Ross Butler - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News 2021



Ross Butler - Actor who remembered the audience role in the series "13 reasons why". Now he is one of the rising stars of American television and a talented young man with an army of fans and fans.

Childhood and youth

Ross Fleming Batler was born in Singapore on May 17, 1990. To say who Ross by nationality is difficult - there are many blood mixed in it. The father of the actor has British and Dutch roots, and in the family of the mother - the Chinese and Malaysians.

Ross Butler

At Butler, American citizenship - mother brought him to the USA. There, in the city of Fairfax, Virginia, the boy grew up and received school education. Mom Ross raised her son alone - his father left the family.

In 2008, the young man graduated from Langley's elder school and entered the University of Ohio - Ross university planned to seriously engage in chemistry. Scientific interest was enough for a year, and leaving the university, Butler went to Los Angeles, firmly deciding to work as acting.


In Los Angeles, the young man began to attend the lessons of acting skills, and after 2 years, the efforts were crowned with success. In 2012, Ross starred in one of the main roles in the movie "The Gateway Lifetime". The film was low-budget and did not succeed, but the battle career start was given.

Full Ross Butler

The next work was the short-castor "Work IT Out", and after it, Ross was invited to an episodic role in the series "especially grave crimes". After that, the actor worked in the TV film "Camp Sunshine" - a uncomplicated comedy about the instructors of the children's summer city camp. Despite the low popularity of the film, on the IMDB website it has a high rating - 7.2 points.

2013 and 2014 also did not leave a large track in the acting biography of Ross. Despite the sufficient number of filming, the actor participated in low-budget films that did not save the approval of the public. More or less successful work during this time was only the role in the episode "Happiland" - mini-series of teenage topics.

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In 2015, Batler's career began to align. Not only failed picture "Game Hacker", but also a fairly successful musical "Summer. Beach. Cinema "with Ross Lynch in the lead role. Butler played in secondary composition, but the character received enough on-screen time to remember the audience.

In addition, in 2015, the actor first appeared in the episode of the series "Kay Xi. Under the cover of the "comedy spy sitcom with a teenage target audience. The main role in the series was performed by Zendai - a young American star. Butler himself is a hot fan of the girl's talent.

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The best project of 2015 for Ross became a multi-sieuled melodrama "Challenge for Life". The actor got a small role, but in 3 episodes, and the serial itself received positive evaluations of critics and spectators.

In 2016, Batler was invited to shoot a successful and large project: the series "Volchonok" (in Russia it is still translated as "Werewolf"). Ross appeared in the three episodes and played Nathan, the player in Lacrosse, with which Malia met, one of the main characters.

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Breakthrough 2016, in many respects determined the further success of Ross, is shooting in Riverdalee. The series with standard teenage topics turned out to be very successful. Butler played a minor role, but the character was characteristic, which means memorable. The audience was loved by Reggie Mantla, an urban humorist and an extremely frivolous guy. In the 2nd season, the role of the actor was planned to expand, but in the end, instead of Ross, the audience saw Charles Melton on this role.

Ross Butler and Charles Melton

The cause of such a sharp change was the employment of Ross in the series "13 reasons why". This multi-dimensional drama is also as many serials with battlers, spinning around teenage topics. But, unlike "Riverdayla," laugh there for nothing.

"13 reasons why" is a severe tale about teenage cruelty, its causes and consequences. The main storyline is based on the suicide of a young girl (performed by Catherine Langford), which before death accuses everyone involved.

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Unlike Riverdayl with a noticeable, but secondary role, "13 reasons why" allowed Ross to play in the first composition. Battler Character, Zac Daimsi - Dual Nature. On the one hand, this is a typical athlete, looting and not too smart. On the other hand, in the series, they repeatedly show that Zack is more complicated than it seems, and is capable of deep feelings.

Personal life

Ross Butler is a person about which there is not a single secular gossip. Not that he aimedly hid a personal life, just there is no actor. At first, the guy frankly admitted that he did not want to build a relationship, as he was aimed at his career. Then the career went uphill, but the girl in Ross never appeared.

Ross Butler and his dog

The guy himself is no longer happy for this: in his account in "Instagram" you can find a post where the Butler shares with the subscribers to use the service of online dating. Ross wrote that nothing attractive alone sees and does not want to live "only 12 dogs in the company."

Ross Butler is a versatile person, and he has many hobbies. He is musical - knows how to play an acoustic guitar, and also sings. At the same time, listen to the guy prefers non-melodic ballads, but rap.

To maintain the physical form, the actor regularly visits the gym, and it brings the result: with a height of 189 cm, it weighs 97 kg and boasts a relief muscles.

Ross Butler in the gym

A lot of free time, the artist pays to computer games - Ross avid gamer. However, if you judge the photo in social networks, read the Butler also loves and owns a collection of books and graphic novels Nile Gamean.

There is a celebrity and an unexpected hobby - Ross collects baseball caps with a rare design.

As a friend's search for a friend, the actor says that the path to His heart lies through hobbies. A girl who fonds by literature, music and computer games, unambiguously attract the attention of the actor.

Ross Butler now

In 2018, the actor continues to be filmed in "13 reasons why" is the main project in which Ross is involved. In addition, Batler starred in the comedy "Shazam!" Based on the comic book about the guy with special talents. The main character of the film is a boy whose superpost - turn into an adult superhero.

Ross Butler in 2018

Ross says about his further acting plans that he does not want to go on the stereotypical amplua of Asians and play masters of oriental martial arts. The most frequent images are joker and athletes, far from martial arts.


  • 2013 - "Especially grave crimes"
  • 2014 - "Happiland"
  • 2014 - "Two bedrooms"
  • 2015 - "Hacker game"
  • 2015 - "Summer. Beach. Cinema 2 "
  • 2015 - "Pursuage for Life"
  • 2015 - "Kay Xi. Under cover"
  • 2016 - "Werewolf"
  • 2016 - "Riverdale"
  • 2017 - "13 reasons why"
  • 2018 - "Hacker's Game Redux"
  • 2019 - "Shazam!"

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