decisions. As an increase in the influence of the Olympic Pantheon, the cult of Artemis partially absorbed the cult of hecats.


Before the start of the era of Hellenism, the beauty had positive characteristics and was considered basically a defender of children and a homely hearth. In the lateantic literature, the character acquired an ominous value. Now the woman was read as the goddess of intersections, a resident of the world of the dead and the rulers of nightmares.

During this period, the triple meaning of hekate was particularly strongly developed. The Greeks emphasized the influence of a powerful deity on human destiny - the beauty was responsible for the birth, life and death of a person (in other sources for the past, present and future).

Hekata - Art.

Gradually, the cult of a multi-cable goddess extended to neighboring states and was modified, acquiring more and more mystical traits. By the beginning of the Middle Ages, Pekate and at all became the embodiment of vice and mysticism, which made the priestess who worship the deity, the violators of Christian laws.

Image and nature

Beauty of Hekat was born from the love alliance of Titans of Persian and Asteria (on another source - from Zeus and Demeters). The girl from birth has a great influence on human destinies, therefore it is accustomed to power and honor. After the overthrow of the titans, the goddess remains at Olympus. Appearance, character and sanity of the girl was impressed by Zeus, so the new Vladyka heaven did not deprived hepato duties.

Zeus and Demetra

But after the occurrence of children, the thumbnails on the Olympus have changed. The goddess of the moon gradually lost its influence among the gods and inferior to Apollo, Artemis and Selena.

Leave Olympus finally hecato forced GER. Titanan's daughter, which made friends with Europe, gave a blush girl. The europe attracted himself to the attention of Zeus and soon became the mistress of the thumbnail. Learning from all the ger wanted to destroy hekato, so the goddess had to escape from the wife of Lord Olympus under the burial clothes.


So the act of Hekata saved his own life, but deprived himself of divine purity. Now the beauty could not live among other gods. Claimed in the waters of the Aheron River, hekata moved into possession of Aida.

Shortly after moving, the beauty gave birth to the monster of Empuce - the creature that pretended to be a beautiful girl and set down lonely travelers to death. Hekata received a new title - the goddess of the night, darkness and witchcraft. The girl became a patronage for those who were industrialed magic.


Mighty beauty helped the slower of Jason. However, such an act could be dictated by a relative sense. The legend says that Medea is the daughter of the goddess and king Eeta.

It was hekat that helped Demeter to find Persephone. The goddess made Helios tell a luckless mother who kidnapped her daughter. A similar act is dictated and pity for the inconsolable demeter, and the responsibilities of the goddess of justice, and complex character.


Hecata since childhood did not love men. After all, the representative of the opposite sex is to blame that Asteria died when the girl was still very young. Mother Hecati attracted the attention of Zeus and, not wanting to give up the courtships of God, died. Since then, a gloomy beauty left for men a chance to avoid punishment. Persephone, in turn, thanked the new girlfriend, making a dead person close to the lord of the world.

Like Artemis, Hekata loved the hunt and nightlings. With the onset of night, the goddess was chosen from Tartara. Surrounded by dogs, owls and loyal assistants, the girl wandered around the ground, often visiting the cemetery, where he raised the dead from the graves.


The goddess surround the attributes of power. Beautiful man holds two torches in her hands, shed light to the truth. From the belt of the girl hanging the dagger and whip, which punish vicious mortals. Always with yourself the goddess keeps the keys symbolizing the entrance to the world of the dead.

With all the gloomy, hekata duties is a young and attractive girl. But before ordinary mortal, the goddess appears in the image of a three-year deity. Three identical figures, connected back to the back, - this appears beautiful in front of its priests and admirers.


Much ties hekatu with her husband Aphrodite - the God of Trade Hermes. General spheres of influence (magic, alchemy, intersection and patronage over the dead) nearly different deities. A short novel behind the back of Aphrodite brought to the three daughters.

Interesting Facts

  • The theory is put forward that the statue of freedom is the personification of the picatoes. The attributes of the ancient Greek goddess and the most famous US girls are similar: both hold a grilled torch and decorate the head of the crown from the rays.
Statue of Liberty
  • Hekata took the puppies as a sacrifice, which were hardened in pits or caves away from sunlight.
  • The priests of the cult of the chapades conducted the most important rituals on the night of August 30 on September 1.
  • Althers dedicated to the goddesses, most often installed at intersections.

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