ROALD Dal - biography, photo, personal life, books



The life of this British writer is similar to an exciting novel. It was all: heavy childhood, bullying at school, studies of an exotic continent, war and heroic feats, marriage on the Oscar-winning star of Hollywood. Roald Dal could write luxurious memoirs, but began to compose detective stories, fantastic novels and children's works. It is the latter, including "Gremlin", Charlie and Chocolate Factory, "James and Miracle Persix", made his world celebrity.

Childhood and youth

On September 13, 1916, a boy was born in the Welly Place of Llandiff (near the city of Cardiff, United Kingdom), which was called ROALD. Parents-Norwegians gave the name to the son in honor of the famous compatriot - the polar explorer Rual Amundsen. Father Harald Dal moved to England in the late 1880s, mother Sophia Magdalena - much later. But immediately after arrival married the countryman, which was older for 28 years.

Writer Roald Dal.

In marriage one after another, four children were born: Son and Three daughters. The family remained early without the breadwinner: the father died of pneumonia at the age of 57. Soon after his departure, Sophie gave birth to another daughter Asta, but the older Asta lost, the girl died of appendicitis.

Little Roald adored mom - she was a magnificent storyteller, the children had heard her stories about Norwegian monsters and trolls. Perhaps then the grain of his fantasy was sown, which on the soil of talent sprout and gave such amazing fruits.

"Rock, a real rock ... Always on your side, whatever you do," so Roughly recalled his mother.
ROALD Dal in youth

At 7 years old, the boy entered the Llandoff Cathedral School, where the inhuman orders who reigned then in the closed educational institutions of England. Then Sophie translated the Son to St. Peter's boarding school in Weston-Sewing Master. But here it was no better - Roald wrote a mother's mother, full longing. The wise woman retained the epistolary experiences of the Son, and later on their basis the autobiographical book "Boy" will be released (1984).

When the boy was 13 years old, Sophie moved to Kent, and Dal began to study at the Repton School. There were orders of storms than in previous establishments: grandfather, corporal punishment and bullying. The young man had a persistent rejection of studies, but thanks to high growth (the guy will grow even up to 198 cm) he succeeded in sports disciplines.

ROALD Dal in youth

Another pleasant circumstance was in Reference: periodically from the local confectionery factory Cudbery, students brought chocolate for tasting. Young Roald adored this delicacy and dreamed of to invent new recipes. It is easy to guess that this fact of the biography subsequently developed into the plot of Bestseller Roald Dalya - "Charlie and Chocolate Factory".

After graduating from College in 1934, the guy flatly refused to enter the university. And first went to Newfoundland as a photographer - he was carried away by this business even at school. And soon at all went to Africa (Tanzania), having entered into the ranks of the employees of Shell.


It was in Africa that Dahl wrote and published the first story. And then the war saved. ROALD went to serve as a volunteer in the British Air Force, leaked to piloting a military aircraft. But the first flight in 1940 turned out to be tragic: an emergency landing cost him vision and punched skull. The guy was restored for a long time and then participated in the battles over Greece, Libya, Syria.

ROALD Dal and Ernest Hemingway

In early 1942, the pilot was commissioned and received a proposal to take the post of assistant military air attache in Washington, where his writer's career began.

The first literary experiments of the British were the stories about military weekdays, they later entered the book "I turn to the reception" ("Over to You", 1946). They entered their number and the story of the mythical beings - gtems that harm pilots and spoil aircraft. So the first work of Dalya appeared for children. Famous "Gremlin" will be fused only in 1984.

Writer Roald Dal.

After the war, in 1945, the writer returns to his homeland and lives with his mother. After the failure of the novel about a nuclear threat, he concentrated on themenestics. The stories of this period are collected in the cycle "Dog Claude" and issued in 1953. A year later, the distance receives the prestigious Award of Edgar for the original style, in which the "grotesque imagination and a cruel sense of humor" was mixed.

After 5 years, he again became a premium laureate. Only now the distance is no longer a newcomer in the literature, but a recognized master of black humor, whose works are transferred to dozens of world languages. Then the writer tries himself in the new role, writing a script for the film "You live only twice" on the book of his friend Jan Fleming, with whom I met, living in America. In total, there was more than 20 cinema and telechangeries.

Books Roald Dalya

In the 60s, the writer succeeds in the field of children's works. By this time he had already held a family man and a large father. And his work is drawn towards young readers. In 1961, the first book "James and Miracle Persix" comes out, and the author was not going to publish it, but relatives were persuaded to attribute the manuscript in the publishing house. Success Shalomil Daly, and he again takes over the pen.

