Georges Bizet - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Music



Georges Bizeta is a great French composer, a pianist virtuoso of the era of romanticism. His works, not always appreciated by contemporaries, survived the creator. Opera "Carmen", masterpiece of music art, collects the audience for more than 100 years in the best theaters of the world.

Childhood and youth

Georges Bizet was born on October 25, 1838 in Paris. Few people know that the present name of the composer is Alexander Cesar Leopold, in honor of the great emperors, and George was obtained by baptism.

Portrait of Georges Bizeta

George's mother, Eme, was a pianist, and her brother Francois Delta-singer and vocal teacher. Adolf-Aman's father was engaged in the manufacture of wigs, and then became a teacher of singing, despite the lack of special education.

In the house on the street, Tour D'Verch constantly sounded music, fascinating the child. Instead of playing with peers, Little Georges mastered a touchmark with a hobby, Mom taught her son to play the piano.

Georges Biza in youth

At the age of 6, Biza went to school and loved reading, but Eme, seeing the striking abilities of the boy to music, forced him to sit at the piano. Thanks to this, on the eve of the 10th day of birth, October 9, 1848, George entered the Paris Music Conservatory with the Volo pillar in the class of Antoine Marmontel, the famous piano teacher of the 2nd half of the 19th century.

The future composer had absolute hearing and phenomenal memory, he received the first prize at the Solfeggio competition, which gave the right to free lessons on the composition of the famous teacher of the time of Pierre Tsimmerman. The tool moved to the background, a dream appeared to write music for the theater.

Georges Biza in youth

After graduating from the Piano class, Bize began to study the composition at Firomantal Gallevy, the teacher, the artistic director of the Parisian "Theater Italing". The writing of music captured a conservatory student at that time he wrote a lot of works in different genres.

In parallel with the composition of Georges began to play on the body in the class of Professor Francois Benua and soon won the second, and then the first award of the conservatory for performing skills.


During the years of study, Bizet created the first musical works: "Symphony to Major", unknown until 1933, found in the archives of the Paris Conservatory, and the comic opera "Doctor's House".

Composer Georges Bizeta

The acquaintance of the public with a novice composer took place after the creative competition announced by Jacques Offenbach, the owner of the Buff-Parisen Theater on Montmartre. It was necessary to write a musical comedy performance with the participation of 4 characters. Reward - gold medal and 1200 francs. Bizé presented the jury operetta "Dr. Miracle" and divided the award with chall leak.

In 1857, for the annual competition of the Academy of Fine Arts, the novice composer composed Cantatu Klovis and Clotilda, became a laureate of the Roman Prize, received a grant and went for an internship in Rome. Biza was fascinated by the beauty of Italy, he became interested in Opera, fell in love with Mozart and Rafael's music. In Rome, the composer was supposed to create Cantatha under the terms of the grant, but instead I composed the comic opera "Don Prokopio" and the ODU-symphony "Vasco da Gamma".

Georges Bizeta

In the fall of 1960, the foreign internship Bizet was forced to interrupted due to the Mother's disease, and he return to Paris. The next 3 years have become difficult in the creative biography of the composer. Georges had to make a living for the creation of entertainment music for cafe-concerts, shifting orchestral scores of famous works for piano, give private lessons.

As the Roman laureate, Bizet had to write a comic work for the Opera Comedian Theater, but it was impossible for personal reasons. In 1961, Mom died, and after six months, Teacher Fromantal Gallevi died. In 1863, the composer, overcoming the experience, created the lyrical opera "Pearl seekers", and then opera "Perth Beauty" on the plot of Walter Scott.

In the 70s began the flourishing of creativity Bizet. The "Opera Comic" theater passed the premiere of "Jamile", critics and viewers appreciated the delicate style and the elegance of the Arab motives of the work. In the 1872th composer composer composed music to the Alfonson Dodé Dodé "Arlesian". The setting was not successful and was redone the author to the orchestral suite.

The vertex of creativity Bizet became the Opera "Carmen", not estimated during the lifetime of the author. The premiere of 1875 failed and caused a negative reaction of the press, the production was called scandalous and immoral. Despite this, the performance during the first year was shown 45 times. Viewers went to him from curiosity, increased by half after the death of the composer.

