Elsa (Elsa) Pataki - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News 2021



This blonde beauty became famous at first in his homeland, in Spain, and then in Europe. The first Spanish paintings in which she played noticeable roles: "Resuscitation return", "Werewolf hunting", "Nynett". But the real glory brought to her the conquest of Hollywood - in 2005, Pataki starred in the film "Fast and Furious 5", making the company to the guilt of Diesel. The actress was then starred in 3 sequels of the picture.

Personal life also brought her popularity: Elsa became the wife of the main Hollywood heart of Chris Hemsworth, giving him three charming children.

Childhood and youth

Els Pataki was born on July 18, 1976 in Madrid. Father José Francisco Lafuente - Spaniard, Mom Christina Pataki Median - Romanian.

Actress Els Pataki

Parents did not have a relationship to acting: dad worked by a biochemistry, and his mother worked as a publicist. Passion for girls to dramatic art awakened grandfather in mothers - famous in Romania theater actor. It was he who took up the upbringing of his granddaughter when José was left of the family, and Christina was busy with work.

"I play from five years old," recalls actress Aza biography. - The first role gave me a grandfather. I was a princess, but he was a dragon, then a brave lifeguard. I saw with what love he did it, and how tormented by the father, going to the unloved job. Therefore, in childhood I decided: I want to be like a grandfather. "
Elsa Pataki in youth

However, deciding not to oppose the will of the Father, Els still entered the University of Saint-Pablo in Madrid to study journalism. At this time, the girl stones the books and attends the lessons of acting skills. Soon it is enrolled in the troupe of Angel Gutierres theater. Elsa takes a laconic, but the sonorous surname of his grandmother on his mother, the roses of the Pataki, and dip in acting life.


Her debut took place in the short film "Solo En La Buhardilla", and then the roles in the popular Spanish TV series "La Vida En Elire" and "Al Salir de Clase". Because of the dense shooting, Pataki had to leave their studies at the university, and these TV projects made it a local celebrity.

Model Els Pataki

In 2000, Elsa played faith of Hidalgo in a joint with the British and the French of the telepostanovka "Queen of Swords". The language barrier for the accuracy actress does not represent: besides the native Spanish and Romanian, it speaks well in French, English and Italian.

Showing a bright dramatic talent, Elsa drew the attention of Spanish and other European directors. In 2001, he starred in the picture "No Westa from God", the role was tiny, but on the site such stars as Penelope Cruz, Fanny Ardan, Gael Garcia Bernal appeared on the site.

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In 2004, the film "Hunting on Werewolf" (in the English RomaCanta Hard ") is published on the screens of the United Kingdom. The film participated in the nomination for the main prize of the Malaga Film Festival. World rod ride made Els Pataki ascending movie star. She began to receive suggestions from American filmmakers and not only.

In 2006, the photo of miniature beauty (height 161 cm) appeared on the cover of Maxim magazine - in a swimsuit and with a huge python. Pataki is invited to participate in photo shoots of global brands of clothing, perfumery, jewelry.

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Hollywood debit of a sultry Spanish took place in the film "Snake Flight" in 2006 in the company of such stars as Samuel L. Jackson and Julianna Margulis. In 2009, the Spaniard played the sacrifice of the maniac in the bloody thriller of the Italian director Dario Argento "Jallo". Actor Adrian Brody became an invited star from Hollywood.

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The real success came to the artist only in 2011 with the role of Elena Nives in the next part of the cult action "Fast and Furious 5". Elsa Pataka so organically joined the plot and the acting team that subsequent sequels did not cost her.

In 2013 and 2015, blockbusters "Fast and Furious 6" and "Fast and Furious 7" were removed, in the last Pleia Star-actors replenished Jason Statham. "Fast and Furious 8" entered the screens in 2017.

In the filmography of actresses dozens of roles.

Personal life

Spanish actress is known for strict looks. What romantic relationships tied the Pataki in youth is unknown. There are details of only one Hollywood novel of the star - with actor Adrian Brody. The couple was filmed together in the film, and outside the set, the attraction did not have anywhere. Relationships lasted about a year, Brody made a beloved sentence. However, due to a series of quarrels and misunderstandings caused by jealousy, the actor ruined the engagement.

Elsa Pataki and Adrian Brody

However, the actress dreamed of a wedding and soon stood before the altar. On December 26, 2010, the marriage of the Elsa Pataki and Chris Hemsworth - Australian actor, glorifying roles in films about the young God of Thunder and Lightning Torah. This celebration has become one of the most discussed Hollywood marriages. Fans admired the beauty of the couple and wished them a long and happy life. But those who were perplexed - why one of the most vivid representatives of the cinema marries the Spanish actress older than Him for 7 years.

Elsa Pataki and her husband Chris Hemsworth

However, the actors have now successfully prove that they are not only beautiful, but also a strong married couple. In the spring of 2012, the spouses were born daughter India Rose. And after 2 years, two sons appeared in the family - Sasha and Tristan. However, everything was not always easy. Elsa Pataki in an interview with the magazine "Elle" admitted that Chris was not ready for family life and especially by the birth of their first child.

"He was too young in order to start a family. He had to combine fatherly duties with acting career. But Chris never let me down. He did everything to become the best father for our children. The family is the main thing for him, "the mother of her husband told a lot of husband.

Spouses do not hide family life from fans: in "Instagram" actresses have a lot of photos for a variety of cases - from the first steps to feasts for birthday.

Now Hemsworth is building a huge house for its large family in 4.2 hectares by the ocean. Together with his wife and children in the mansion, brothers and parents of Chris will settle.

Elsa Pataki now

In 2018, the premiere of the American military drama "Cavalry" took place on the fight against terrorists, in which Elsa Pataki played with her husband Chris Hemsworth.

Elsa Pataki in 2018

The actress then started shooting the Australian TV series "Tidelands".


  • 2003 - "Resuscitation Return"
  • 2004 - "Werewolf Hunt"
  • 2005 - Nynett
  • 2005 - "Izboruga, or Calif for an hour"
  • 2006 - "Snake Flight"
  • 2009 - "Jalo"
  • 2009 - "Send them to hell, Malone!"
  • 2010 - "Want to Hollywood"
  • 2010 - Mr. Gandzhubas
  • 2011 - "Fast and Furious 5"
  • 2013 - "Fast and Furious 6"
  • 2015 - "Fast and Furious 7"
  • 2017 - "Fast and Furious 8"
  • 2018 - "Cavalry"

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