Anastasia Makarevich - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Anastasia Makarevich (Capralova) is a soloist and a permanent leader popular in the 90s "Lyceum." Strong personality, talented and beautiful artist, musician, and besides this - Mom of two children and a loving wife.

Childhood and youth

Anastasia Makarevich was born in the family of a journalist-international Alexander Georgievich and Economist Valeria Vernaldovna Capral Spring in the spring of 1977. When the girl was 8 years old, the parents divorced. As Mom Naststi confessed much later in an interview, Caprals drank a lot, this was the cause of parting.

Anastasia Makarevich

After the divorce, the biological father of the future singer did not participate in his daughter's life. Mom married a school comrade, an architect by profession and a musician by calling, Alexey Makarevich. The man became a real father for the girl. It is him that she calls dad. At 16, when it was time to receive a passport, Nastya took the last name Makarevich and the middle name of Alekseevna.

At the dawn of the popularity of the group "Lyceum", journalists were interested in the relationship of Andrei Makarevich and Nastya. At first she did not reveal the cards, but in the future it became known that the founder of the Time Machine group is a cousin Alexei Makarevich.

Anastasia Makarevich in childhood

Since childhood Nastya, like her native sister of Varbara, was brought up in the atmosphere of creativity. The grandfather of the future singer was a film critic, and stepfather - a musician, although education had an architectural. The latter did not prevent him in the 70s to establish a group "Dangerous Zone", which was subsequently renamed Kuznetsky Bridge. In addition, Makarevich was a guitarist in the "Resurrection" group. He played a big role in the career of the adopted daughter.

The girl reached out to music early. Parents gave it to the studio Yury Sherling. Here Nastya has improved vocal data by studying the technique of jazz. In addition, he was engaged in the music theater and danced. There was a future artist and music school in the life of a guitar class.

Lena Pereova, Nastya Makarevich, Alexey Makarevich and Isolda Ishkhanishvili

Schi Anastasia first noticed and appreciated the talent of the receptional daughter. After visiting the speech of the "Children's Estrada Theater", in which she sang, in 1991 he founded the group "Lyceum." In addition to Nastya, it includes two more girls: Isolde Isolanishvili and Elena Perov. Alexey Makarevich became the producer of a virgin team, as well as the author of many texts and music.

In parallel with the work at the Lyceum, Anastasia in 1995 entered MESI at the Faculty of Hotel and International Tourism. In addition, the girl received a higher musical education, after graduating from the State Classic Academy in the specialty "Lecturer-Jazz Vocal Teacher".


The musical career of Anastasia Makarevich is inextricably linked with the work of the group "Lyceum." The first performance of the virgin team took place in the program "Morning Star" in December 1991. Girls made their debut with the hit of the "ABBA" group "One of US". The next speech of "Lyceum" happened in 1992 in the transfer of "MUZ-MUZ". They performed their first hit "Saturday evening." After that, Anastasia began to recognize on the street and the first fans appeared.

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In one of the interviews, Nastya Makarevich recalled that they had very interesting and unusual scenic outfits for that time. They came up with Alexey Makarevich, who had the talent of the artist. The first album of the "Home Arrest group" was released on Vinyl in 1993, and the second one appeared in the next - "Friend Night". But it was only a runway for the present success.

Two years later, in 1995, Alexey Makarevich wrote a song "Autumn" for the group, which she became a hit and for many years turned into a business card of the collective. The clip has seen the whole country on this composition. The song was kept in the charts of more than six months. In the same year, the group was awarded the "Ovation" premium in the nomination "Opening of the Year".

In 1997, the girls gave the first solo concert, and immediately after that came out the album "The Varosk-Cloud". At this time, Elena Perov left from the group, as the media wrote, due to the violation of the contract. Anna Plentnev took on her place. After some time left the girls and Isolde. In general, the composition of the group over the years of existence has changed several times. Also in it remained only Anastasia.

Already in the new composition of "Lyceum" continued to work. The group, in addition to the speeches and recordings of the albums, participated in various television programs. One of the memorized fans was the "Music Ring", where the cult group "Time Machine" and the Young - "Lyceum" fought. Experience, of course, won.

In 2012, Anastasia combined work in a group and solo career. She recorded singles "You thought", "Fall up", "somewhere." Work is under the "Nastya Makarevich Project". There are also in the biographies of the artist, the TV presenter is in the program "Time-General" on the TVC channel.

At the beginning of zero, the group had new hits: "You will become an adult", "how you dreamed about it", "rain falls" and others. Despite the frequently changing composition, the band continues to record albums and perform with concerts. In 2014, Alexey Makarevich was left of the life, and Anastasia became the producer of "Lyceum".

After 2008, the group "Lyceum" new albums did not produce, but they left individual singles. Among them, "Photography", "Running time", "weather forecasters" and others.

On August 31, 2017, the Group noted a quarter of a century with a large jubilee concert of the "Lyceum of 25 years."

Personal life

Personal life Anastasia Makarevich does not hide. She is happy mom and wife. The artist is married to Yevgeny Peshin lawyer. For more than 7 years, the family lives in the apartment in the south-west of Moscow. They have a lot of books, to whose reading Nastya enjoyed two children - Matvey (2003) and Makara (2009).

Anastasia Makarevich and her husband Eugene

Matvey reads a lot, but mostly about football and the life of stars of this sport. The boy plays the composition of the youth team of Russia, dreams of achieving success and enter the main staff of the adult team.

Future spouses got acquainted in 2000 at a party with friends. This is the case when friendship turned into love. At least, Nastya, because, as the singer admitted in one of the interviews, Zhenya saw her on TV and fell in love with a talented beauty with blue eyes long before dating. But she looked at him not immediately.

Anastasia Makarevich with children

Two years, young people communicated and rested together. Eugene struck his beloved, skeins for her in the club Favorite Romance "Charming, Okoldovanna". As a result, the relationship ended with a wedding. They have been together for almost 20 years, the husband always supports his famous wife in everything.

Anastasia Makarevich now

If you believe "instagram" singers and news in the media, Anastasia is now everything is fine. She is still married. Together, the spouses are growing children and ride rest abroad.

Anastasia Makarevich in 2018

In 2018, the Lyceum group, of course, is no longer as popular as in the 90s, but regularly performs at concerts and corporate countries, goes on tour. Today, as part of the Group, in addition to Anastasia, Ekaterina Nesstruk and Sofia Tahy.

In addition to working in the team, Anastasia records solo songs, teaches vocals in a children's studio and in the State Classic Academy.


  • 1992 - "Home Arrest"
  • 1994 - "Girlfriend Night"
  • 1996 - "Open Curtain"
  • 1997 - "Varosk-cloud"
  • 1997 - "For you"
  • 1998 - "Live Collection"
  • 1999 - "Sky"
  • 2000 - "You have become another"
  • 2005 - "44 minutes"
  • 2008 - "Grand-Collection"

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