Biza did not live before the recognition of his creation. The first positive feedback appeared a year after the premiere. "Carmen" rated Richard Wagner, Johannes Brahms. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, more than once during the year, looking at the production, wrote:

"Bise is an artist, giving tribute to the age and modernity, but warmed with true inspiration. And what a wonderful plot of the opera! I can't play the last scene without tears! "

The spectators fell in love with the heroine, the musical portrait of which wasted from the sounds of Habarov, Polo, Siegidillas. Toreador's journals molded the hearts of the public.

Personal life

First love Biza was Italian Giuseppa. This relationship was not destined to be long, since the composer left Italy, and the girl did not follow him.

Madame Celeste Mogador, Countess De Shabryan

An interesting fact in the author's biography "Carmen" was a passionate hobby of Madame Mogador, known as the Countess de Shabryan, the opera singer Madame Lionel, the writer Celeste Varán. The lady was much older George, he used scandalous fame. The composer was not happy with her, suffered from mood drops and obscene. After breaking for a long time he arrived in depression.

Bize's happiness found with the daughter of his teacher Fromantal Gallevy, Geneva. Marriage preceded the stubborn struggle with the relatives of the elects, who were against the wedding. The young defended their love and married on June 3, 1869, settled in popular with creative people the place of Barbizon.

Genevieve Galves

In 1870, the Franco-Prussian war began, the composer called on the ranks of the National Guard, but quickly freed from the service as a Roman scholarship. He took the young wife from Barbizon and returned to Paris, where he could helped defenders of the city.

On July 10, 1871, Genevieve gave birth to a son, the boy called Jacques. According to rumors, the composer had two children, the 2nd boy Jean - from the maid of Maria Reuters. Georges loved her son and wife, but could not be quite happy in his personal life. Genevieve considered a spouse loser and started a novel with a pianist and neighbor Eli Miriam Debord. Bize knew about it and worried greatly.


Death Biza still remains a mystery to researchers. It is known that this happened in Buwalle, where the composer family accompanied by Mary's maid Reuters with her son went for the summer. They settled in a two-story house, preserved so far, his photo is on the Internet.

House of Georges Bizet in Buzhiv

Biza was sick, but it did not prevent him from May 29, 1875 to go for a walk to the river in the company of Wife and neighbor Decreather. George loved to swim. He redeemed in cold water. On May 30, the composer dumped the attack of rheumatism with fever and unbearable pains, hand and legs were denied. A day later, a heart attack happened. When the doctor came, Biza became easier, but not long.

The next day the patient spent in delusion, and in the evening the attack was repeated. The composer died on June 3, 1875. The last one who saw the composer alive was the Decoration. The doctor stated the cause of death: the heart complication of acute articular rheumatism.

Monument George Bizeta

The sensational version was voiced by another composer Antoni de Sudan, who first came to Buzheval, learning about the tragedy. He said that on her whore was a cut wound, which could apply the latter who saw George alive, namely the Decoration. The neighbor had reasons for killing, he cared for Geneva, and her husband stood on the way to happiness. Subsequently, the Delender wanted to marry the widow of the composer, but the wedding did not take place.

Another possible cause of the death of the Carmen's creator, researchers consider suicide. In their opinion, the wound the composer inflicted himself, trying to cut the trachea or artery. The grounds for such an assumption were. Recently, Georges was depressed due to creative failures and diseases. Before leaving in Buzhel, he brought order in papers, made important orders. The doctor who stated death could hide the fact of suicide at the request of relatives.

Grave George Bizeta

Documents confirming any of the versions are not preserved. Uncle Genevieve, Louis Gallevy, conducted a diary that could shed light on the mystery of the composer's death, but the rows written after the sad event were destroyed. In addition, the widow of Bizet demanded friends and acquaintances to get rid of Georges's letters over the past 5 years.

The composer was buried on the cemetery lanez. The ceremony performed passages from the works of the deceased. A year later, a monument to the work of the Dubois field was established on the grave with the inscription on the pedestal:

"George Bizé, his family and friends."



  • 1858-1859 - "Don Prokopio"
  • 1862-1863 - "Pearl seekers"
  • 1862-1865 - "Ivan IV"
  • 1866 - "Pertsk Beauty"
  • 1873-1874 - "Carmen"


  • 1855-1857 - "Eloise de Montfor"
  • 1855-1857 - "Return of Virginia"
  • 1857 - Klovis and Clotilda
  • 1857 - "Dr. Miracle"


  • 1859 - "Ulysses and Tsires"
  • 1859-1860 - "Vasco da Gama"

Works for orchestra

  • 1866-1868 - "Rome" ("Memories of Rome")
  • 1873 - Overture "Motherland"

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