In 1964, Roman "Charlie and Chocolate Factory" was released, then Charlie and Huge Glass Elevator (1972), "Danny - World Champion" (1975), "BDV, or Big and Good Giant" (1982), "Witches "(1983)," Matilda "(1988). All children's books writer are illustrated by the English artist Quentin Blake, who found a special style, corresponding to the spirit of the crews of the Master.

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He wrote the author in his favorite hut in the backyard of the country house. He adored to live in nature: bred animals, grown the garden. In the hut, everything was ready for creativity and inspiration: a bowl of candy wrappers, a favorite chair in which he wrote, 6 sharply sharpened yellow pencils with a rubber band at the end, rated yellow notebooks brought from the USA - the writer wrote exclusively on them.

Children's works Dalya is a special world in which the author speaks with a child in his language through funny calaburis and funny neologisms that disagree on quotes: "awesome", "eyebroculative!", "Omuticious". His books have a place and a sharp plot, and grotesque, and drama, and even the sad finals, but always against the tyranny adults will defeat the bright and pure child's mind.

"Children know that I am on their side," wrote this amazing storyteller.

Personal life

In the early 50s, the distance moved to America, this time in New York, where it works and published. At one of the parties, Dal meets the future wife - the ascending star Hollywood Patricia Neil. In 1953, the couple entered into marriage in which five children were born. The primient became the daughter - Olivia Twenty (1955), then the son of Teo Matthew (1960) appeared, followed by Chantal Sofia and Oplia Magdalena (1964) and Baby Lucy Neil (1965).

ROALD Dal and his wife Patricia Neil

Patricia shot a lot: In 1964, the actress even received the Oscar Award. Therefore, the first time with the children was held by the father of the family. In December 1960, a tragedy occurred: a stroller with the kid of Theo hit a taxi.

Against the head of the head of the thoracic baby developed hydrocephalus. To facilitate the life of the Son, the distance participated in the development of a special valve to reduce intracranial pressure (Wade Dala-Tillae Valve), which helped thousands of patients with kids.

ROALD Dal and his wife Feliciti d'Abro

Theo was recovered soon, but in 1962, the eldest daughter of Roald and Patricia dies from Corey. The new blow overtakes the writer in 1965, when the aneurysm of the brain vessels for a long time chained to bed a spouse. The man dedicated himself to worries about his wife, thanks to which she got on his feet and could even return to work.

Despite the experienced together, ROALD and Patricia divorced in 1983. Soon the distance married Felicity D'Abro, with which he lived until the end of his life.


The writer died of blood illness in 1990, November 23, in Oxfordshire, England.

Togil Roald Dalya

The storyteller bequeathed to bury him with a bottle of burgundy, chainsaw, firm-soft pencils, chocolate and kiam for sinuker.


  • Not far from London, in the village of Bakinghamshire, the Museum and the Center of the History of Roald Dalya are located.
  • In 2016, Oxford Dictionary of Roald Dalya was published, which included 8000 words. And in the Oxford English Dictionary, there is a word "Dahlesque" denoting the author's style of the famous Briton.
  • In 2000, the distance was recognized by the "favorite author of Britain", bypassing Joan Rowling and the classics of Shakespeare.
  • ROALDA DALA Charitable Fund helps children with hematological and neurological diseases and is replenished from the author's authorities of the writer (10%).


"Is this important who you are and how do you look if you love ?!" "If anyone smiles to you, and his eyes do not change, do not believe it. He pretends. "" Nevertheless, parents are strange people. Even if their child is the most nasty creature in the world, they still claim that it is better than everyone. "" Art is immoral only when they are delegaters. " As long as you will not throw a lot, you will not know what you have at the keel - depth or stranded. "


  • 1961 - "James and Giant Peach"
  • 1964 - "Charlie and Chocolate Factory"
  • 1965 - "Night Guest"
  • 1970 - "Amazing Mr. Fox"
  • 1972 - "Charlie and Huge Glass Elevator"
  • 1975 - "Danny - World Champion"
  • 1979 - "My Uncle Oswald"
  • 1980 - "Family Twit"
  • 1982 - "BDV, or Big and Good Giant"
  • 1983 - "Witches"
  • 1984 - "Boy"
  • 1986 - "Flights alone"
  • 1988 - "Matilda"

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