Daria Valitova - biography, photos, personal life, news, "instagram", wife Alexander Kokokrina 2021



Singer Daria Valitova is known to the listeners under the creative pseudonym Amelie, worked in the genre of popular music. Today, the performer has moved away from the musical career and more familiar to football fans as the wife of the striker of the St. Petersburg club "Zenit" Alexander Kokorina. In collaborative pictures, they appear a loving couple, enthusiastic journey, their relationships and football.

Childhood and youth

Daria Valitova was born on January 1, 1991 in Siberia, in Tomsk. Parents are secured people. Father Ruslan Valitov - Businessman, owner of a small construction company in his hometown, and mother - housewife.

Daria Valitova in childhood

Creative girl from early childhood was keen on dancing. At 4 years began to study in Tomsk choreographic school. Teachers highly responded about the abilities of the girl. In 6 years, Dasha ranked a prize in the international children's dance competition. Mahmoud Esambaeva. At 8 years old, a young dancer was taken to the school of Alla of the World Todes. I studied there for 3 years, the girl left the choreography.

In the biography of 11-year-old Valita, a passion for tennis appeared. However, it did not become the main thing in her life. After a year and a half years of training, the girl left the racket and took up the musical career.

Like many girls, Dasha, from an early age, loved to unfold and sing in front of a mirror or for a narrow circle of the nearest relatives. Having matured, she went to the teacher on the vocal to understand whether there was a talent and whether to deal with singing. The teacher after listening made a verdict: there is abilities, you need to do and everything will work out.

After that, daily classes went. Courses vocals The girl visited stubbornly and systematically. In parallel, it began to compose your own songs. In 2007 (Valitova then it was 16 years old) he took off the first clip and recorded 16 compositions.


At 18, Daria decided to build a career in Moscow and went to conquer the capital. The first producer of the young ambitious singer was the ex-soloist of the group "Smash" Vlad Topalov.

Valitova also collaborated with Dominique Joker, Alexey Golubev and Timati.

The girl tried her strength in journalism, even worked by the editor of Rabbit Magazine magazine. But I quickly realized that it was not her, and quit.

Personal life

The stormy personal life of Daria Valita is impossible. Immediately at the arrival of Moscow, she began his first serious affair with Vlad Topalov. However, he did not lead to anything significant and quickly came up. The short relationships were ridiculed with Raper Timati. All this has become only fleeting episodes before long-term relationships, to which the girl came in 2011.

Daria Valitova and Vlad Topalov

Slender Cute Blonde Football Player "Zenit" Coconry noticed at a party on which she had fun with her friend. Feeling in love with beauty, began to care for her. But Daria first was not going to meet with him, and romantic relations with the athlete began not immediately. On the Internet, the words of the girl addressed the future of the Beloved:

"At first, we did not glue the relationship. Sasha was some kind of stubborn, stubborn, probably considered himself a star. We quarreled, I often satisfied the terrible hysteries, and he left silently. But did not disappear, I called again. We met again and quarreled again. "

After 1 or 2 months, Valitova surrendered, and the couple began to live together. Lovers traveled a lot. Often on the Internet there were photos of young people on the beach. Slender Daria demonstrated its perfect forms, posing in a swimsuit.

Daria Valitova and Alexander Kokorin

It turned out that the Civilian wife Cocokin has a bright temperament and periodically the girl found out a relationship with a football player. The latter, as follows from the media information, often gave rise.

The most difficult to survive parting with your loved ones during frequent business trips. To show the striker's love, the girl nabe the "K9" tattoo, where K is the first letter of the family name, and the 9th is the player's number.

Kokorin dreamed of three children. The first son was born in 2017. On the page in "Instagram" Dasha periodically publishes the pictures of the child.

Despite the birth of the Son, the couple is not in a hurry with the wedding. Although some sources report that young people legituted relations, there is no official confirmation of information.

Criminal case

2018 became a serious test for Daria. On October 11, Alexander Kokorin, together with Brother Cyril and Pavel Mamaev, were arrested. According to media reports, athletes beat the official of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Pak and the driver of the leading first channel Olga Ushakova Vitaly Solovchuk.

The lawyer Kokorina stated that the Forward "Zenith" tried to disperse the fighting and stop the fight. Daria for his part, as follows the real life companion, rose to her husband. In an interview with the first channel, she described Cockerine as a person who is not able to "offend even a fly." Also, the chief of the football player noted that Alexander loves his son very much, and added:

"I can't take offense now. I just want him to be with me nearby, next to our child, was released. "

The spouses supported the wife of the striker "Zenith" and a close friend of the family of Artem Jube.

"Dashik, Sasha, hold on! Everything is formed! We are with you, "Christina Jüba wrote in" ASKFM ".

Nevertheless, the footballer received a real period - the capital court sentenced him to one and a half years serving the sentence. In the summer of 2019, Alexander was released on parole.

Daria Valitova now

Leaving the musical career, Daria decided to develop in another bed. In 2021, she proudly presented a new project to which Michael inspired her. Of course, we are talking about children's clothes - the football player's wife called the brand name of the heir and has already presented its collection to the public.

This is not the only news associated with the name of the former singer. In the spring, the public stuck the scandal between her and Victoria Boni. The conflict began the beginning of an interview with the Valita, where she had a negative effect on the ex-participant "House-2".

Victoria, in turn, did not fail to remind Daria about the time she defended her husband's honor, and reproached in ungratefulness. Also, the bonia began to threaten the opponent, which knows something about her, and if it publishes this information, then the union of a valves with coconary will come an end.

And in July, the media spoke about the possible divorce Darya and Alexander. The spouse athlete laid out Storsith about betrayal, and Folloviers discovered that Valitova unsubscribed in "Instagram" from Kokorina.


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