Paris - Biography, Name, Quotes, Empty, Image


Character History

The Mythology of Greece is filled with stories about the exploits of valiant heroes that do not lose relevance. That's the legend of Paris and Elena, because of the love of which the Troy fell so far, it still causes genuine emotions. A man ready for his beloved to destroy his hometown is perceived ambiguously. The ancient Greek philosophers chased the romance of the feat, not believing with victims and losses, which suffered simple residents of Troy.

History of origin

The loving fan of beautiful women became famous in world history thanks to the works of ancient Greek philosophers and playwrights. The name of Paris is mentioned in the creations of the Sophokla "Court", "Elena's abduction" and "Alexander". Later, the image of a man is interested in Euripid. But Homer brought great glory to Paris, which described in detail about the adventures of Prince Troy and Helena in the Klomad drama.

Sculpture of Paris.

Researchers do not cease to argue, Reaen Paris or the image of a narcissant handsome - just the fiction of the ancient Greek authors. The information that scientists operate is as contradiction as the characteristic characteristic.

For example, the grave of Prince Troy and his first enona wife is officially located on the plain of the Kebtery in the Troada. Another argument proving the reality of the character is to remove the mention of the residents of Olympa from Iliad, the resulting plot corresponds to famous historical events.

Paris and Enona

In the ancient Greek works, Paris also appears under the name Alaksandus. The mention of such a rule was preserved on the wedgenesses found during the excavations of the Hett kingdom (the ancient state in Malaya Asia). This gives the right to researchers to argue that the Paris itself is an invented character, the basis of which served as a real person.

Myths and legends

Prince Paris rose far from royal conditions. The boy was born in the family of the Lord of Troy Pria and Hugeba. The hero became the 19 child of the ruling couple (on other sources - 2 child from 19). Shortly after the birth of Paris Hecube, a nightmare was dreamed of a nightmare.

To avoid possible curses, the spouses ordered a servant named Agelialy to attribute the child to the next mountain and leave the prince on top. The slave did not dare to disobey the owners and fully fulfilled the order. It would seem that the fate of the boy was predetermined, but a bear came to the rescue of Paris. She fed a baby for five days than the life of the future prince of Troy saved.


Agelia, who did not let the thought of Paris, returned to the crime scene and happily found a healthy and strong boy. The slave took the child in his own family and brought up as his native son.

The young man rose on rarity beautiful. Posted by the attention of women, Paris early married Anon - Nymph, which often walked along the nearby forest near the Troy, where a young man rip sheep. However, family bonds did not make Paris loyal and reliable husband.

Once a young man attracted the attention of Olymps. Erida, the goddess of discord, made confusion to the Immortal Company. The girl threw an apple with the inscription "the most beautiful" in the crowd of the deities. The fruit caused many disputes, and the three goddesses - Aphrodite, Athena and Gera - asked Zeus to decide who is worthy of apple.

Court of Paris

Strelzzts, not wanting to spoil relations with relatives, reconciled the decision to the first oncoming. The view of God fell on the shepherd of Paris. Three beauties offered a hero to the reward for getting a welcome status. Paris's court ended quickly. The young man presented an Aphrodite apple, who promised the young woman's love young shepherd. Athena and Gera, who did not get a prize, hid offense.

The fate of the young men changed dramatically after the competitions of heroes held in the territory of the hometown. Speaking in the demonstration battles, Paris attracted the attention of Cassandra - his own sister's own sister. The girl in the excitement came running towards his parents and told Troy's rulers that her brother, whom Priam and Hokab mentally buried a long time, alive.


Forgetting about nightmares who pretend the horrors and suffering, the married couple found Paris and told the young man about the secret of his birth. The young man proclaimed the son of the rulers. So in one day, the young shepherd received the title of Prince Troy.

Suddenly, a lot of responsibilities collapsed against Paris, among whom were diplomatic visits to neighboring lords. One of the first states where the hero went, was Sparta. Tsar Menelia gladly accepted Paris in his house.


The young man, impressed by the Raddle of the ruler, spent a lot of time visiting a new friend. However, Elena's young wife became such a long visit was actually the cause of such a long visit. Aphrodite fulfilled his own promise - the beautiful girl of Greece loved the young and reckless paris.

The King Sparta penetrates confidence in the charming young man, so with a light heart left his wife alone with Prince Troy. Taking advantage of the situation, the hero stole Elena and took the beloved in his hometown. I could not forgive such an insult of Meneli.

Elena's abduction marked the beginning of the protracted and bloody war, which later will receive the name Trojan. All residents of Sparta and Troy were drawn into military conflict. Not bypass the battle and famous heroes. On the side of the Trojans, Hector spoke - the native brother of Paris, and the side of Spartans took Achilles.


After 9 years, who spent the characters tragedy in permanent battles, Melai offered Paris the exit. Tsar Sparta called Prince Troy to a duel. The battle one on one was to solve the outcome of a long exhausting war. But in the case intervened Aphrodite. At that moment, when Meneli was preparing to apply a decisive blow to the fallen Paris, the goddess moved his pet back to Troy.

It would seem that Meneli won, and now the prince of Troy must return the wrong wife of the Sparta to the ruler. But the surviving Paris decided not to follow the rules. For such behavior and not particularly active participation of the culprit of the war in the battles, the Trojans gave Paris a non-extent characteristic.

To conquer respect for your own army, the hero allowed a truly incredible act. Paris killed Achilles, hitting the arrow straight into the heel of the enemy. From this point on, the prince's warriors seemed that the victory on the side of the Trojans and Spartans were about to retreat.


But soon Paris himself fell death. A man struck the arrow released from Luke. In agony, the hero left the walls of Troy and went to the forest, where a long-standing beloved Prince lived. Enon, offended by her husband for betrayal, did not help the wounded.

A man who started one of the most high-profile warrior on the territory of ancient Greece, killed his own lovingness. The body of the hero was burned at the fire. Local shepherds who do not suspect that they carry out a funeral rite over the famous prince of Troy.


In 1961, Georgio Ferrony suffered myths about Paris on a wide screen. The film "Trojan War" talks about the legendary battle and in complete glory describes the bloody battles that occurred due to the fault of the queen of Elena. The role of Prince Paris played actor Warner Benzenya.

Paris - Biography, Name, Quotes, Empty, Image 1370_9

In 1962, another Italian director, Marino Dzhiroli, also drew attention to the ancient Greek myths. This time the tragedy of the son of Zeus was in the center of the plot. The film "The Achilla" opens the audience the feelings and emotions of the hero who lost the best friend in battles. Paris in Kinolent got a secondary role. The image of the prince embodied the actor Roberto Risso.

In 2003, Helen's history decided to screen the Fuel Entertainment film studio producers. The mini-series "Elena Troyanskaya" talks about the legendary conflict from the point of view of a woman who caused the war. The role of the beloved beauty went to the actor Matthew Marsden.

Orlando Bloom in the role of Paris

In 2004, the premiere of a historical drama based on the tragedy of "Iliad" Homer took place. The film "Troy" received contradictory reviews from the audience, and from critics. Beyond the costumes of the characters and the equipment of warriors. The only thing that truly rated fans is the game of actors. The role of Paris performed Orlando Bloom.


"If you decide, we will not have peace anywhere. People will start a hunt for us, and the gods will curse us. But I will love you. Until his last sigh, I will love you. "" Who is Elena more worthy - me or Menelai? "" What a wonderful morning! Poseidon himself blesses us. "

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