Olga crawled - biography, photos, personal life, causes of death



Olga crashed - the actress of the Russian theater and cinema, the master of episodic roles, the star of commercials. A light man capable of making a laugh, a woman who wanted to get at least a small piece of happiness.

Childhood and youth

Olga Borisovna was born in Sverdlovsk on July 18, 1968. Father Boris crashed, gone from the family, and the mother of Claudia Grigorievna worked on the railway. There is almost no informance about childhood and youth. It is known that Olga was the only one in the family received a higher education. From 12 years old played in the team of the People's Theater Studio "Torch".

Actress Olga Podvatina

In the Yekaterinburg Theater Institute, she managed to get only from the fourth time. In the intervals between arrivals, he worked as a counseling in the factory and the educator in kindergarten. Having grabbed the course of Margarita Serafimovna Yershova in 1992.

Films and theater

The first work in the cinema was an episodic role in the film director Alexei Menshikov "Go and do not look around" 1992, filmed at the Sverdlovsk film studio. After that, the actress went to conquer the capital.

Olga crashed in youth

In Moscow, the first place of service became theater on Perov. Staging "Your People - Treat!" According to the play, A. N. Ostrovsky 1993 received a high assessment of critics, which noted the skill of young Olga stuck in the role of sticky.

Olga dreamed of the main roles, I wanted to be Jeanne d'Ark, but her career consisted of some episodes, there were more than 80. Colleagues and friends called the artist "Queen Episode".

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In the film "DBM" stuck it to be remembered as a languuous saleswoman of a bookstore, thirsting for male attention. A replica facing one of the main characters, a bomb ("Let's go, a soldier, I'll scatter you barbarysts!"), Went to the people. Olga Borisovna became the "deserved film service", played the role of representatives of this profession 9 times.

In the comedy "Vacation of a strict regime" Actress in the image of the mother of Lisa, pupils pioneerlage, minimizes the on-screen time showed the path of the heroine from the unquencing parent, consumed by alcohol, to a loving woman taking care of the family.

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In the filmography of Olga Borisovna a lot of TV shows: the role of Wathers in "Truckers", a fellow traveler in the train from "Shukshinsky stories", Aunt Paradise from "My beautiful nanny"; "The Balzakovsky age, or all the men of his ..." - Tatiana, a neighbor of faith, the main character, "Ranetki" - Roshomet of Elena Petrovna Sorokina, "Daddy's Daughters" - Inspector Rono Isold Anatolyevna. Little roles in these projects are created with great warmth, saturated with positive emotions.

In the series "Ranetki", the actress worked with pleasure, considered him very positive. This project made Olga recognizable among young people. The aunt of Paradise from the "my beautiful nanny" at first was seriously given by the performer. During the filming, she was constantly supported by Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and the love of polishch.

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Having trampled in Casting from the famous English director Peter Greenway and liked a foreigner. He promised her the role in one of the novel of the project "Suitcase Tuls Lupere", which was planning to shoot in Russia. But the cooperation did not take place.

Dramatic works in the archive stuck a bit. For some time, Olga Borisovna collaborated with the Moscow theater of the documentary play "Theater.doc", played in the play "Manager". Participated in two productions of the Moscow Drama Theater "Aparti", founded by Andrei Lyubimov: "A chicken BAs and hand" and "season of flowering cacti". The theater agency "Lecker" went on the scene in the play "The Chamber of Business Class".

Olga crashed in the theater

In 2005, at the Radods of Antpurdis Irina Apksimova "AST" Ball demonstrated the remake of the film "Merry Guys". A familiar plot authors presented in the form of filming. The main heroine performed Irina Apksimov, Olga's girlfriend. "Queen episode" performed in the image of a woman with a clapper.

The formulation caused a lot of admiring responses. The acting game was liked by critics, especially they noted a scarce assistant with a clappering, full "organic, temperament and comism", complained that it was allocated to the scene for this character.

Another episode of the career of the artist was to participate in the TV show "Raigrysh". More than other viewers remembered the series with the participation of Sergei Zverev, Julia at the beginning, Alexey Kortnev. In 2002-2003, the actress appeared in several television projects: "Weak link" with Leonid Yakubovich, "Russian Roulette", "Natural selection".


Shooting in advertising - a separate page of creative biography of the actress. For the first time at the site, it was invited by an English director who made the roller of the oil "Zlatto". He was looking for new, who did not take the face on the screen and found Olga, a charismatic "fat aunt".

Olga crashed with a guitar

In the 1990s, actresses were fortunate enough to work with Yuri Grymov in a series of commercials for MTS company. She created unforgettable images of Fainan Ranevskaya ("Podkinish"), women in the subway, dreaming of a man ("Striptease"), a lady in the sewing shop ("Sewing Factory").

Personal life

Olga stuck about the personal life of Olga. The actress had no husband or children. There were problems with housing. Familiar was told that one year she was at half a year in the theater dressing room, often spent the night with friends.

"Queen of the episode" always dreamed of his own apartment, but the fees did not allow her to buy. In the breaks between the filming, Olga was taken for any job: nursing children, toured in kindergarten in a clown suit. But the money still lacked.

Olga Podvatina

Mom helped the cherished desire for the actress. Claudia Grigorievna sold an apartment in Yekaterinburg, bought himself a small house in the village, and the remaining tools gave her daughter. Nevertheless, Olga had to take a mortgage, but the artist was happy: she had his own apartment. To quickly pay with debts, Olga worked a lot, went to all the views, took for any roles.

According to memories of the few friends, Olga Borisovna was very alone, her inhibited the absence of a family. Houses were cats, dog and plush toys. In recent years, according to friends and neighbors, the actress began to abuse alcohol.


The death of Olga drawd up on June 8, 2013, on the eve of the 45th anniversary, became a blow for loved ones and fans. Health problems were not, except for pain in the back.

The actress died alone in his apartment. She was discovered friends, alarmed by the fact that Olga stopped responding to phone calls. About the tragedy reported Irina Apksimov on his Facebook page.

Olga crashed in 2013

Initially, the cause of death was considered a heart attack, but later they found out that the thrombus broke away. Money for funeral actresses collected friends, acquaintances and fans. The press published necrologists, biography and photos of the actress.

Close said that the body was going to cremate and transported to Ekaterinburg. Why did not do this, unknown. The burial ceremony took place on June 12, 2013. Olga's grave was drawn in the Bogorodsky cemetery in the village of Timokhino, not far from the city of Electrojul, the Moscow region.


  • 2000 - "DBM"
  • 2001 - "Truckers"
  • 2002 - "Shukshinsky stories"
  • 2003 - "Evlampia Romanova. The investigation leads an amateur "
  • 2004 - "Balzakovsky age, or all men of his ..."
  • 2004 - "My beautiful nanny"
  • 2005 - "League of Deceived Weld"
  • 2006 - "Three Semirations"
  • 2008 - "Ranetki"
  • 2009 - "Vacation of strict regime"
  • 2011 - "Daddy's Daughters"

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