Peter Glebov - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death



Peter Glebov is an outstanding actor who has become a legend of Russian cinema. The hereditary nobleman, he was forced to hide his origin to embody the dream of the scene. Glebovu got a difficult life: Glory came late, and in his youth there were war and other deprivation, but he never dug and remained an energetic and cheerful man until the end of the days.

Childhood and youth

A future actor in Moscow was born on April 14, 1915. He was an outcomes from the noble family: Glebovi was related to Count Vasily Orlovy-Denisov, Princes Trubetsky and Golitsyn. Some historians believe that his family was associated with Lvy Tolstoy, and the grandmother of the actor Sofya Nikolaevna Trubetskaya is the prototype of Natasha Rostova.

Full Peter Glebov.

Childhood boy along with his parents spent in the village of Nazaria near Zvenigorod. There they moved from the capital to hide from the revolution. Glebova's father was a connotist, there were five children in the family. Peter Petrovich loved to remember his early childhood surrounded by close people and picturesque nature around, but this peaceful stage of his biography ended quickly.

When Peter was 7 years old, his father died of typhus. Bolsheviks came to their house. From the spacious mansion, the mother and children were evicted to the wagon, and in the building placed the children's boarding school. The family had hard: they had almost no clothes and shoes, they had to be almost hungry. Despite this, Glebov remained in their homeland, although relatives suggested them to move abroad.

Peter Glebov in youth

After graduating from the seventel, Peter entered the landlocative school. The place of study was chosen at random - then he did not even imagine what it was for the institution and who would still work. Only after the end of the educational institution, the young man became interested in the theater and tried to enter the Dramatic Studio named after Stanislavsky. It turned out not from the first time, but Glebov supported the elder brother of George, who persuaded him to another attempt.

The actor had to hide his noble origin. In the questionnaires, Peter pointed out that his mother is a housewife, and the Father - Agronom, however, when entering the studio at the insistence, he still indicated genuine data.

"Petya, write from the" nobles "! - Announted then Maria Alexandrovna. - First, it is true, secondly, I was deprived of the right to vote and other things. And it passed. But the main thing, my son, you are a nobleman! "
Peter Glebov.

Glebov managed to learn from the real masters of the scene, including the Konstantin Stanislavsky itself. He was part of the adoptive commission, and Peter's speech with the Krylovskaya Basney "Two men" was touched by him almost to tears. Subsequently, the Master paid close attention to a talented newcomer, taught his system and forced to believe it. Gleb then recalled him with warmth and gratitude.


In 1941, a young graduate took to theatrical troupe, but he did not have time to play even one season - war began. Peter went to the front volunteer and got into the anti-aircraft artillery regiment, where he served until the victory.

Peter Glebov in youth

At leisure, the artist entertained the colleagues with singing and playing the guitar, and during the time of the clutch, he put on performances in the regimental club. On May 9, 1945, the actors went on the stage for the production of "three sisters" and suddenly heard the cries of the "victory!". Glebov remembered this moment for life, although she subsequently did not like to remember the military past.

For the service, Peter Petrovich received numerous awards, including the Order of the Red Star and the Medal "For the Defense of Moscow". After demobilization, the actor returned to the troupe of the native theater and spent the next 20 years there, playing in the famous performances - "Salem witch", "Turbine Days", "Three Sisters".


In the cinema Glebov for a long time had to be limited to episodic roles. He played secondary characters in the paintings "Favorite Girl", "Pinwork and Shepherd", "Murder on Dante Street" and Novelna from the Kinnamana "Rodibiim Spots" called "I don't remember anything."

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Glebova's star hour was the invitation to the film "Quiet Don" - this day the actor then considered his cinematographic birthday. He came to the sample for the company with another Alexander Svorin, and the director drew attention to Peter Petrovich thanks to his voice. In his candidacy, Gregory Melekhov director was confused by a lot - age (then Glebov was already 40, and it was necessary to play a 20-year-old guy), the lack of a hubber on the nose - important character signs.

As a result, the last word remained by the author of Roman Mikhail Sholokhov. After reviewing trial entries, he resolutely voted for Glebov, and after this role actor recognized the whole country. Age partially managed to hide with a grima, and the hubber was made of a special resin. 1958 All-Union Film Festival jury awarded him for the best male role.

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The following on-screen images in the filmography of Peter Petrovich were also successful, but no longer had such a huge success. He starred in the "Tsarist Bride", "Emelyan Pugachev", as well as in the film "Kooming Front". In 1983, Glebov received the State Prize named after the Vasilyev brothers, and later for the role in the film "Flame" - Silver Medal named after Alexander Dovzhenko.

In 1959, Peter Petrovich became a deserved artist of the RSFSR, and in 1974 - folk.

Personal life

The actor was married the only time and, according to friends, happy in his personal life. He chose the future spouse not among the fans, but in a friendly circle. Marina Levitskaya first reacted to the young man cool, but over time, he appreciated his kindness and sincerity.

Peter Glebov with daughters

In 1948, they painted and lived together for 52 years. Couple had two children. Olga Glebova's eldest daughter in 1981 presented the father of Fedor's grandson.

According to the memoirs of family members, the actor touchingly and thoughtfully belonged to loved ones. Glebov never forgot about the next wedding anniversary and, if he could not at that moment, congratulate his wife personally, sent her a telegram.


In recent years, the actor suffered from heart disease. His last filmmaker was the picture "Saga ancient Bulgar". The cinema was filmed in raw and cold rooms, Glebov has bothered, and he developed bronchitis. The actor was forced to refuse filming for health.

After some time, Peter Petrovich was hospitalized with heart attack. According to the memoirs of the daughter, he could keep the presence of the spirit: he sang a romance to the neighbors around the ward, tried to do charging, joked with doctors and nurses.

Mogila Peter Glebova

He died at home on April 14, 2000. 3 days before the death of Glebov turned 85 years old. Doctors forbade him to move and told to lie in bed, but he, always active and energetic, did not want to recognize his weakness. When the postman called on the door, Glebov rose sharply and immediately fell. Later, the doctors found that the cause of death was a broken thrombus.

Petr Petrovich Glebov rests on the Vagankov cemetery in Moscow. In 2009, his beloved wife Marina Alekseevna buried next to him. At the monument of the actor instead of the photo - a bas-relief portrait in the image of Grigoria Melekhova holding a horse's head. On the grave, you can often see bright red carnations - the favorite flowers of Glebov, who bring children and fans.


  • 1954 - "I don't remember anything"
  • 1958 - "Quiet Don"
  • 1961 - "Raised virgin"
  • 1961 - "Baltic Sky"
  • 1963 - "Mozart and Salieri"
  • 1970 - "About friends-comrades"
  • 1971 - "Kooming Front"
  • 1972 - "Unknown, whom everyone knew"
  • 1974 - "Flame"
  • 1981 - "Men! .."
  • 1982 - "Formula of Light"
  • 1985 - "On the steepness"
  • 1986 - "Without the statute of limitations"
  • 1986 - "Premiere in Sosnovka"
  • 1993 - "Brave Guys"

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