Sergey Koriugin - biography, photo, personal life, news, husband Galina Bob, children, director 2021



Sergey Koryagin - a wide profile specialist. Russian director shoots short films, full-length cinema, TV shows that serve favorable reviews of critics and conquer the view of the viewer.

Childhood and youth

About the early years there is a little known biography. The film director was born on August 1, 1966 in the tiny Gzhatsk of the Smolensk region. Now this is the city of Gagarin, also not differ. No more than 30 thousand people live in the settlement of 200 km from the capital. From cultural centers: People's Theater and Cinema, a couple of museums dedicated to space.

Sergey Koryagin

It is surprising that in such a distant environment of the situation the future "host" of the film crew could not only consider its interest in the creative process, but also to realize the potential.

After school, the future author of the films entered the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering (MIET) on the Physics and Technical Faculty. He graduated from the workshop of individual director under the direction of the outstanding theorist of the theater, writer and teacher Boris Yurevich Yuhananova. The university years got acquainted with Alexander Dulerawn, also those who were learning in Mim. Subsequently, both did not work on the obtained specialties, preferring a creative cluster science.


The beginning of the career was the short work "Dachniks" in 1991. The co-author spoke Dulerain. Chanisovka received the first prize at the prestigious International Festival in Hamburg, Germany. Creative tandem continued cooperation. New Collaboration - "The desire to watch the movie Rainer Werner Fassbinder" - in 1995 was marked by the Special Prize of the New York Academy. An excerpt from the life of a flaile, trying to break into the hall to show, became an emotional and bright creative revelation.

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At the same time, the young specialist tried himself as an artist, starring in the episode of the "4 subjects" tape. The premiere of Sergey Sergeevich in the Big Cinema - "Ivan-Durak", where he himself fulfilled the role of Ivan. The futuristic plot was difficult to the interpretation of an unprepared viewer: anti-reality, an ominous doctor Ostrich, a rebellion of cars and a city with a promising name. The author drove the debut on the ICF and festivals in Rotterdam and Cairo.

Subsequently, several times appeared in episodic roles of projects, which worked on. Was involved in the Russian-American thriller "Moscow 2017", where the investigator was played. Ribbon about marketing, fast food, coma and revolution received an ambiguous assessment of critics.

Sergey Koryagin and Alexander Dulerain

Another fantastic meal is the vision of augmented reality, monsters hamburgers, the agitation posters of the USSR - again surprised the viewer. In the first week of rental, the painting became the leader of the cash receipses. The producer and author of the scenario was the university comrade Dulerain.

In the future, they continued to cooperate on the TNT channel over the series "Bunker, or scholars underground". Detective comedy with the participation of Eugene Shaykhan, Andrei Lavrov, Mikhail Gorsky lasted on Ether 1 season. The viewer could not fully appreciate the artistic design and the life of scientists, locked at a depth of 10 km for the sake of a super-secret experiment. But Sitka "Deffchonki" became a successful product of Russian TV. Here he came as a screenwriter and producer. The pilot show took place in 2012, and the 6th season began to broadcast in August 2018.

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In the plot, four young girls came to Moscow from Saratov in search of happiness: careers, marriage, fame. The characters and the idea of ​​the mass viewer liked. Questions that were covered in 23 minutes of screen time were simple, understandable and familiar to every "girl" from 18 to 58 years. Folk love made a rating, so after the first season Sitkom decided to extend.

The show went 6 years old. In the process of filming, media persons began to use: Alexey Yagudin, Alena Vodonaeva, Ekaterina Varnava. Matters periodically flashed in the frame: Alexander Pankratov-Black, Jan Tsaznik, Sergey Growth. The working day of the team lasted for 16 hours that I liked the film director:

"It's stupid to complain if you are in demand in the profession, where so much unemployed. Personally, I, despite the fact that there is no time to take a happiness, I think that this is a great happiness - to make money from what I like to do. "

Personal life

The film crew helped not only creatively implemented, but also to build a family. In the personal life Sergey Sergeevich happy. His choices became the performer of one of the main roles of Sitcoma Maria Bobulkina. According to the plot, the melancholic and economic Masha becomes the wife of the hero Alexei Vorobyov. Perhaps therefore, the press constantly circulated gossip about the "non-screen" romance between the two artists, which were groundless rumors.

Galina Bob younger spouse for 18 years. The graduate of VGIK is in demand on stage and TV. Since 2009, collaborates with the Mossoveta Theater. Participated in the show "Dance" on TNT. On her account one mini-album and couple clips. Combining work and private moments in love was not easy.

"The first year of the scandalous, got silent to each other. Of course, this was not reflected in the shooting process, but everyone was aware of events, "the actress told in an interview.

After three years of relationship, in 2014, the couple played a wedding. The event was covered in the Russian press. Frames of the girl in a wedding dress, friends and relatives were discussed by subscribers. Galina is an active user "Instagram", where it shares with subscribers with pictures, talks about achievements, travel and creative plans. Most photos are present and spouse.

Sergey Koryagin with family

Creative couple - Three times happy parents. According to the published edition of Starhit, before the first kinds of the artist went to the cunning, saying the spouse that a special expectation room for husbands is provided in the maternity hospital. In fact, it turned out to be the Motherland Chamber. After the first guy of Leo in 2 years, the second baby appeared Andrei. And on April 15, 2021, happy parents published photos with a newborn daughter directly from the Chamber. Also, the director has older sons Ilya and Robert from previous relations.

Sergey Koryagin now

While the director took a break in his career, giving all his attention to his wife and three children. Decree leave, however, does not prevent him from implementing creative potential in another plane. Together with his wife and children, he regularly becomes the hero of funny rollers, which Galina exposes in his instagram account.

By the way, such things were amused by the lovers and earlier - then Koryagin experienced the role of men with peasants from the 90s trying to build billionaires. Today, in the plots, the video has a greater emphasis on the family, including on the problems of raising children and household disputes between spouses.

As for the film markets, Sergei Sergeevich appeared in the Drama Andrei Konchalovsky "Dear Comrades" as an employee of the UNEVZ Directorate.


  • 1991 - "Dachnings"
  • 1995 - "Desire to watch the movie Rainer Werner Fassbinder"
  • 1995 - "4 subjects"
  • 2002 - "Ivan-Durak"
  • 2006-2007 - "Bunker, or scholars underground"
  • 2012 - "Moscow 2017"
  • 2012-2018 - "Deffchonki"
  • 2020 - "Dear Comrades"

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