Ben Gunn - character biography, actor, quotes, image and character


Character History

Roman Scottish Robert Stevenson "Treasure Island" describes the adventures of pirates, as well as the search for treasures, which Captain Flint hid on a mysterious island. He was published in 1883 and immediately gained approval from the public. In the book 34 chapters, and the story leads Jim Hawkins, the son of the innkeeper. In two chapters, Dr. Livi is replaced.

History of origin

In work on the work of Robert Stevenson focused on his own children. Exhausting for a steying card describing the location of a uninhabited island, he began to invent legends in which pirates appeared. Sea tramps and bold conquers of the oceans used glory among the boys. Games are closely intertwined with rumors about gangsters, wander in society.

Writer Robert Lewis Stevenson

Stevenson combined gossip sailors, stories of port guard and their memories. As a child, he often traveled with his father with the inspection for lighthouses. The name of the Flint ship and the filling of the pirate chest was inspired by the stories of Father Stevenson. The card and the chest, invented for the game, became the beginning of writing a fascinating story about pirate adventures, which children and adults still read.

The author's idea was to depict the pirates not with heroes, but robbers and a string, struggling for treasures, collected by the legendary Morgan and Flint pirates. The adventures of the gangsters are an external poverty book. The main idea is to fight good and evil. The courage wins the power, cunning and cruelty. At the same time, the author admires the energy of the Silver, giving a complete characteristic of this character and allowing you to hide from punishment.

Ben Gunn - character biography, actor, quotes, image and character 1369_2

Ben Gunn in the narration appears with a pirate, which was thrown on the island of treasure. He, like his colleagues, is a representative of a stupid drunk, not accustomed to organized work. This image is fictional, but Ben Gunn has a lot in common with really existing pirates.

Former pirate and a member of the vessel team called "Morzha", after the death of Captain Flint Gunn went under the flag of another Pirate ship, but was not accepted by the team. The colleagues left him alone on the uninhabited island, where the pirate spent three years, remembering his biography and misdeed. He did not spend time in vain. During the single conclusion, Ben Gunn found treasures hidden by Flint, and hid in a cave where she gained shelter. Ben Gunn also built a boat at which Jim Hawkins was subsequently reached "Spaniards".

Ben Gunn.

Returning to the big land, the hero set his share in just 19 days and after that was forced to go to the service to Squire John Trotoni to the post of gatekeeper.

The subsequent adventures of the pirate told Ronald Diderfield, who wrote the book of the same name. Pirate died at the age of 80 and was buried in the parish, where he was born. His grave is located next to the Mother's burial site, which he disappointed with his vital choice. The author justified the attitude of the pirates to Gannu, explaining it to the fact that the pirate was like a servant on the ship. Despite the contemptuous attitude, Ben possessed cunning and calcality, which was not enough for many of them. The years of loneliness on the island did their job, and Pirate decided not to go against the law and lead a decent life.

Ben Gann - Art

Gunn shared with new friends in the estates about his adventures. He allowed to publish them by making a kind of confession, which swept his sins.

"Treasure Island"

Walking on the ship under the command of Captain Flint, a man survived a lot of adventure. In the eyes of Gunn there was a lot of bloody and terrible events. Pirate saw the Flint killed six helpers with whom the treasure hid, was often underestimated by the ship. Then he conquered the marine expanses on other pirated ships.

Captain Flint

Blowing on one of such ships past the uninhabited island, Gunn told the owner of the vessel story about hidden treasures. The team landed ashore and spent several weeks in search. The annoyed sailors, going to the ravis, plunged into the boat. Gann wanted to sail with them, but the captain in anger threw him alone on the island, sarcastically proposing to continue the search for the treasure on his own.

Having lived on a uninhabited island for several years, Ben Gunn managed to use all available resources and explored the block of the Earth, lost in the sea.

Frame from cartoon

He dug the treasure hidden by pirates and became its owner. Then the former pirate was saved by Jim Hawkins. Three years spent alone on the island helped him rethinking life, evaluate himself as a person and choose a different way for the future.


The traditional image of Ben Gunn is more like the public about the adventures of the pirates. The story of Robert Stevenson is experiencing a new wave of popularity thanks to the release of the television series "Black Sails". The multi-sieuled film has an authentic plot based on the leitmotifs of the book of the famous Scottish, but the development of action is saturated with events invented by the director. "Black Sails" inspired the audience to reread the novel. The image of Ben Gunn was trying to actor Chris Fisher.

Valery Zolotukhin in Ben Hanna

In 1982, the Russian film "Treasury Island" directed by Vladimir Vorobyeva came out. In the adventure picture, the role of the former pirate went to Valery Zolotukhina, who worked on one set with Oleg Borisov, Viktor Kostyatsky, Nikolai Karachentsov, Igor Efimov and other actors.

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